Will New US Bailout Plan Be Postponed Again? Trump Suspects Too Little Cash Issued


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Original title: Will the new US bailout plan be postponed again? Trump thinks cash is too little, asks for more

Source: China Business News

“Republicans have repeatedly refused to say how much the president wants on the check. In the end, the president said he asked for $ 2,000. Democrats are ready to discuss this this week. Let’s take action,” Pelosi said.TwitterSaid in.

US President Trump said Tuesday night that he cannot sign the new round of bailout bills passed by Congress just a day ago.

“This is a ‘new crown’ bailout bill, but it has basically nothing to do with the new crown. Send me the appropriate bill. Otherwise, let the next government out,” Trump announced in Twitter Said in a recorded video.

 Trump calls for more cash

Trump criticized in the video that the bill included too much “wasted funds and unnecessary expenses”, but “little pathetic” in the distribution of cash.

Trump requested that the current bill that awards $ 600 to each family be increased to $ 2,000, or $ 4,000 for the couple.

On the night of the 21st, after the House of Representatives passed the $ 900 billion bill with a vote of 359 to 53, the Senate also passed the bill with a vote of 91 to 7 around 12 of the night that night.

Senate Majority Leader McConnell stated before the vote that night that while “no one thinks this bailout bill is perfect, a majority of both parties understand that this bill can bring unlimited benefits and will be delivered. . To the president’s table. “

Although Trump asked Congress to amend the bill in video that night, he did not make it clear that he would veto the bill entirely. If Trump does exercise the right to veto the bill, Congress must override the president’s veto by a majority in the House of Representatives and the Senate.

Previously, it was widely believed that Trump would immediately sign the bill, and thus Trump’s “threat not to sign” that night stunned the outside world.

Since the outbreak of the novel corona pneumonia virus in the United States in 2020, this is the first economic stimulus plan approved by Congress since April, and is also regarded by the outside world as the last before the end of the period. of the 116th Congress on January 3, 2021. Important Legislation.

  The bill is too long to draw public ire

The total size of the bill that disappointed Trump was $ 2.3 trillion, including $ 900 billion in aid for the epidemic and $ 1.4 trillion in the 2021 budget.

Trump said in a video that day that Congress began negotiations with Democrats on a new bailout bill a few months ago, but Democrats have been obstructing negotiations on the bailout bill all summer. At the same time, the bill that Congress now sends to the White House desk is vastly different from the version previously expected.

“This is really a shame.” Trump said the bill is more than 5,000 pages long and contains complex content. Few members of Congress have time to read the entire text of the bill.

Trump noted that he opposed the various funds included in the legislation for foreign aid and domestic spending for the Smithsonian Museum and other projects. In addition, he also opposed the bill that allows families of illegal immigrants to contribute 1,800 per person. Cash rescue in US dollars.

“This far exceeds the amount ($ 600) that most Americans receive,” Trump said.

After Trump released a video that night asking Congress to “stack” the cash, House Speaker Pelosi immediately released a statement saying she supports increasing the number of checks in the stimulus plan. .

“Republicans have repeatedly refused to say how much the president wants on the check. In the end, the president said he asked for $ 2,000. Democrats are ready to discuss this this week. Let’s take action,” Pelosi said on Twitter. .

However, Senator Schumer, the leader of the minority party in the Senate and a Democratic senator from New York, said Trump should sign the bill first and then other bills that may increase aid funding.

There are also two opinions in the Republican field on the new bailout bill: “The president signs or does not sign” the new bailout bill: the party that agrees to Trump’s immediate signature believes that the first version is signed which both parties have finally reached, to save jobs and save jobs. Lifetime; However, Republicans who oppose the bill’s large scale said the United States should restore the economy in another way, reduce obvious budget waste, and not leave huge debts to future generations.

Republican senators also noted that the legislation is problematic because the bill is thousands of pages long and members of Congress only have a few hours to read these bills before voting. It can take months to understand the relevant content. Therefore, they cannot admit this faulty program.

Massive information, accurate interpretation, all in the Sina Finance APP

Editor in charge: Liu Xuanyi
