The first batch of vaccination of China’s new crown is expected to be completed on February 15, 50 million people | New corona pneumonia_Sina


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Original title: The first batch of China’s new vaccination crown is expected to be 50 million people and will be completed by February 15.

  (Health Times reporter Lin Jing)

  The new corona vaccine has hit the fast track for vaccinating key populations across the country.

  According to a press conference held by the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council on December 19, key populations will be vaccinated at the national level. On the night of December 20, Tao Lina, a former vaccine doctor with the Shanghai Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, told the Health Times that, according to industry sources, the first batch of new China’s corona vaccines will be vaccinated 50 million times, and the first dose will be completed on January 15. The second stitch was completed on February 15th. Details are still subject to the official release.

  “The application of the new crown vaccine from China is at the forefront of the world. China signed the emergency use of the new crown vaccine in July. The new crown vaccine is expected to be included by the end of this year or early 2021 and will officially launch in early April next year, “said Taolina. “And foreign countries just approved the emergency use of the new corona vaccine in December.”

New crown vaccine, profile picture, Niu Hongchao pictureNew crown vaccine, profile photo, photo of Niu Hongchao

  Treating Side Effects of the Vaccine

  The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention introduced a new corona vaccination guideline on the 19th that after the first batch of new corona vaccines was shipped to every state in the United States the Day 13, 272,000 people have been vaccinated in the United States and 6 people suffered serious illnesses during the observation period. The allergic reaction was treated immediately. The US Centers for Disease Control recalls that people who have had a severe allergic reaction to the first injection of the new corona vaccine should not receive the second. A so-called severe allergic reaction refers to people who need adrenaline treatment or hospitalization to relieve their symptoms.

  Currently, the FDA has approved two COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, one is jointly developed by Pfizer Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd. of the United States and the German Biotechnology Company, and the second COVID-19 vaccine is developed by the Modena Biotechnology Company of the United States and the National Research of Allergy and Infectious Diseases of the United States. Developed together.

  The side effects of the vaccine have caused concern.

  “There are many people who have some doubts about the safety of the new corona vaccine. In fact, this concern is unnecessary. The vaccine is different from the usual chemical drugs. The dose of chemical drugs is higher and the metabolic mechanism of entry to the body is more complicated., May cause liver and kidney damage or affect the fetus. The dose of the vaccine is very small and only stimulates the immune system. Vaccines that do not contain live microorganisms will have at most adverse reactions related to the immune system, like facial paralysis and allergies. Wait, these are expected too. “

  China’s new coronavirus vaccine has five technical routes, including inactivated vaccines, adenovirus vector vaccines, influenza virus vector vaccines, recombinant protein vaccines, and nucleic acid vaccines (mRNA vaccines, DNA vaccines ). “It can be said that the inactivated vaccines are the most mature vaccination technology. For example, the inactivated polio vaccine for children, the inactivated vaccine against hepatitis A, the hand-foot-mouth vaccine, the vaccine against rabies, etc., they are all inactivated vaccines. Rabies vaccines can even be vaccinated by pregnant women. ” Taolina said: “Recombinant protein vaccines have been very mature, including the hepatitis B vaccine (30-year history of application), the hepatitis E vaccine, the cervical cancer vaccine and the vaccine against Shingles. Adenovirus vector vaccine technology also has a multi-year history of application. “

  “The mRNA vaccine is a new technology. Before the emergency approval, the number of users in the world did not exceed 100,000. Compared with vaccines of other technologies, its safety risk is higher, but it will not have unexpected adverse reactions “. Tao Lina said.

  Pay attention to vaccination news from nearby community health service centers in time

  Our country’s current strategy for the vaccination of the new crown is to implement vaccination throughout the country according to a two-step plan.

  “At this stage, we mainly carry out vaccination for some key populations, including those engaged in the import cold chain, port quarantine, ship piloting, aviation air service, fresh food market, public transport, control of medical diseases and other personnel with relatively high risk of infection, as well as those who go to medium and high risk. People who go to work or study in countries or regions, “said Tao Lina,” the general population can pay attention to health service centers, municipal health centers or general hospitals near their homes, and the news should be announced as soon as possible. “

  A Health Times reporter called a community health services center in Beijing, and additional notification arrangements are still pending.

  Jiao Yahui, Inspector of the Medical Administration and Hospital Administration of the National Health Commission, presented at the press conference on the 19th, reminding all vaccinators that during the vaccination process, they must truthfully inform medical personnel about their health status. health and what kinds of underlying diseases they have. Are you now at the onset of the disease, is there a history of allergies, are you allergic, etc.?

  In addition, based on past experience, these adverse reactions usually appear within 30 minutes after vaccination, therefore vaccinators must remain at the vaccination site for 30 minutes after vaccination. During this process, if some problems arise, the medical staff can solve them in time. After 30 minutes, you can go home safely. After returning home, even if you have the symptoms related to the adverse reactions that I mentioned above, you should seek medical treatment in time. At the same time, I also remind all vaccinators to pay attention to diet, rest and keep the vaccinated area clean and dry, so that bodily functions can return to normal as soon as possible.

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Editor in charge: Li Siyang
