Results of China-Italy think tank cooperation research report


Source title: China Eastern Airlines Publication of the results of the China-Italy Think Tank cooperation research report

Recently, the University of Louise in Italy, the University of Santa Ana in Pisa and the University of Nankai in China jointly published the title “The role of China-Italy civil aviation cooperation in the development of the cultural tourism industry of the two countries in the context of “A belt and a highway”: taking as an example the development of eastern airlines in Italy “Research report, and held the” China Eastern Airlines Cooperation Report Achievement Conference · China-Italy Think Tank “on December 14th via video conference in the cloud. The press conference focused on the new stage of development and studied and explored the influence and role of the civil aviation industry in international exchanges. Officials from the Chinese and Italian embassies, Chinese and Italian experts and academics, China Eastern Airlines and Global Net as special guests, held an in-depth dialogue and exchanges on the content of the report.

Li Bin, Minister Counselor of the Chinese Embassy in Italy, pointed out that the epidemic has disrupted the exchange plan between China and Italy, but through the connection of the civil aviation aviation bridge, the issue of China-Italy cooperation This year has changed from cultural tourism to cooperation to combat the epidemic. “China Eastern Airlines actively assisted three groups of Chinese experts. The team went to Italy to support the fight against the epidemic and successively organized about 40 charter cargo flights to create an anti-epidemic” Hump Route “to help China and Italy to jointly build a “Healthy Silk Road” with responsibility and mission.

The Deputy Head of the Italian Embassy in China and Minister Counselor DeMarie highly praised the important role of civil aviation in international cooperation against the epidemic and international exchanges of humanities, and expressed full confidence in future cooperation and exchanges between the two countries. In the next 2022, Chinese and Italian culture In the Winter Olympics to be held in the Year of Tourism, Beijing and Milan, with the assistance of China Eastern Airlines and other aviation companies, the cooperation between China and Italy in culture and tourism will also flourish with new vitality.

Professor Rafael Marchetti, Vice Chancellor of the University of Luis, Italy, Professor Alberto Di Minin of the University of Pisa, Italy, and other experts in think tanks said: “Research on the development of China Eastern Airlines during the last nine Years shows that civil aviation has not only played an important role. The connecting function of physical nature in the international exchange circle of the world also assumes the connecting role of the psychological level, such as the humanities exchanges. Chinese aviation companies are playing an increasingly important influence on the cultural exchanges between China and Italy, “said Professor Wang Xinsheng, Vice President of Nankai University this time. Academic cooperation in multiple fields provided positive feedback:” This Joint research has established a model of cooperation between universities, companies and the media, and is of great importance in the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Italy. “

The report not only reviewed the development process of China-Italy civil aviation cooperation, but also focused on the analysis of China Eastern Airlines’ response measures in this year’s epidemic and in-depth study of how companies can innovate to save themselves, transform and develop. A number of hot topics, such as the delivery of anti-epidemic supplies and the China Eastern Airlines team of medical experts to Italy, the launch of “phenomenal” products in the civil aviation industry, “Fly with the heart”, has sparked in-depth discussions between Chinese and foreign academics on global cooperation and development opportunities for aviation companies in the framework of normalizing the epidemic.

Liu Xiaodong, general manager of the corporate culture and brand management department of China Eastern Airlines Group, said that China Eastern Airlines will continue to actively build the Silk Road in the air and is committed to serving China- travel and cultural exchanges. Italy. “The Sino-Italian think tank uses the knowledge to connect the hearts of the Chinese and Italians, and China Eastern Airlines enables Chinese and Italians to connect with each other through the flight. Hand in hand. Moving forward, we will continue to work together to boost the economy, restore confidence and have a tough time together. “

Professor Luo Hongbo, a researcher at the Institute of European Studies of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and president of the Italian Studies Branch of the European Society of China, believes that the thematic framework of this research is forward thinking and will provide theoretical support for the recovery of cultural exchanges between the two countries after the epidemic. Taking the specific cases of China Eastern Airlines in international cultural exchanges as research objects has made the report qualitatively improved in terms of professionalism and guidance. Cooperative research between the two universities and think tanks not only provides a new way for international exchanges under the epidemic, but also opens up new ideas for the two countries to further deepen school-business cooperation and promote ties. between peoples through cultural exchanges.
