The recommendations of the “Fourteenth Five-Year Plan” are published for metropolitan areas, night economy and high-end chips-Hebei Economic Net-Great Wall Net


Chinanews customer, Beijing, December 11, title: Metropolitan area, night economy, high-end chips and more “XIV Five-Year Plan” recommendations published

Reporter Zhang Ni

During the “14th Five Year Plan” period, what are the most important things to do in various places? Recently, with the announcement of the “XIV Five Year Plan” and the long-term goals for 2035 in some provinces, the answer has gradually become clearer. Building the regional economy, stimulating domestic demand, attracting talent and pooling talents … Several localities have started actively planning.

Create a metropolitan circle, a traffic circle … a multi-provincial design to develop the regional economy

According to incomplete statistics from reporters, there are already Beijing, Shanghai, Hebei, Tianjin, Anhui, Zhejiang, Chongqing, Hunan, Hubei, Liaoning, Jilin, Hainan, Ningxia and other provinces that have reviewed and approved their economy and society. national. Proposals for the development of the Fourteenth Five-Year Plan and long-term goals for 2035.

Following the recommendations of the “local version” that have been announced, promoting regional economic development has become one of the main tasks for many provinces.

For example, Beijing’s “Planning Proposals” stated that during the period of the “XIV Five-Year Plan”, Beijing will promote the two wings of the Beijing sub-urban center and Hebei Xiong’an New District to build a modern metropolis and a group of world-class cities with the capital as a nucleus.

Similarly, Hebei and Tianjin also emphasized the need to build “Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei on the right track” in their proposals.

Hebei proposed to continue to apply the “three zones and one base” functional positioning, and accelerate the construction of a major national modern business logistics base, an industrial transformation and improvement pilot zone, a new urbanization and an urban coordination demonstration zone- rural area and a Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei ecological environment support zone.

In addition, it is necessary to increase industrial transfer, transportation integration and ecological environment construction, strive for new breakthroughs, and strive to build a “Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei on the track”, basically building a safe, convenient integrated comprehensive transportation , smart, efficient and ecological. system.

Tianjin also proposed to basically form a half-hour travel circle between Beijing, Tianjin, and Xiong, and a 1-2 hour traffic circle for major cities. In addition, Tianjin will do its best to help the relief of Beijing’s non-capital function and the construction of the Xiongan New District.

In the Yangtze River Delta, Shanghai proposed “to accelerate the construction of the Shanghai metropolitan area and promote the coordination of development plans throughout the Yangtze River Delta.”

As a major city in western China, Chongqing introduces in the proposal the goal of “economic strength, development vitality and international influence of the Chengdu-Chongqing two-city economic circle will be greatly improved, and the role of to support high-quality development in the country. “

Vacation consumption, the night-time economy … clearly develop new consumption scenarios in many places

“Unlocking the internal cycle” and “promoting the national and international dual cycles” are important contents presented in the “Proposals of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on the formulation of the Fourteenth Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development and Long-term Goals Deadline for 2035 “.

Among the proposals announced in various places, “expanding domestic demand” has also become a keyword.

Take Hainan, a major tourism province, for example, which has clearly set itself the goal of “building an international tourism consumption center with global influence.”

Specific measures include the introduction of first well-known brand stores, flagship stores and experience stores, attracting Chinese residents to return to consumption abroad, creating the first destination for alternative domestic outbound tourism purchases, etc. In addition, Hainan also proposed to attract a number of large-scale theme tourism parks to settle in Hainan and organize them reasonably.

Chongqing City, the “Net Celebrity”, emphasizes the need to promote consumer supply improvement, inherit and revitalize Chongqing’s time-honored brands, build a world-renowned business district, and promote the development of green, healthy and safe consumption . Develop new consumption scenarios, improve holiday consumption, tourism consumption and night economy, actively develop platform economy, sharing economy and beautiful economy, and cultivate new consumption models and new formats.

Hebei has set its sights on the two main markets of Beijing and Tianjin.

Hebei proposed in the province’s proposal to focus on the two main markets of Beijing and Tianjin, relying on strong domestic demand, improve the policy support system, and fully unleash the potential of domestic demand. Make the most of the advantages of Hebei Province comprehensive industrial categories, optimize the supply structure, improve supply quality, and enhance the adaptability of the supply system to domestic demand.

Shanghai emphasized that it is necessary to continue optimizing the three consumption, investment and export power structures, seize new opportunities for the expansion of domestic demand, improve the modern circulation system, vigorously develop new types of consumption such as online consumption, the experiential consumption and health consumption, and actively develop high-end consumption. ,and many more.

Attract talent, all localities will launch these attractive policies!

What is the most expensive of the 21st century? Talent! In recent recommendations issued by various localities, “attracting talent” is also listed as an important goal.

To retain talents, Hubei emphasized in the province’s recommendations that it is necessary to further promote employment and entrepreneurship of college students in Hubei, actively introduce high-level talents and innovative equipment, and improve home security policies, children’s education, medical care and social security. Establish and improve a scientific and technological talent evaluation system oriented by the capacity for innovation, quality, efficiency and contribution.

Tianjin, which has previously launched the “Haihe Talent Action Plan”, also proposed in the proposal that it is necessary to establish the concept of “Tianjin uses the whole world”, increase the introduction of high-level innovative talents that are needed with urgency and improve relevant policies and support measures for “Haihe talents.” Improve the level of public service for talents.

In addition, Tianjin also emphasized in the proposal that it is necessary to deepen the reform of the talent development system and mechanism, remove the obstacles of the system and mechanism in the introduction, training, use, evaluation, flow and incentives of talents, and implement a policy of more active, open and effective talent. Constant optimization of the talent environment, realizing that people make the most of their talents, make the most of their talents and use them to make a difference, making Tianjin a fertile ground for innovation and entrepreneurship of various talents.

Jilin, one of the three northeastern provinces, also clarified the key areas for the introduction of talents.

The proposal stated that Jilin should increase the structural introduction of talents, implement the “Changbai Mountain Talent Project” and promote special talent introduction plans in key areas such as equipment manufacturing, big data, medicine, environmental protection, finance and business management, in Changchun, Tonghua, etc. Carry out pilot talent management reforms, increase policy support for innovative and entrepreneurial talents, and encourage and direct the flow of talent to difficult and remote areas and grassroots.

In addition, Jilin also proposed to establish a normal working mechanism for the introduction of talents from outside the region, introduce and use “migratory bird type” talents in an innovative way, and create a plateau to gather scientific and technological talents in Northeast Asia. .

High-end chips, biomedicine … the technology is self-sufficient, targeting these fields

In response to the central government’s proposal to “take scientific and technological self-sufficiency as a strategic support for national development”, local governments have also made it clear in their recommendations that they should make a scandal for promoting technological innovation.

For example, Chongqing proposed to promote the construction of the Western Science City (Chongqing), emphasized the need to optimize the discipline design and R & D design, strive for the landing of large national scientific and technological projects, large national scientific facilities and laboratories, and attract high-level universities, scientific research institutions and innovative enterprises. The establishment of enterprises has promoted the deployment of scientific research platforms in Chongqing by the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

In addition, Chongqing also proposed that it should target emerging industries to establish high-level international and open R&D institutions and build the Liangjiang Collaborative Innovation Zone. Strengthen the supporting role of various science and technology parks and promote the development of collaborative innovation throughout the region.

Jilin proposed to accelerate the advancement and application of key core technologies in the fields of smart manufacturing, core optoelectronic devices and high-end chips, strategic advanced materials, efficient use of new energy, biomedicine, modern agriculture, etc., and build a device Comprehensive Experiment for Extreme Conditions from Jilin University, Changchun Guang. The Institute’s large-aperture space optical charge comprehensive environmental test center and the Changchun National Semiconductor Laser Technology Innovation Center continue to implement the national “big science project” project with Jilin characteristics.

Zhejiang clearly stated in the proposal that it will promote the grouping of innovative elements in enterprises, play the leading and supporting role of large enterprises, vigorously cultivate high-tech enterprises and small and medium-sized technology-based enterprises, accelerate the cultivation more “specialized and new” companies and will promote the growth of new companies. The development of science and technology companies.

In addition, Zhejiang also proposed the goal of “building a world-class high-tech park”.

In the future, Zhejiang will build a technology trading platform system radiating across the country and connecting the world, greatly improve the efficiency of transfer and transformation of scientific and technological achievements, and build a technology transfer center global. Build a world-class high-tech park, promote full coverage of provincial high-tech zones in industrially strong counties, and explore new avenues for county-level innovation and development.
