21 in depth | Britain’s national immunization plan was successfully implemented. Next week, the community will enter the community and the economy is expected to recover in 2022 | United Kingdom | New Coronary Pneumonia_Sina Technology


Original title: 21 in depth | Britain’s national vaccination plan went smoothly, entering the community next week and expecting the economy to recover in 2022

Aubrey Bass, who lives in Buckinghamshire, is very happy to be one of the first people to get vaccinated against the new crown in the UK. Since the death of his longtime wife in March this year, the 96-year-old has experienced loneliness in isolation. . When he got a call asking if he wanted to get the new corona vaccine, he was very excited.

“That way, when my two great-grandchildren are born next year, I will be able to visit them. It’s amazing!”

After receiving the first 800,000 doses of vaccine from Pfizer, the UK has started from this Tuesday (8 December) at 70 locations across the country that have strict storage conditions for the vaccine (Pfizer vaccine must be stored in a environment of minus 75 degrees Celsius). The hospital is starting vaccination work and every day 5,000 to 7,000 people can be vaccinated, with those over 80 years of age being the highest priority, followed by front-line medical personnel.

As the British government has received a promise from pharmaceutical companies that it will receive 1.2 million to 1.6 million additional doses of vaccine in one week, the British National Health System (NHS) has implemented clinical vaccination of general practitioners (GP) at the community level next week, which is in line with the new crown. Those eligible for vaccination will be notified by their registered general practice clinic to be vaccinated.

It is estimated that before Christmas the UK will receive a total of 4 million doses of the new corona vaccine, enough to vaccinate 2 million people. British Health Secretary Matt Hancock said vaccination of residents and caregivers in nursing homes will begin before Christmas.

The British National Statistics Office released the latest data on the 10th, showing that the British economy grew by just 0.4% in October. Ruth Gregory, a senior economist at Capital Economics, a consulting agency, said economic growth has slowed to a “snail rate” and the next few months are expected to be very difficult. “Rebound”, and the UK economy will return to its pre-COVID-19 level in early 2022.

British Finance Minister Rishi Sunak also continued to distribute guarantees to the public, saying the government knows that people are concerned about the situation this winter and will continue to support the people by paying the salaries provided by the Assistance Program. Employment to ensure that no one loses hope. Or opportunity.

Two cases of allergy on the first day of vaccination caused false alarms

The British regulatory agency is the first country in the world to approve the emergency use of a new coronavirus vaccine, followed by Bahrain and Canada. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is also expected to issue an emergency use authorization for the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine in the coming days. .

The UK sees vaccination as a tipping point in response to the pandemic, and hopes that through the vaccination plan everything will return to normal in the summer of 2021.

On the first day of the vaccination, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson went to Guy’s Hospital to check on the status of the vaccination. When the prime minister asked 81-year-old Lyn Wheeler how she felt after the vaccination, she replied: “It’s all for the UK.”

“I did this because I felt like there was no other way forward. We can’t stay in the house all the time.” Wheeler said she hoped her vaccine would encourage others to do the same.

Margaret Keenan (Margaret Keenan), a former jewelry assistant living in Coventry, is considered the first person in the UK to receive the new vaccination crown. She described the vaccine as the best gift for her 91st birthday next week. “If I can get vaccinated at 90, then you can get vaccinated too,” he said.

Just as inspiring images of the first batch of vaccinators were widely circulated by the media, news of severe allergic reactions from two NHS staff who received the injections was also reported, immediately sparking widespread concern and concerns about the safety of the vaccine. Britain’s drug regulatory agency MHRA issued an instruction on the 9th that anyone with a history of severe drug or food allergies should not receive Pfizer’s new corona vaccine.

To dispel people’s doubts about the possible side effects of the vaccine, MHRA Executive Director Dr Raine (June Raine) assured the British on the night of the 9th that the two cases of allergic reactions to date They are very rare”. He said that unless the vaccine meets stringent Expected Standards for Safety, Quality and Efficacy, it will not otherwise be approved.

Two undisclosed NHS employees were reported to have had a milder “anaphylactoid reaction,” similar to anaphylactic shock, after being vaccinated, and both are recovering well.

Rehn told the House of Commons Committee on Science and Technology on the night of the 9th that in clinical trials involving more than 40,000 people, allergic reactions to vaccines are “very rare” and that allergic reactions are side effects. known side effects of any vaccine.

Pfizer found a “very small number” of allergic reactions in its Phase III clinical study. 137 of the 19,000 volunteers had “potential allergic reactions,” the severity of which is unclear. In contrast, 111 people in the unvaccinated control group had allergic symptoms.

Rehn stressed that most people do not have allergic reactions and that the benefits of protecting people from the new coronavirus outweigh the risks. He said MHRA has formulated a strong and proactive safety monitoring strategy for the new corona vaccine, which can perform rapid and real-time safety monitoring of the population.

Medical experts have previously admitted that the new corona vaccine does not cause severe allergic reactions in most people, but there may be mild to moderate temporary side effects after injection, such as fever, fatigue, headache, and arm pain. .

Four people in a trial conducted in the United States were previously reported to suffer from paralysis, causing the muscles on one side of the face to sag due to their nerves not working properly, but this condition is usually temporary.

As one of the measures to encourage people to be safe from vaccination, the British government has included the new crown vaccine on the VDPS list. Anyone suffering serious side effects from the new corona vaccine will receive up to £ 120,000 in compensation.

Peter Openshaw, Former President of the British Society for Immunology and Professor of Experimental Medicine at Imperial College London, said detailed data on tracking allergic reactions in the phase III clinical trial of the Pfizer vaccine was released on the 9th. , reporting very small allergic reactions in the vaccine and placebo groups. , Respectively, 0.63% and 0.51%.

In your opinion, there is no need to worry about this. Like all new vaccines and new drug launches, the new corona vaccine is being closely monitored by the MHRA. They will investigate these cases in more detail to understand if the allergic reaction is related to the vaccine or is accidental. The results will be known soon, and the regulatory agencies have taken preventive action recommendations to show that the surveillance system is working well.

20 million people can be vaccinated to relax restrictions

England’s chief medical officer, Professor Chris Whitty, warned on the 10th that although the mass vaccination program has started, if people fail to adhere to social distancing guidelines, the number of new crown cases will rise again “catastrophically. “.

He highlighted the high risk in winter, because this is also the period of high incidence of respiratory infections. He stressed that it is crucial that 20 million people are vaccinated before the government substantially relaxes restrictions.

Data released by the Office for National Statistics on the same day showed that the UK’s GDP grew by just 0.4% in October. Although this is the sixth consecutive month of growth since May, it is far from the growth of 2.2% and 1.1% in August and September respectively. .

The Office for National Statistics said that current economic activity is still almost 8% lower than the February level before the new epidemic crisis in the crown, and that the economy is expected to contract in November due to the new blockade of four weeks that started in the UK in November.

According to Ruth Gregory, a senior economist at Capital Economics, a consulting agency, that UK economic growth slowed to a “snail rate” in October, indicating that hope for a recovery ran out before the lockdown was imposed. in November. He is concerned that the economy will face difficult months and may contract drastically during the second lockdown implemented last month, and the strict regional hierarchical restrictions imposed in December will also prevent a rebound in economic activity in the coming months. However, with the vaccine set to recover in 2021, the economy is expected to return to pre-pandemic levels in early 2022.

The Confederation of British Industry (CBI) also issued a forecast on the 10th that the British economy will recover from the pandemic next year, but continued weakness in business investment will delay full recovery until the end of 2022.

Since the 2016 Brexit referendum, the impact of Brexit has been unpredictable and uncertainty continues to stifle UK business investment. According to the agency’s data, business investment in the UK is expected to fall 17.5% in 2020, a further drop of 0.6% in 2021 and then a 9.3% increase in 2022.

Due to the lockdown of the Brexit negotiations, it is likely that there will be no definitive conclusions on the true post-Brexit trade relationship until the end of the transition period on December 31. Business representative organizations, including CBI, are concerned that this uncertainty will hamper the new year. investment.

CBI believes vaccines will be an important factor in recovery. With the decline in the infection rate of the new crown, rising household income and spending will become the main driver of recovery after mid-2021.

The agency expects the UK’s GDP to fall 1.7% in the fourth quarter of this year, resulting in a total GDP contraction of 11.1% in 2020, the worst year since 1709.

Tony Danker, the new director general of the CBI, said that the new corona virus pandemic has left deep scars on the economy and that the road to recovery will be long, but the recovery trajectory is positive and we must “do our best. effort”. It can speed up the journey. “

He said that to make rapid progress in the recovery, new ways need to be found to encourage companies to invest in early 2021. “To become masters of our own destiny, we must act decisively to rebuild a better economy …” He said, “The UK business is like a coiled spring, ready to unleash ambition and investment. It just requires opportunity.”

(Author: Yan Division edit: and good)
