Pan Gang: Contribute to Yili’s Plan for Sustainable Development global_Consumer_Industry Channel Home_Finance Network-CAIJING.COM.CN


This article is reproduced fromCentral Radio and Television StationInternational online

International news online: On December 10, at the “China Business Summit 2020 Reaching the Sustainable Development Goals” held by the China Network of the United Nations Global Compact in Beijing, Yili Group won the award “Best Business Practices Achieving Sustainable Development Goals “for the fourth consecutive year At the same time, Pan Gang, Chairman of Yili Group, was honored as” Pioneer of Sustainable Development Goals 2020 (China) “.


Yili President Pan Gang Received the “China Pioneer of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 2020” award


Pan Gang, Chairman of Yili Group, delivered a speech at the first Sustainable Development Forum

Yili is the first Chinese health food company to join the United Nations Global Compact. The award of this honor is a reaffirmation of Pan Gang’s outstanding contribution to sustainable development and social responsibility.


Yili won the award “Best practices of companies achieving the Sustainable Development Goals in 2020”

During the epidemic, “endure internally and help externally”

Pan Gang said: “Thickness is better than speed, industry prosperity is better than individual glory, and social value is greater than corporate wealth. We must use a global perspective to lead sustainable thinking; we must build capacities of sustainable management based on ourselves; we must work with partners to inspire Sustainable Synergy. “

Yili’s concept of sustainable development is deeply ingrained in people’s hearts, even in the special period of the COVID-19 pandemic, this concept has never wavered.

On the first day of the new year this year, faced with the new corona pneumonia epidemic, the Pan Gang organized an emergency meeting overnight, set the general tone of “stay inside and help the outside world”, and did detailed plans and arrangements. Since then, the Pan Gang has promoted work related to fighting the epidemic every day, meeting in the morning and listening to reports in the evening.

Emergency purchase of masks, donations to the Wuhan Huoshenshan Hospital and donations to the team of Academician Zhong Nanshan and Academic Cheng Jing … Yili continued to invest 280 million yuan to support the global battlefield against the epidemic; in the face of operating pressure, Pan Gang still started against the trend “Plan of” Increase in employee salary “: for the industry chain partners, in terms of financing alone, about 6.125 billion yuan have been issued financing from January to November.


Yili donated dairy products to Huoshenshan Hospital

Let more people take the “Yili” Get Rich Express to pursue their dreams

“With Yili’s help, we no longer have to worry about selling silage,” said a villager in Dayang village. Dayang Village is one of ten villages built jointly by the Yili Group. When the silage matures and enters the harvest and purchase period, the village party secretary, Lu Xiaoping, can finally breathe a sigh of relief. In 2019, Yili and its suppliers in the industrial chain purchased a total of 30,468 tonnes of silage. This alone generated around 10 million yuan in income for farmers in 10 matched villages, and the villagers’ pockets eventually bulged.


Yili buys silage at Tumote Zuoqi Party Building and co-build Pairing Village

The tangible benefits of benefiting the people benefited from the gradual implementation of the Yili “Industrial Base Poverty Alleviation” across the country. Regarding poverty alleviation work, Pan Gang introduced the 16-character policy of “party building, precise industry-driven force and comprehensive poverty alleviation.” In Inner Mongolia, Ningxia, Shandong, Shaanxi, Henan, Jiangsu and other places, the construction of the Yili industrial clusters has also fully promoted the development of planting, aquaculture, food processing, logistics, packaging and other related industries. More people have also seized the opportunity to seize the “Yili” “The Get Rich Express has changed lives.

Health promotion and poverty eradication are just one part of Yili’s sustainable development practice for many years. Since the establishment of the group, Yili has attached great importance to sustainable development. In 2007, the Pan Gang proposed “green leadership”; in 2009, the construction of a “green industry chain” began; In 2017, the United Nations “2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” was fully assessed and the “Shared Healthy and Sustainable Development (CSD)” was established. System “; In 2019, the” Yili Group Sustainable Development Action Program (10 Articles) “was published …

Self-interest leads to life, altruism leads in the long run. Pan Gang said that sustainable development is a global goal and that the world needs wisdom and contributions from China. In the future, Yili will also remain an evergreen tree dedicated to sustainable development and will contribute the strength of Chinese enterprises to the promotion of the United Nations sustainable development goals. (Photo / text safe)

(Edit: Lin Chen)

