Details of Two New Cases of Asymptomatic Infection from New Coronary Pneumonia Announced in Beijing | Beijing | Beijing | New Crown Pneumonia_Sina


Original title: Details of 2 new cases of asymptomatic infection of a new coronary pneumonia announced in Beijing

China News Service, Beijing, December 24 (Chen Hang) On the afternoon of the 24th, Beijing held a press conference on epidemic prevention and control. Pang Xinghuo, deputy director of the Beijing Center for Disease Control and Prevention, reported at the meeting that from 0:00 a.m. on December 23 to 4:00 p.m. on December 24, Beijing had recently reported 2 cases of infection. asymptomatic.

  The details are as follows:

Asymptomatic Infection 1: A 34-year-old man currently living in Lianzhu Garden Community, Konggang, Shunyi District, and is an employee of a company in Aobei Science and Technology Park, Haidian District. Their daily activities are mainly carried out near their residence and work. At 9:30 am on December 22nd, I took a nucleic acid test in Shunyi District for the graduate entrance exam. On the same day, I took Air China flight CA8347 from Beijing Capital Airport to Ningbo on a business trip. The nucleic acid test report was positive at 2:30 on December 23, and the Shunyi District Center for Disease Control and Prevention contacted him immediately, and the Beijing Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention simultaneously transferred relevant information to the Zhejiang Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention; On the same day, Ningbo City-related agencies merged with him. As a result of epidemiological investigations, clinical manifestations, and laboratory tests, patients diagnosed as asymptomatic infections have been transferred to designated local hospitals for isolation and observation.

At present, it has disinfected their work and living places, initially identifying 280 close contacts and 391 close contacts of close contacts, all of whom have implemented the relevant control measures; Shunyi District and Haidian District, respectively, have 1,970 residents of their residential communities. Nucleic acid tests were carried out with 3755 people in the park where the work unit is located, and the results were all negative; 624 environmental samples were collected in the places visited in Shunyi district in the last 14 days, and the results were all negative; 132 environmental samples were collected in the work park for analysis. , The results are all negative.

Asymptomatic infected person 2: a man, a native of Hebei, currently living in Financial Street, Xicheng District, Beijing, a restaurant employee, who performs cold chain related work. Arrived in Beijing from Tianjin on December 6, Xicheng District carried out a new routine corona nucleic acid test on cold chain practitioners on December 22, and the result was reported to be positive on December 23. , and was transferred by a negative pressure 120 ambulance to Ditan Hospital. Based on the results of the epidemiological history, clinical manifestations, laboratory tests and imaging tests, it was diagnosed as asymptomatic infection on December 24. At present, epidemiological investigations are being carried out and 224 close contacts have been preliminarily identified, who have disinfected their workplaces and homes, and have implemented the relevant control measures.

Pang Xinghuo said that the current situation of the epidemic situation in Beijing is serious and reminds the staff in centralized isolation and home medical observation to seriously comply with the isolation requirements and obey the prevention and control management not to go out. During the medical observation period, any physical abnormalities should be reported in time and medical attention sought as necessary to achieve early detection, early report, early isolation, and early treatment to reduce the risk of infectious disease transmission. Friends of the public are requested to always tighten the chain of epidemic prevention and control, implement standard prevention and control measures, and do not leave the country or Beijing unless necessary; it is best not to leave Beijing before the nucleic acid test is done and the test result is not returned.

Pang Xinghuo reminded that one should consciously develop health habits such as scientifically wearing and wearing masks when going out, washing hands frequently, ventilating frequently, collecting less, using public chopsticks and meter-long noodles to prevent infectious diseases of the respiratory tract and digestive in winter; For mail and packages from abroad or from domestic medium and high risk areas, the surface of the items should be disinfected first; After handling fresh frozen food and the outer packaging, you should wash your hands immediately and do not touch your mouth, nose, eyes, etc. with your hands before washing your hands. , Cutting boards, kitchen knives, dishes, etc. to handle frozen seafood and other foods should be separated from raw, cooked and cleaned in time; if symptoms such as fever, dry cough, fatigue, decreased sense of smell and taste, etc. occur, they should immediately go to the nearest fever clinic and actively report 14 Activity history and contact history during the day; wear a mask during medical treatment, stay away from others and try to avoid taking public transportation.
