[Entrevista de primera línea]14 schools closed in Jinzhou, Dalian, closed | Epidemic | The Epoch Times


[La Gran Época 22 de diciembre de 2020](Reported by Epoch Times reporters Hong Ning and Gu Xiaohua) China’s epidemics continue to appear from north to south. After Dalian added a confirmed case and a so-called “asymptomatic infection” on the 20th, the Jinzhou district where the case was located was closed, 14 schools were closed, and general outpatient clinics in some hospitals were suspended. In addition, confirmed cases have appeared in Guangdong, Shanghai, Inner Mongolia, Fujian, and elsewhere.

On December 21, Dalian City announced the status of the newly confirmed cases, saying that Dalian City had a new confirmed case on the 20th, which turned from a local asymptomatic infection into a confirmed case, adding a new “local asymptomatic infection”. .

The newly confirmed case is reportedly 46-year-old Zhang, manager of Dalian Haohan Enterprise Management Co., Ltd., located in Jinrun Community, Jinpu New District, Jinzhou, Dalian. On December 16, he was isolated as a close contact for an asymptomatic infection. The nucleic acid test result was positive on day 17 and was considered an asymptomatic infection, and she was diagnosed as a confirmed case on December 20.

At the same time, Zhang’s main schedule was announced for the period December 10-15, which included: working at the Dayaowan Port bulk cargo terminal; dine with colleagues at “Flavor and Fresh Home Cooking Restaurant” in Jinrun Community Zone B; and go to Northeast No. 2 Street Hanting Express Hotel; to the Green Town Xiangyang Hotel, etc.

Due to the epidemic, 14 schools in the new Dalian Jinpu District will be suspended as of December 21, including: District Special Education School, Dalian 117 Middle School, Jinrun Elementary School, Green Elementary School, Middle School of the Development Zone No. 3, Development Zone No. 2 High School, Dalian 118 High School, etc.

In addition, the government notified the new Jinpu district that all public places in Friendship, Xianjin, Yongzheng, Guangzhong and in front of the station would be closed.


Zhang Mei (pseudonym), owner of a snack bar in Jinhua District, Jinzhou District, told the Epoch Times reporter: “The entire Jinzhou District has been closed, and the camp has been closed. It was suddenly closed. without prior notice”.

Ms. Zhang said that the supermarket emptied early in the morning because the government could not trust it. “It closed at 7:10 in the morning. As soon as the city was closed, anyone who was not shopping, the supermarket started taking it away.”


Authorities suddenly closed the area without warning, causing many businesses to suffer. Ms. Zhang asked, “Who can take it? It’s okay to go to work and the business isn’t broke. How can I open a restaurant to buy those vegetables? Wait for it to break? … Who will pay the loss? “The rent, more water and electricity, I throw away all the money I have in one day. I get angry and die!”

Ms. Zhang said that none of the people in Jinzhou District can go out today, and their communities are also closed, so they can only go out with a card. You have to wait until tomorrow for more detailed rules, like how many times you can go out a day. As for how many days it was sealed, I don’t know.

Guangzhou hotel employee infection

Besides Dalian, there is also a new case of the so-called “asymptomatic infection” in Nansha District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province. The case is a 31-year-old woman who is a member of the Pulin Hotel staff. All three nucleic acid tests above were negative.

Li Run (pseudonym), a villager from Dongyong Village, Nansha District, told The Epoch Times that the employee worked in Dongyong Town and now the village has been closed and classes have been closed in her area of ​​activity. However, I received a notice in the afternoon and it was released around 3pm and people can leave town.

An owner from Tung Chung Township said they are no longer in business and have stopped working. This morning, take-out can be delivered, but food in the store will not work. I don’t know when it opened, they all had nucleic acid tests.

A Dawen Village villager said his village has been unlocked.

Recently, the CCP virus (Wuhan virus, COVID-19) has spread from north to south on the continent. Heilongjiang Provincial Health Commission announced that Dongning City recently confirmed a local diagnosis on the 20th, and that it is a husband and wife relationship with the previous diagnosis.

There were 8 new confirmed cases in Shanghai, but authorities claimed that all were “overseas immigration” and all came from the same flight from Russia.

Since the outbreak of the epidemic, the CCP has covered up the epidemic and, in later confirmed cases, has always claimed that the virus originated from foreign imports and imported food from the cold chain.

Editor in Charge: Gao Jing # #
