New Crown pneumonia has become the leading cause of death in the US 47 Chinese citizens infected in Uganda | Outbreak | New Crown Pneumonia | Uganda_Sina


Original title: New corona pneumonia has become the leading cause of death in the United States.47 Chinese citizens infected in Uganda

  (Fighting New Coronary Pneumonia) New Coronary Pneumonia has become the leading cause of death in the US 47 Chinese citizens infected in Uganda

China News Service, Beijing, December 5. Full News: Latest data released by the World Health Organization shows that as of 18:09 Central European Time on the 4th (1:09 Beijing Time), the number of confirmed cases worldwide has increased since the previous day. 628,592 cases were registered, reaching 64,603,428; cases of death increased by 12,161, reaching 1,500,614.

According to real-time data from various countries and regions compiled by the Johns Hopkins University New Coronavirus Research Project in the United States, as of 9:26 a.m. on the 5th Beijing time, the total number of confirmed cases across the world reached 65,771,488, and the death toll was 1,516,035.

Data map: December 1 local time, the new coronavirus testing station Data Map: On December 1 local time, the new coronavirus testing station “Drive Speed” installed at Alemany Farmers Market in San Francisco, California, USA, provided testing services to citizens. Photo by reporter from China News Agency Liu Guanguan

  Americas: COVID-19 has become the leading cause of death in the United States

According to data published by Johns Hopkins University, at 9:26 a.m. Beijing time, the cumulative number of confirmed cases in the United States has reached 14.434430, of which 278,605 have died. The number of recently confirmed cases in a single day in the United States on the 4th surpassed 200,000, and the number of recently confirmed cases in many states was close to the record high.

Statistics released by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) and the University of Washington on Day 4 show that the number of deaths from new coronary pneumonia last week exceeded the number of deaths from heart disease and cancer for the first time. , becoming the leading cause of death in the United States. Among them, the number of deaths from new crowns reached 11,820, the number of deaths from heart disease was 10,724, and the number of deaths from lung cancer was 3,965.

Anthony Fauci, a U.S. infectious disease expert and director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said on the 4th that he accepted President-elect Biden’s invitation and is willing to serve as his chief medical adviser, and will continue in the U.S. government’s COVID-19 response task force. Fauci, 79, has been director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases for 36 years.

According to data published by the Brazilian Ministry of Health on the 4th, that day there were 46,884 new confirmed cases in Brazil, with a total of 6,533,968 confirmed cases; 694 new deaths, with a total of 175,964 deaths; and a total of 5,744,369 cured cases. The mayor of Rio de Janeiro, Marcelo Cribera, announced on the 4th that all public schools in the city will suspend classes again from the 7th and will return to online teaching due to the repeated worsening of the epidemic recently.

Data Map: Image shows the National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology Data map: Image shows National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology “Gamaleya” in Moscow, Russia, where staff demonstrate the new corona vaccine.

  Europe: Moscow, Russia launches vaccination application procedure

From day 5, Moscow, Russia will vaccinate high-risk groups with the new corona vaccine. Moscow Mayor Sobyanin said the first batch of vaccines will include medical staff, teachers and staff from social service agencies, who will be vaccinated with Russia’s first new crown vaccine, “Satellite-V”. Ordinary Moscow citizens can request vaccinations through the electronic application system. Currently, all the city’s hospitals have 70 vaccination points installed.

Britain’s Department for Transport issued a statement on the 4th that it will adjust entry and epidemic prevention policies for certain groups of people, including high-end business travelers, actors, media professionals and athletes. According to the New Deal, they no longer need to self-quarantine after entering the UK. The New Deal will be implemented starting at 4 am local time on December 5. The statement stated that this move will help the UK economy recover and create more jobs.

The Slovenian government released data on the 4th that the country had 61 new deaths from the new crown in the past 24 hours, a record since the outbreak, with a total of 1,653 deaths. The data shows that Slovenia has recently confirmed 1,784 cases in the last 24 hours and a total of 83,133 confirmed cases. The Sri Lankan Ministry of Health recently announced the crown’s new vaccination plan. In the first stage, high-risk groups such as medical personnel will be vaccinated, and the figure is expected to be 50,000.

The epidemic data released by the Romanian government on the 4th showed that in the last 24 hours, there were 8062 new confirmed cases in the country, a total of 500273 cases; 176 new deaths, a total of 12,052 cases. Romania has implemented a one-month curfew and other restrictions across the country since November 9, and has successively “closed” dozens of cities and towns with severe epidemics for two weeks, but many experts believe the effect of the prevention and control is not obvious.

The epidemic data published by the Bulgarian Ministry of Health on the 4th showed that in the last 24 hours, there were 3,280 new confirmed cases of new corona in the country, with a total of 155,193; 156 new deaths, a record since the epidemic, with a total of 4,503 deaths. The second round of closure measures implemented by Bulgaria has lasted a week, but the epidemic situation has not been alleviated. The data also show that as of day 4, a total of 6,624 doctors in the country have been infected and there are 6,766 hospitalized patients with a new crown, of which 523 are in the intensive care unit.

Data Map: The recent epidemic in Japan has a rebound trend.  The picture shows people in Tokyo walking into the street of the restaurant to eat.Photo by Lu Shaowei, a reporter for the China News Agency.Data Map: The recent epidemic in Japan has a rebound trend. The picture shows people in Tokyo walking into the street of the restaurant to eat.Photo by China News Agency reporter Lu Shaowei

  Asia: Japanese Prime Minister considers epidemic and economy his top priority

Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga said at a press conference held at the prime minister’s residence on the night of the 4th that the number of newly diagnosed and seriously ill patients reached a record high, which is alarming. Once again he emphasized that stopping the new epidemic of the crown and rebuilding the economy are the main tasks of his government. Yoshihide Suga urged the Japanese people to take measures against the epidemic, such as wearing masks, frequent hand washing, and avoiding “3 containment (close, dense, close contact).” He also said that the interest-free and unsecured financing provided by Japan Policy Finance Corporation will run through the first half of next year.

According to the South Korean Anti-Epidemic Countermeasures Headquarters, as of 0:00 on December 5, 583 new confirmed cases have been registered in the last 24 hours. The number of new cases in a single day in South Korea exceeded 100 for 28 consecutive days; on day 4, 629 new cases were reported, the highest value in more than 9 months. Starting on the 5th, Seoul, South Korea, required all cinemas and supermarkets to be closed after 9:00 p.m. to restrict overnight travel. The Seoul Department of Education announced that from the 7th to the 18th of this month, the city’s middle and high schools will stop teaching offline and switch to online teaching.

To control the spread of the epidemic, Palestine will extend the state of emergency for another month from the 3rd. This is the ninth time that Palestine has extended its state of emergency due to the new corona epidemic. At 6:00 p.m. local time on the 4th, the cumulative number of confirmed cases in Palestine reached 94,676 and the cumulative number of deaths reached 797.

  Africa: 47 Chinese citizens infected by COVID-19 in Uganda

According to the latest statistics from the African Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, at 5 p.m. on the 4th, Eastern African time, 2,215,216 cases of new coronary pneumonia have been diagnosed in Africa, a total of 52,824 deaths and a total of 1892013 cured.

The website of the Chinese Embassy in Uganda issued an announcement on the 5th that an Indian company in Uganda had a cluster of new corona pneumonia infections, resulting in 47 Chinese nationals working at the company and testing positive. to the new corona virus. The embassy reminded overseas Chinese in Uzbekistan and Chinese-funded institutions in Uzbekistan to attach great importance to it, take a warning and take all necessary measures to prevent cluster infections. (End up)

