The supremacy of the people is the fundamental prerequisite for making the right decision


Know where to go, don’t be confused with the address; know what you’ve always done and never exhaust your motivation. The Central Conference on Economic Work, which has just concluded, profoundly summed up the regularity of economic work under severe challenges, emphasized that “the supremacy of the people is the fundamental prerequisite for making correct decisions” and took as its fundamental objective “to satisfy people’s growing needs for a better life. ” An important requirement to do well the economic work of the next year. This is the valuable experience gained by the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the nucleus of the overall planning of national and international situations, epidemic prevention and control, and economic and social development. It highlights the value of seeking the unwavering adherence of our party to the supremacy of the people.

The question of why people is a fundamental question and a touchstone for testing the nature of a political party and political power. The answer is built into the key decision at an important juncture. In this extraordinary year, faced with the sudden new epidemic of crown pneumonia, Secretary General Xi Jinping made it clear from the beginning that the safety and health of people must come first. Faced with the emergency situation where the economy and society can be seriously affected, what the party’s central bank wants, says and thinks is all about the people. He repeatedly emphasized the need to do a good job in the work of the “six stability”, fully implement the task of the “six guarantees” and intensely promote the implementation of various measures such as comprehensive protection, poverty alleviation and the restoration of production and order of life … It is precisely because “people” are always measured The measure of value of all work, our party can unite and lead the people in the “extraordinary” period, resist the “extraordinary” pressure, gather the “extraordinary” strength, obtain the “extraordinary” results, and achieve endurance in a relatively short period of time. The main strategic results of the fight against the new corona pneumonia epidemic have made China the only major economy in the world to achieve positive economic growth, and then judging the situation and drawing up a grand strategic plan for the next 5 or 15 years.

This answer sheet that is satisfied with the people, the world has attracted attention, and can be recorded in the annals of history is overwhelming proof: as long as you always have people in your heart and always put the interests of the people In the highest position, you will be able to make wise decisions, determine the best path and trust people to overcome all difficulties. Danger.

Next year is a year of special importance in China’s modernization process. It is of great importance to do economic work well and the risks and challenges we face remain great. The foundation for China’s economic recovery is not yet solid, and there are many uncertainties in the changes in the epidemic and the external environment. To promote a sustained economic recovery and high-quality development in an external environment with more headwinds and headwaters, it is inevitable that it is a stable “top sailboat” and that it withstands the “returning waves” and, most importantly , we must firmly understand the correctness in the general coordination of national and international situations. course. This requires that we take “the people first” as our guide for action, adhere to the views of the masses, stand firm in the position of the masses and follow the line of the masses in economic work, and “promote the theme of high-quality development “” to deepen the supply-side structural reforms “The main line” take reform and innovation as the fundamental driving force “and” meet the increasing needs of people for a life better as a fundamental objective “are organically integrated and integrated. The aim is to adhere to the concept of system, continue to do a good job in the “six stability” and the “six guarantees”, expand consumption and effective investment with the improvement of people’s livelihoods as a guide, link the achieving fuller and higher quality employment with the continuous improvement of people’s lives and promoting infrastructure Linking construction and compensating for deficiencies in people’s livelihoods, linking the consolidation and expansion of results of poverty alleviation with promoting rural revitalization, linking strengthening pollution prevention and provision of higher quality green products for people, and concentrating on doing our own business and developing ourselves. The certainty of the coverage against the uncertainty of the external environment.

From the new stage of development, crises coexist with new opportunities and changes coexist with new situations. The more chaotic the clouds fly overhead and the wind blows, the more you need to focus and deal with it calmly. If we persist in pointing the way forward with “the people first,” trusting closely in the people, continually benefiting them, and firmly rooting them, we can muster the confidence and determination to advance unhindered and bravely cross mountains.
