Jiangsu Mobile Bridges the Digital Divide to Help Older People Integrate into the Information Society | Jiangsu Mobile | Mobile | Digital Divide_Sina Technology_Sina.com


Original Title: Jiangsu Mobile Bridges the Digital Divide and Helps Older People Integrate into the Information Society

Statistics show that there are 254 million people aged 60 and over in China, and almost 80% of them have not used the Internet in all of 2019. With the rapid development of information technology such as the Internet, big data and artificial intelligence in China, production and lifestyles are gradually changing. Many older people do not know the Internet or use smartphones, and the problem of the “digital divide” has become increasingly prominent.

In the digital age, how can older people be left behind? The General Office of the State Council issued the “Implementation Plan to effectively solve the difficulties of the elderly in the use of smart technology”, which set out 20 key tasks of seven high-frequency issues, such as emergency response, daily trips , medical treatment and consumption.

For the elderly to catch up with the smart era

According to the characteristics and needs of the elderly

Start with offline experience, online services, custom products, etc.

Strengthen the “suitable for the elderly” product service model

Unleash the responsibility of the communications industry

Perform “digital feedback”

Help older people to integrate into the information society

Share convenient digital services

From service to classroom, offline digitization

To enable seniors to better adapt and integrate into smart society and enjoy greater convenience, Mobile started from the immediate field and started the offline mode of “helping seniors”. In many mobile business rooms, you can see special guides that are off the counter, ready to assist seniors entering the room with business processing, smartphone operation, and health code registration. At the same time, the business room is also stocked with reading glasses, medical kits and other convenience products, and older customers are expecting special seats, which are unanimously praised by older customers.

Not only that, mobile volunteers often hold “Senior Mobile Classes” to popularize the basic knowledge and skills of using smartphones for seniors, and demonstrate how to download and use common applications in life.

In addition, Jiangsu Mobile also launched specific services on the offline site and priority reception services provided flexibly. Provide scene-wide printing and payment services in business rooms It is worth mentioning that the business room supports cash, bank cards and third party payments for a long time, and provides printing services for electronic invoices, invoices and acceptance forms business for older clients, to really be “old age.”

The Mobile Volunteer “Mobile Classes” Popular with Seniors

Provide door-to-door service outside of the business room. Uncle Guo, who lives in Wumen Community, Feng County, Xuzhou, retired 28 years ago. The biggest change in your life is from reading newspapers and understanding current affairs to using the Xueqianguo app to search for news every day. The old man said with a smile: “With the help of mobile volunteers, I am also making waves.”

Mobile volunteers teach Uncle Guo how to use smartphonesMobile volunteers teach Uncle Guo how to use smartphones

Online “face brushing” prevents running and can also “authorize agent”

In the digital age, innovative online services suitable for seniors are a must. In terms of online business rooms, Jiangsu Mobile provides palm room services in “minimalist version” and preferably offers “5G tilt and turn seating” services to quickly access manual online “face-to-face” services for customers. greater. At present, “Yuntai seats” have been marketed in Nanjing, and Wuxi, Xuzhou, Suqian, Yangzhou, etc. are being tested, and their promotion across the province is planned in the first quarter of 2021.

In addition, in order to meet the needs of older customers with physical disabilities to run their business, Jiangsu Mobile offers functions as an agency of family and friends, using online face comparison capabilities and plans to launch the function of “authorized agency in line “in January 2021. It is convenient for older customers to authorize business. In view of the situation of older people not signing, forgetting the service password, etc., we have formulated a specific service process and recommended that older customers conduct their business through the “face sweep” method to improve the business management experience of older customers.

Uncle Wang's daughter handled the new mobile phone's SIM card on his behalfUncle Wang’s daughter handled the new mobile phone’s SIM card on his behalf

Recently, Uncle Wang from Lianyungang used a newly purchased smartphone and had a lot of fun. Speaking of the fact that he couldn’t go to the business room to apply for a new SIM card due to cold weather and arthritis a while ago, Uncle Wang opened the talk box and said, “It’s great to move in.” It turned out that the Lianyungang mobile business room opened a “green channel of care” for the elderly who were not convenient to visit the room. As long as the agent provides valid certificates, power of attorney, and service passwords from both parties, they can handle related business in the designated business room, which is particularly convenient.

Custom-made “happiness card”, call intentional mush

For Aunt Zhang, who has a grandson in Nanjing, talking on the phone with her older sister in the northeast is the happiest for her, but every time she sees the mobile phone bill at the end of the month, Aunt Zhang instantly feels unhappy. The phone bill is over again. “

In order to allow the elderly to make phone calls at will, Jiangsu Mobile has launched a special product for the elderly market: “Happy Card”. This exclusive personalized product for older customers has a lower call cost, only 19 yuan a month, you can enjoy 2GB of national general data, the call is as low as 1 cent per minute, and the consumption is clear. What’s more intimate is that customers can also set up a free “Circle of Friends” chat with four family and friends. There is no additional charge for calling between a master code, four sub-numbers, and five numbers. Now, Aunt Zhang no longer feels distressed when talking on the phone, repeatedly praising “excellent value for money.”

Let the elderly be more happy in the development of computerization

It is the common responsibility of the whole society

As the “leader” of Jiangsu communication company

Jiangsu Mobile is promoting the rapid development of the industry at the same time

Give great importance to the protection of the rights and interests of related groups such as the elderly.

Help them to enjoy the wonderful life of the Internet age in all aspects.
