In 2021, the construction of the housing rental market will have a broad and standardized development, which requires multiple measurements and precise measurements


Original title: In 2021, the construction of the housing rental market will have a broad and standardized development, which requires multiple measurements and precise measurements

In recent years, China’s urbanization construction has accelerated comprehensively, and the demand for urban rental has further freed up, stimulating rental housing.marketpotential. However, with the rapid development of the housing rental market, some of the existing weaknesses also need to be urgently resolved.

Central Economyjobsmeeting, Clearly stated that “we must attach great importance to the construction of affordable rental housing, accelerate the improvement of long-term rental housing policies and make rental housing enjoyable.Public serviceIt has the same right to regulate and develop the long-term rental housing market ”. In this sense,to acceptIndustry experts interviewed by a Securities Daily reporter believe that 2021 will be a crucial year to accelerate rental housing to make up for shortcomings and redouble efforts to promote both the rental and purchase housing system. Regulating market development requires multiple precise policies and measures.

In recent years, the importance of the rental housing market has become increasingly prominent, especially in large priceIn the context of high-end businesses, the importance of a healthy and stable rental housing market in solving the housing problem of new citizens has become more prominent.

“Since the problem of high house prices in the country is mainly concentrated in first-tier cities and some second-tier cities, the key internal reason is the contradiction between housing supply and demand. Therefore, To effectively curb the problem of excessively rapid house prices, increase the rents of housing in large citiessupplyIt will be a long-term trend. “UeshininvestmentMa Hong, the Institute’s principal investigator, said in an interview with a reporter for the Securities Daily.

It should be noted that the National Conference on Housing and Urban-Rural Works held on December 21, when urban-rural housing and construction works were deployed in 2021, clearly proposed to vigorously develop rental housing and solve outstanding problems in large cities. . Standardize the development of the housing rental market and accelerate the cultivation of specialized and large-scale housing, Establish a solid platform for housing rental management services Rectify leaseMarket order,specificationMarket behavior

“This year’s Central Economic Conference focused more on rental housing construction and proposed a number of specific support measures, covering market regulations, policy improvements,landIncrease in supply and reduction of taxes and fees The system of construction of rental housing andMarket systemIt is expected to be more complete and robust. “Communications BankXia Dan, a senior researcher at the Center for Financial Research, said in an interview with a reporter for the Securities Daily.

So how do you regulate the development of the long-term rental housing market? The answer given by Wu Chaoming, chief economist at Caixin Securities, is that the system and policy systems such as land, finance, taxation and taxation, supervision and legislation must be implemented simultaneously and precisely.

He explained to the “Securities Daily” reporter that on the one hand, it is necessary to increase the effective supply of rental housing in large and medium-sized cities, and improve housingquality,SinceOffer sideThe reform realizes “housing and non-speculative housing.” Long-term rental housing in ChinaMarket demandProsperous, it is necessary to solve the problem of housing demand in stages through the rental market. In the short term, it can be revitalizedValuesIncrease the effective supply of housing, as inactiveindustrydealOffice buildings are converted to rental housing, and multi-suite families are encouraged to use surplus housing for commercial leasing; In the long term, land and tax and fiscal policies should support the long-term rental housing market. For example, the supply of land is tilted towards the construction of rental housing to reduce the tax burden on rental housing Please wait.

On the other hand, it is necessary to strengthen the regulation of the order of the housing rental market and prevent financial risks. Long-term rental housing in ChinaMarket policyThe system is not robust and it is necessary to regulate the market order. In terms of legislation, it is necessary to accelerate the introduction of relevant laws and regulations to standardize market behavior and purify the market order; in terms of supervision, to speed up the registration and submission of rental housing, the government can help to build a housing rental information platform to improve information transparency; In terms of financial support, risks must be addressed Under the premise of a controllable and sustainable business, increase theCreditSupport the force.

Xia Dan said that capital has invaded the long-term rental market. Many rapidly expanding long-term rental companies frequently “blow up” due to a lack of operational management capacity. At the same time, they have used the “rental loan” model to link tenant parties, operators and financial institutions. Greater risks can extend into this closed-loop chain. This year’s Central Conference on Economic Work called for “improving long-term rental policies, regulating the development of the long-term rental market,” “rectifying the order of the rental market, and standardizing market behavior.” This is not only to prevent internal risks in the rental market, but also to prevent the risks of irregular use of financial instruments abroad. spread.

Ma Hong said that rectifying the chaos in the long-term rental housing market and regulating the financial behavior of rental housing are part of the short-term policy focus. The keynote of the short-term policy will mainly be to rectify the housing rental market and standardize the market behavior, adequately control the financing scale of housing rental companies and guide the housing rental industry, especially the market. long-term housing, to gradually return to the path of rational development; Long-term adherence to “housing and not speculation”, accelerate Improve long-term rental housing policy, gradually enable the “same right to rent and purchase” and standardize the development of the long-term rental housing market.

(Source: Securities Daily)

(Editor in charge: DF387)

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