High-speed train “silent cars” will shut down entertainment facilities repeatedly to discourage passengers from being “blacklisted” _Service


Original title: The “silent cars” of the high-speed train will turn off the volume of the entertainment facilities. Repeated failure to listen to discourage passengers from being “blacklisted”

Starting on December 24, the department of railways will test “silent wagon” services on some trains of the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway and the Chengdu-Chongqing high-speed railway. Beginning December 23 (today), passengers can voluntarily choose to purchase “silent cars” tickets when purchasing tickets. A reporter from Beiqing-Beijing Toutiao visited the “Silent Cars” in advance today and learned that the “Silent Cars” will introduce a series of silent services, and the repeated deterrence of non-silent behaviors can be included in the credit management of the transportation of rail passengers.

Today, a reporter from Beiqing-Beijing Toutiao logged into the mobile app of the 12306 railway and tried to buy tickets for the G1 train of the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed train, the pilot train on the 24th. traditional “seat selection option”, you will be asked to train There are “silent cars”.

After the passenger clicks, first assign a seat to “Silent Car” and the system will assign the seat to Car 3. The Department of Railways indicated that currently the “silent cars” of the pilot trains are located all located in 2nd class seat car # 3.

After clicking the “Mute car” message, the system will automatically display 5 “Mute” agreements. Stay quiet in the “quiet car”; use headphones or turn off the external sound source function when using various electronic devices; turn your mobile phone to a silent or vibrating state; leave the “silent car” when making calls or talking to each other; Please take care of your children and avoid making noise. Special Reminder: Passengers with infants are not recommended to purchase “silent carriages”.

The Beiqing-Beijing Toutiao reporter noted that when the order was submitted, the railway department also recalled that the remaining seats could not meet the needs of passengers and that the system would automatically assign seats to passengers.

“Silent Cars” turns off the volume of entertainment facilities and boosts services without interference

On the same day, the G1 Fuxing train stopped at platform 13 of the Beijing South Railway Station. The “silent car” number 3 that will open on the 24th is next to the first class cars and business seats. Sun Xiaoying, secretary of the second team of the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway, general branch of the Beijing passenger transportation section of China Railway Beijing Bureau Group Co., Ltd., told the Beiqing-Beijing Toutiao reporter that they will launch a series of silent services after the official launch of “Silent Cars” on the 24th.

First, a “quiet car” reminder sign and a service reminder card will be installed on the car, so that passengers can understand their location while having a clearer understanding of the services they can enjoy.

Second, the driver will turn off the volume (TV) of the in-train entertainment system, only maintain the necessary transmissions, and lower the volume of the transmission to meet the normal travel needs of the passengers.

Also, during train operation, the driver will close the power doors on both sides of the “silent car” to keep it automatically closed at any time to isolate noise at the windshield connection.

As for the service, the “silent car” provides uninterrupted services to passengers throughout the trip, the driver does not overtake the car as much as possible, if necessary, he will do it silently and as soon as possible. At the same time, the “Silent Car” provides passengers with a service guide, so that passengers can more clearly know the location of their toilets and electric tea stoves. You don’t need to ask, and every seat has a scan code ordering service, so you don’t need to get up. Enjoy for lunch or dinner.

The silent service reminds passengers without silencing that they have repeatedly refused to listen to discourage passengers from being “blacklisted.”

Regarding non-silent behaviors, such as making and making phone calls loudly in the “silent car”, opening mobile phones, etc., Sun Xiaoying said that for passengers who really need it, the driver will provide voice service smooth to guide passengers to the car connection point to make and receive calls. Determining ineffective and non-silent behaviors can be included in the credit management of rail passenger transport.

For the launch of the “silent car” service, Mr. Li, the passenger who took the G1 train that day, expressed his support. “We often travel for business, catching the trains that arrive early or late. Sometimes we catch up on the train. When we encounter loud noises and use mobile phones, we can only use silent earplugs. After it is put on drive the car quiet, Provide a quiet environment for travelers who need to rest. “

The specific train numbers that can be selected as “Silent Cars” are:

Beijing-Shanghai high-speed train: G1, G2, G3, G4, G5, G6, G9, G12, G13, G16, G17, G22 times

Chengdu-Chongqing high-speed train: G8601, G8606, G8609, G8616, G8619, G8626, G8627, G8632, G8635 times

The content comes from the main customer in Beijing.

Responsible editor: Zhu Jiaqi (EN042)Return to Sohu to see more
