Promoting differentiated highway tolls and promoting the issuance of long-term national highway construction bonds … The transport sector will do these important things next year | Daily Economic News


12month24Day, the Ministry of Transport held2021National Transportation Work Conference

The meeting concluded2020Year andThirteenth quinquennialTransport work, analyze the situation and deploy2021Years of work.

The “Daily Economic News” reporter learned about the business meeting,2020In 2009, China’s high-quality transportation development progressed steadily, and the implementation of the “Scheme for Building a Strong Transportation Country” was accelerated.

Meeting disclosure,2020China achieved the opposite growth in investment in fixed assets in transportation. Investment in fixed assets is expected to be completed throughout the year.34247100 million yuan, of which rail7780100 million yuan, roads and waterways25417100 million yuan, civil aviation1050100 million yuan.

National investment in railway fixed assets in 2020 (Unit: 100 million yuan)

Investment in fixed transport is expected to be completed next year2.4Billions

The “Daily Economic News” reporter learned about the work conference,2020China’s transportation infrastructure network was upgraded in 2010. The railway’s operating mileage is expected to be put into production throughout the year4585Kilometers, of which high-speed train2416Km, recently renovated (expanded) highway12713Km, the new and improved high-level waterway is about600Kilometers, newly added urban rail transit operating mileage1100Kilometres.

Image Source: Xinhua News Agency

After a centralized boarding and system conversion, the toll collection system of the highway network works stably.ETCThe usage rate exceeds67%, Average vehicle speed increasessixteen%, Average daily congestion at slow moving toll stations decreasesSixty-five%, Congestion at provincial toll stations has become a story.

With the in-depth implementation of the domestic demand expansion strategy, investment in fixed assets in transportation will be promoted to maintain a high level and it is expected to complete the investment in fixed assets in transportation next year.2.4About a trillion yuan.2021In 2010, the improvement of the transport infrastructure network will be accelerated. Promote the construction of the main skeleton of the national three-dimensional comprehensive transportation network. Accelerate the construction of central transportation clusters, central cities and central ports.

In terms of transport safety,2020In 2015, cargo volume maintained positive growth for many consecutive months, of whichelevenMonth-to-year growth7.1%The port’s cargo performance is expected to be completed throughout the year.145.7Billion tons, a year-on-year increase4.4%; Express business volume advance800Billions of parts, a year-on-year increase30%. Passenger transport continued to recover steadily,elevenMonthly operational passenger traffic has returned to the same period last year67.4%

Also, the whole country303Cities above the prefectural level and505All cities at the county level have achieved all-in-one transportation interoperability. At the same time, the relevant departments are studying to solve the problem of the “digital divide” of senior travel.

As the prevention and control of the epidemic in China have achieved important strategic results in helping the economy take the lead in recovery, next year’s commercial passenger traffic is expected to increase year on year.fifty%Around, back to2019Annual90%Around; the volume of commercial freight increased year after year6%~9%Around the port cargo throughput increased3%~7%about.

2021In the next year, efforts will be made to improve the level of transportation services. Promote and regulate the development of personalized passenger transport.twentyAll provinces have popularized electronic road passenger ticketing services and promoted “face sweep” pit stops. Continue to expand the interconnection and convenient application of the transport card. Promote the optimization of the safety inspection process between railways, civil aviation and urban rail transit.ETCSpecial actions to improve the service.

Image Source: Xinhua News Agency

Promote the reform of the division of powers and fiscal responsibilities in the transport sector

2021In 2010, the transportation industry will further deepen transportation reform.

One is to deepen the reform of the management system and mechanism. Promote local governments to deepen the reform of the comprehensive transport management system. Implement important strategies to serve the regions and establish and improve a comprehensive transportation development coordination mechanism.

The second is to deepen reforms in key areas of transportation. Promote market-oriented reforms in the competitive links of the railway industry. Promote the independent operation of universal postal service companies and competitive companies.Deepen the reform of the highway system, optimize and improve highway policy and promote differentiated tolls on highways.Deepen investment and financing reform, promote the implementation of the reform of the division of fiscal power and spending responsibilities between central and local governments in the transport sector,Continue to stabilize the policies of special transportation funds, such as the vehicle purchase tax and the civil aviation development fund, promote the issuance of long-term national highway construction bonds, and study the general planning of the special funds transportation and long-term bond usage policies.

The reporter noted that last year7month10In Japan, the State Council issued the “Reform Plan for the Division of Financial Powers and Spending Responsibilities between Central and Local Governments in the Field of Transportation”, which divided the fiscal powers and spending responsibilities of the six reforms of roads, waterways, railways, civil aviation, postal services and integrated transport.

He Xingdong, deputy director of the Consulting Center of the Comprehensive Transportation Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Macroeconomics, once said in an interview with the “Daily Economic News” reporter that the reason for the reform is mainly due to the current division of fiscal powers in the field of transport. As for the spending powers and responsibilities of the national highways, the highways leading to the ports at the national level, the Beijing-Hangzhou Canal, the airports in general, etc., there is currently no clear issue of responsibility.

Furthermore, part of the current division of powers in the field of transportation is not reasonable. For example, local governments have been responsible for the powers and responsibilities of spending on roads, rivers, bridges, management of transport in and out of cars, and international navigable rivers in border areas. weight. However, the energy and spending responsibilities of general airports and intercity railways that basically serve the local area are not enough.

The third is to accelerate the formation of a unified and open transportation market. Accelerate the removal of trans-regional institutional barriers, improve market access and exit systems for construction, maintenance and transportation transportation, and break down hidden barriers. Strengthen operational monitoring and strengthen antitrust in the transportation sector. Deepen the reform of the cruise taxi pricing mechanism and accelerate the integration of the new and old taxi businesses.

Cover Image Source: Xinhua News Agency

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