Ministry of Education: 9 provinces have launched a pilot reform of the Aesthetic Education Access Exam, with a score between 10 and 30 points_ 王登峰


Original title: Ministry of Education: 9 provinces have launched a pilot reform of the Aesthetic Education Access Exam, with a score between 10 and 30

The pedagogical reforms promoted during the period of the “XIII Five-Year Plan” should allow students to improve their artistic experience in art classes and, at the same time, master basic artistic knowledge and skills, as well as teach students an artistic experience special.

Beijing News Express (Reporter Feng Qi) On December 14, Wang Dengfeng, Director of the Department of Sports, Health and Art Education of the Ministry of Education, revealed at a press conference that so far, 9 provinces have initiated the reform of the examination of entry to aesthetic education.

“What exactly does aesthetic education teach? How do you teach it?” Wang Dengfeng pointed out that when art colleges enroll students, students must have a strong artistic background to be admitted to art colleges, but the education system Mandatory includes music courses, art courses, or comprehensive art courses. It is not enough to help students go to art colleges.

In this regard, Wang Dengfeng pointed out that the pedagogical reforms promoted during the period of the “XIII Five-Year Plan” should allow students to improve their artistic experience in art classes and, at the same time, master basic artistic knowledge and skills, as well how to teach students a special artistic experience.

At the meeting, Wang Dengfeng gave a set of figures: during the period of the “13th five-year plan”, during the compulsory education stage, most provinces can ensure that the total number of music and art courses is not less than 9% of the total class hours; secondary education stage, nationwide 93.2% of schools can offer 6 credits of required art courses.

According to statistics, the number of aesthetics teachers in compulsory education increased from 599,000 to 748,000 during the period of the “13th Five-Year Plan”. “The number and rate of increase exceeded that of physical education teachers,” said Wang Dengfeng.

In terms of the aesthetic education equipment configuration and venue facilities, in 2019, the national primary school art equipment compliance rate reached 95.07%, the secondary school compliance rate reached 96.12%, and the high school completion rate reached 93.26%, which has increased by 36.60%, 20.16% and 8.67 respectively in the last five years. %.

In the evaluation mechanism, aesthetic education is included in the evaluation index system for the evaluation of undergraduate teaching work and the construction of “double first class” in colleges and universities, and aesthetic education in primary and secondary schools it is included in the Compulsory Education Quality Assessment and Inspection System and the County Level Balanced Development and Compulsory Education Quality Monitoring and Evaluation Index System.

The journalist learned that the aesthetic education entrance examination reform has been launched steadily. So far, nine provinces have started the reform of the entrance examination for aesthetic education. Wang Dengfeng said: “From the current situation, the score is generally between 10 and 30.” It is reported that Guangdong will formally organize art subjects in the pilot reform of the high school entrance examination next year.

Beijing News Reporter Feng Qi Corrects Li ShihuiReturn to Sohu to see more


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