Pidu District Education Office, Chengdu: schools must strictly observe the school gate and implement the “daily report” and “zero report” system_disinfection


Original caption: Pidu District Office of Education, Chengdu: Schools must adhere to strict school gates and implement a “daily report” and “zero report” system

CCTV, Chengdu, Dec 11 (Reporter Han Minquan) The Chengdu Pidu District Office of Education issued the “Notice of the Chengdu Pidu District Education Office on Strengthening of Epidemic Prevention and Control Work” (hereinafter , the “Notice”) to the district All schools, kindergartens and training institutions have specific requirements for the prevention and control of epidemics. Schools should rigorously monitor the epidemic prevention and control system, strictly enforce school entry, and emphasize the implementation of the “three inspections” for all staff: daily check the health of teachers, students and employees, and strengthen morning and evening inspections of teachers, students, and employees. Self-study and home-based students will be required to undergo late inspections and implement the “daily report” and “zero report” system.

The “Notice” noted that the Office of Education coordinated and guided the work of prevention and control of the epidemic, the leaders of the office were responsible for the film and all the officials of the community (village) were responsible for the school (park ). The director of the school (park) is primarily responsible for the prevention and control of the epidemic in the unit, and is responsible for formulating the “two cases and nine systems”. The administration of the school (park) is responsible for the grades, classes and teaching and research groups, and the administration in charge is responsible for the departments and positions under its responsibility.

The “Notice” requires that every day according to the changes in the epidemic situation, find out if all teachers, students and employees live in areas of medium and high risk, and find out if there is a history of residence in areas of medium and high risk in the last 14 days. According to the official case information every day, find out the close contacts and sub-contacts of confirmed cases and asymptomatic infected people. The school captures the health status of teachers, students and employees every day, implements the “daily report” and “zero report” system, finds out the health status of teachers, students and employees, and establishes a health book .

The “Notice” also requires sufficient staff to be trained in epidemic prevention positions, and the school will establish epidemic prevention positions, clarify the people in charge and specific job responsibilities, and conduct prevention knowledge and skills training. and control, personal protection and disinfection for all teaching and administrative staff. Prepare enough anti-epidemic materials, prepare hand disinfectants, hand disinfectants, masks, gloves, disinfectants and other prevention and control materials, handle them dynamically and replenish them in time, maintain disinfectants properly and label them clearly to avoid accidental ingestion or burns. Equipped with hand-washing facilities, a 0.6-meter-long sink or basin for every 40-45 people, hand sanitizer, soap, etc., equipped with quick-drying hand sanitizer, and the sanitizing facilities of Induction hands can be equipped when possible, every day Check and maintain hand washing facilities to ensure normal operation.

The “Notice” emphasizes that strict entry into the school is required, and medical observers who are ill or have not been discharged may never enter the school. The school gate is equipped with temperature sensing poles and is equipped with temperature sensing equipment that can be used normally. You can enter only if the temperature is normal and the health code is green. Make sure that non-school personnel are not allowed in, do not enter with abnormal body temperature, and do not enter without wearing a mask. . All staff implement the “three inspections”: daily check the health of teachers, students and employees, strengthen morning and evening inspections for teachers, students and employees, and conduct late inspections for students who have self-study delays and interns, and implement “daily reports” “,” Zero Report “System.

The “Notice” also emphasized that schools must be disinfected and ventilated on time. All kinds of living, learning and work places should be ventilated (such as classrooms, dormitories, libraries, student laboratories, sports facilities, restaurants, teachers’ offices, bathrooms, etc.). Open windows to ventilate as much as possible between classes, and a mechanical exhaust can also be used. Ventilate no less than 3 times a day, no less than 30 minutes each time. If air conditioning is used, it must be ensured that the air supply of the air conditioning system is safe, sufficient fresh air intake must be ensured, and all exhaust air must be discharged directly to the outside. Clean and disinfect in time. Keep classrooms, bedrooms, libraries, restaurants and other places clean and hygienic, disinfect and search regularly every day. Strengthen food and kitchen sanitation, strengthen dishware cleaning and sanitizing (drinking) Dishware (drinking) should be sanitized one by one for each person, and students are encouraged to bring their own dishes. After removing the residue and cleaning the dishes (for drinking), sterilize them by boiling or circulating steam for 15 minutes; or use a heat disinfection cabinet or other disinfection methods; or use a disinfectant containing chlorine with 250 mg / L effective chlorine for 30 minutes. After disinfection, the residue must be disinfected Rinse with agent.Return to Sohu to see more


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