Imports and exports have been growing positively for 6 consecutive months to stabilize foreign trade measures


Original title: Imports and exports have been growing positively for 6 consecutive months and foreign trade measures have been combined

Reporter Hu Pan

The General Administration of Customs recently released data showing that in the first 11 months of 2020, the total value of China’s goods imports and exports was 29.04 trillion yuan, an increase of 1.8% over the previous year. same period last year. Among them, exports were 16.13 billion yuan, an increase of 3.7%; imports were 12.91 billion yuan, a decrease of 0.5%; the trade surplus was 3.22 trillion yuan, an increase of 24.6%.

Since June imports and exports achieved positive growth for the first time this year, China’s foreign trade imports and exports have achieved positive growth for six consecutive months. In the first 11 months, China’s imports and exports to ASEAN’s top five trading partners, the European Union, the United States, Japan, and South Korea increased. Among them, ASEAN remains China’s largest trading partner. The total trade value between China and ASEAN is 4.24 trillion yuan, an increase of 6.7%, accounting for 14.6% of the total value of foreign trade. The total value of trade between China and the EU, the United States, Japan and South Korea increased by 4.7%, 6.9%, 1.4% and 0.9% respectively, representing 13.9 %, 12.6%, 6.9% and 6.2% of the total value of foreign trade.

“In the context of growing international cooperation and the epidemic restricting long-distance international trade, it is normal for ASEAN to become China’s largest trading partner by virtue of its geographical advantages, labor advantages, and chain advantages. of supply”. Wang Mengxi, a senior researcher at the Beijing Institute of Understanding and Comprehension, previously embraced the Chinese economy. Said the Times reporter in an interview.

At the same time, the signing of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (RCEP) has also boosted the confidence of all parties in economic growth. With the gradual implementation of RCEP, a stronger, broader and deeper cooperation base will be laid for the development of China-ASEAN relations.

Yin Zhengping, a researcher at the Institute of International Trade and Economics of the Ministry of Commerce, told a reporter for the China Economic Times that China is making active plans and actions for the early entry into force of the RCEP, and other member states are also accelerating the national approval procedures. He believes that the RCEP will come into force as soon as possible for the regional economy Prosperity and global economic recovery will bring positive effects and also promote China’s foreign trade import and export to maintain good momentum.

In the first 11 months, the import and export of private enterprises was 13.47 trillion yuan, an increase of 11.3%, accounting for 46.4% of the total value of China’s foreign trade, an increase of the 4% compared to the same period last year.

Bai Ming, deputy director of the International Markets Research Institute of the Research Institute of the Ministry of Commerce, believes that private companies have relatively strong adaptability and responsiveness. Even if they are hit by the epidemic this year, they can adjust the direction of their business in a timely manner based on market demand. “In relative terms, private companies produce international needs, which is more advantageous.”

In addition to the advantages of private companies, in order to stabilize foreign trade, in recent months the central and local governments have intensively launched a series of policies and measures favorable to foreign trade. Customs has promoted trade facilitation through reforms and innovations, has comprehensively promoted facilitation measures such as “two-step declaration”, “advance declaration”, “green channel” and exemption from on-site inspections, has continued to optimize the port business environment and has improved the efficiency of customs clearance; Measures such as late fees and exemption from tax deferral interest for domestic sales of processed commercial products have reduced costs for businesses. The implementation of these policies has injected impetus to private companies.

From the difficulty to resume work and production in the first quarter, foreign trade declined dramatically, to the frequent occurrence of “shortage of orders” in the second quarter, and then the foreign trade advantage began to appear in the third. trimester. Let’s look at China’s foreign trade imports and exports since the outbreak. It is not difficult to find that the foreign trade situation is gradually improving without a multilateral deployment.

“First, the Central Committee of the Party has achieved important strategic results in coordinating the prevention and control of epidemics and economic and social development.” Deputy Trade Minister Ren Hongbin said that the Chinese government always puts people’s lives and health first, and scientifically formulates guidelines and policies for epidemic prevention and control. By effectively slowing the spread of the epidemic, the foreign trade sector took the lead in resuming work and production, and both foreign trade supply and demand were activated and quickly recovered, gaining the lead in development and providing a material basis for the innovative and high-quality development of foreign trade.

At the same time, a series of unconventional and tiered foreign trade policies and measures have been launched to ease business difficulties, maintain foreign trade entities, and boost market confidence and expectations. On this basis, the General Office of the State Council issued the “Implementation Opinions on Promoting Innovative Development of Foreign Trade” on November 9, which also pointed out the direction for the next high-quality development of foreign trade.

The deepening of international cooperation in the prevention and control of epidemics has contributed to China’s foreign trade. On the basis of ensuring the prevention and control of national epidemics, the export of epidemic prevention materials has been promoted in an orderly manner, and exports of basic necessities, remote offices, outdoor health supplies, have been expanded, etc., meeting the needs of people in many countries. Home work and consumer demand during the epidemic.

Bai Ming said that China’s advantages throughout the industry chain not only helped China deal with the epidemic effectively, but also provided new opportunities for China’s foreign trade orders. Not only that, Canton Fair, China International Import Expo, Service Trade Fair, etc. adopt the method of “cloud hosting, integrating online and offline development”, which provides new windows for foreign trade companies to obtain orders and open markets.

Some experts said that in the next step, we must continue to implement the current series of measures to stabilize foreign trade, implement policies and measures to protect foreign trade entities and the global supply chain, so that foreign trade trends continue. getting better.Return to Sohu to see more


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