The new version of the negative market access list is published, and the rating approval of directors and supervisors of securities companies has also been adjusted-Finance News


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Only! The new version of the negative market access list has been published and the approval of the rating of directors and supervisors of securities firms has also been adjusted. Notice the four main amendments

On December 16, the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Commerce jointly issued the “Negative Market Access List (2020 Edition)” (hereinafter, the “List (2020 Edition)”). This time, the “List (2020 Edition)” included a total of 123 items, 8 items less than the “List (2019 Edition)”.

New list further streamlines administration and delegates power

Meng Wei, spokesman for the National Development and Reform Commission, presented that the “List (2020 Edition)” has been revised in four aspects:

The first is to liberalize measures to eliminate a batch of items. Liberalize the three measures of “forest resource asset assessment project approval”, “mining rights assessment agency rating” and “carbon emissions trading verification agency rating”. In accordance with the reform progress of “management and service delegation”, delete the “inspection license for inspection and appraisal activities of import and export products”, the “business registration license of declaration of customs, “the” evaluation agency dedicated to the approval of the securities services business rating “and the appointment of directors, supervisors and senior management of securities firms 14 management measures, including approval of the rating. Measures to remove items that have been integrated or that do not comply with the ranking of the list in a timely manner.

The second is to adjust the description of some measurements. In accordance with the requirements of the reform of the administrative inspection and approval system, the scope of the management of 20 measures was reduced, the expression of 7 measures for record keeping was standardized, the 5 management measures became a temporary list and the expression of 72 measures was revised and improved.

The third is to wisely add some measures. In accordance with the “Decision of the State Council on the Implementation of the Access Management of Financial Participation Companies”, the relevant management measures for the establishment of financial holding companies have been added to the list. The recently added entry item “No large-scale transfer of land management rights without obtaining permission or qualifications” is added, and individual legal and effective measures that comply with the positioning of the list are complemented.

The fourth is to improve the design of the inventory system. Complement and improve the definition of license elements. In line with the progress of the reform of the nature reserve system and the revision of the catalog of the adaptation of the industrial structure system, the corresponding provisions of the description of the list have been revised.

It can be seen from the deletions that this “Checklist (2020 edition)” continues to promote the reform of “delegation, administration and service”, eliminating “evaluation agencies dedicated to the approval of commercial ratings of securities services” and “directors from securities companies, supervisors, senior management. ” Management measures such as “Qualification Approval” make the management process more convenient.

In July this year, the head of the Department of Innovation and High-Tech Development of the National Development and Reform Commission noted that the next step will unleash the vitality of reform. Continue to promote the rationalization of administration, the delegation of powers, the combination of decentralization and the optimization of service reforms to optimize the business environment. Continue deepening reforms in terms of intellectual property protection and inclusive financial support.

Meng Wei, spokesman for the National Development and Reform Commission, said that the revision of the “List (2020 Edition)” further favors the relaxation of access restrictions, the achievement of equal access, the promotion of better integration of effective markets and effective governments and the acceleration of the formation of efficient, standardized and fair competition. Unified domestic market.

Continue to relax market access restrictions for three years

Meng Wei said that after three years of implementation, the country has established a negative list management model for market access. In industries, fields and businesses outside the list, market entities can enter equally according to the law, performing “no prohibition and entry”. .

“Overall, the negative market access list system works smoothly and has played a positive role in guiding the expectations and behaviors of market players across society. It has further stimulated the vitality of businesses. , effective markets and government behaviors have been better regulated and promising governments have gradually realized Better integration, “said Meng Wei.

One is the continued relaxation of market access restrictions. At the beginning of the publication of the negative list for market access, the working mechanism for the annual dynamic reviews was clarified, fully reflecting the effectiveness of the reform of “delegation, regulation and service” of the State Council, and the response timely to calls from market players for further liberalization of market access. After three rounds of revisions, compared to the 2018 list, the number of items in the 2020 version of the list has dropped from 151 to 123, a reduction rate of 18%, which compares to 328 items in the list. 2016 “Draft Negative Market Access List (Pilot Version)”. Compared to things, the reduction rate reaches 62%.

“Of course, the negative list revision is not just a decrease, but an increase, but an increase and decrease.” Meng Wei said that the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Commerce, as a review and release unit, adhere to strict and legal compliance of the increase and decrease, and timely incorporate it into the financial holding companies, Access measures management as local asset management companies to ensure the rigor and standardization of the listing.

The second is the consolidation and maintenance of the “single national list” management model. The national negative list of unified market access focuses on highlighting the management of “a national list”. In the past three years, the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Commerce, along with various departments and localities, have continued to clean up and regulate entry-level negative lists formulated in violation of regulations, and canceled 23 negative lists. access codes compiled and published by each region, effectively preventing the “negative list from flying all over the sky.” It can be said that the uniformity, seriousness and authority of the negative list system for market access are constantly increasing.

Third, the transparency of list use and participation in the list review have been continuously improved. Through three years of promotion and implementation, the negative market access list has become increasingly known throughout society, and more and more people are aware of it. In the process of consciously using the list, market entities have increasing expectations of the annual review of the list. The higher the increase, the more market entities and industry associations actively participate in reviewing the list and submitting many constructive opinions and suggestions. In the negative list review and improvement process, the two departments also paid attention to actively absorb and reflect the views of the relevant parties. With the joint efforts of all parties, the list structure has been continuously optimized, the presentation has become increasingly clear and the quality of the list reviews has been continuously improved.

Pang Chaoran, a research associate at the Research Institute of the Ministry of Commerce, said the negative list of market access has undergone three rounds of reviews. In general, it shows a development trend of content reduction year after year and gradual improvement of standards. It is a complete summary of the current laws and regulations on access restrictions. . In the future, as China’s reform and opening-up continue to increase, the content of the list will be reduced year by year, which will help promote better integration of effective markets and effective governments, and accelerate the formation of a market. efficient, standardized and fair competition national unified.

Tang Dajie, a visiting researcher at the Wuhan University Center for Finance, Tax and Law Research, believes that “competitive neutrality” has become a keyword for deepening economic reforms. There are still many areas that require “operations” to eliminate property discrimination and open up competition in the marketplace. For example, opening the markets for medical services and education is far from sufficient.

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Editor in charge: Chen Zhijie
