Learning every day | Advocating for practical work, Xi Jinping uses this old saying to clarify deeply: 法制 网


Study every daySince the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core has insisted on emancipating the mind, seeking the truth of facts, advancing with the times, seeking the truth, and being pragmatic, accurately capturing complex situations, making scientific judgments, and leading China’s economic and social development to achieve historical and historical achievements. Sexual changes have prompted China’s economic giant to cut waves and sail toward high-quality development goals.

Opposing empty talk, emphasizing practical work, and emphasizing implementation are the excellent traditions of our party, and it is also the key to our party’s ability to continually lead the people to new victories in revolution, construction and reform. . At the opening ceremony of the spring semester of the Central Party School in 2011, Comrade Xi Jinping emphasized that all our achievements are done. The key here is to always focus on implementation. If the implementation work is not well understood, no matter how good the guidelines, policies and measures are, the big goals and tasks will not be achieved. To this end, he used the old saying “rule by facts, but not by text” and the story of “talking about soldiers on paper.”


“Government by deeds, government by writings will not rule” comes from “The Book of Potential” by Tang Zhen, a late Ming and early Qing thinker. Tang Zhen is not only an outstanding thinker, but also a successful practitioner. When he was a magistrate in Changzi County, Shanxi, in order to mobilize people to grow mulberry trees and silkworms, he not only went door-to-door to persuade him, but also took the initiative to demonstrate. As a result, no notice was issued and people planted 800,000 blackberries in one month. His successful experience is that “government is worth doing” and “doing” means implementing. Tang Zhen believes that the service of the document is only “by using general words to remind the ears,” so he proposed to “rule by facts, and not by text.” This opinion by Tang Zhen was raised primarily in response to the proliferation of official documents in the bureaucracy at the time, and there were no orders, nor did it completely negate the effect of issuing a proclamation to push forward an administrative order.


In December 2012, Secretary-General Xi Jinping emphasized when inspecting work in Guangdong: “Looking ahead, building a well-off society in a comprehensive way requires hard work, basically recognizing that modernization depends on hard work, and realizing that that the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation depends on hard work. ” April 28, 2013 In a discussion with representatives of model workers across the country, Secretary General Xi Jinping pointed out that happiness will not fall from the sky and dreams will not automatically come true. Holding on for real can overcome difficulties and hard work can make dreams come true. We must vigorously promote the good spirit of hard work throughout society.

Advocating hard work and paying close attention to implementation is what I have repeatedly emphasized. If you don’t sink your heart to implement it, no matter how good the goal is, no matter the blueprint, it will just be a flower in the mirror and a moon in the water “.

“We should not fantasize, not be vain, take one step at a time and work hard.”

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly emphasized that “empty words will deceive the country and they will work hard to rejuvenate it,” calling on the entire party to demand real and pragmatic, enterprising and hard work, and lasting merits. Be honest”.

Every business, no matter how big or small, is done with our feet on the ground, little by little. Just as the people of Liang Jiahe commented on young Comrade Xi Jinping: “Dare to speak up, dare to take responsibility,” “figure it out on your own,” “don’t get involved in formalism.” In May 1990, Comrade Xi Jinping was transferred to the secretary of the Fuzhou Municipal Party Committee. For half a month he celebrated “Leadership Service Reception Week” in Gulou district. In early 1991, he presented the “Do It Right Now” requirements at the Municipal Party Committee business meeting. . During the period when Comrade Xi Jinping was in power in Zhejiang, the province formed a good “get on the ground and walk to the forefront” situation.

Socialism was not done by screaming, it was actually done. The miracle that China has created during the last 40 years of reform and opening-up depends on seeking the truth, being pragmatic, and working hard. 2021 is the first year of the XIV Five-Year Plan, and we will also celebrate the centenary of the founding of the party. Let’s take the word “practical” at the beginning and the word “do” first, let’s face the opportunities and challenges of the post-epidemic era, follow the requirements of high-quality development, step by step, get the job done steadily, generate happiness with work and generate great achievements with the fight. ! (Author Yang Lixin)

(CCTV Network of China Central Radio and Television)
