Poverty Alleviation From January to October, Preferential Fiscal Policies Promote Tax Cuts of More Than 95 Billion | Poverty Alleviation_Sina Finance


Original title: From January to October, preferential fiscal policies for poverty alleviation promoted tax cuts that exceeded 95 billion yuan. Financial and fiscal “real money” helped alleviate poverty (Rui Finance)

A few days ago, at the production workshop of Hangao Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd. in Rugao City, Jiangsu Province, staff from the Tax Office conducted an on-the-spot understanding of export product orders and production conditions, and at the same time promoted tax policy dividends to help companies solve tax-related problems in production and operation. .

Photo by Xu Hui (People’s Vision)

Since the beginning of this year, the Xiapu County Tax Department in Fujian Province has made every effort to streamline the export tax refund process, effectively relieving the financial pressure on companies and helping companies companies to adapt to the situation to develop domestic and foreign markets. From January to October, Xiapu County handled a total of 146 million yuan in export tax refunds. The image shows employees of Fujian Ocean Silk Road Fishery Co., Ltd. processing large yellow croaker for export to the United States.

Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Song Weiwei.

A few days ago, the Information Office of the State Council held a press conference to present financial and fiscal support for poverty alleviation. The latest data shows that the central government’s special poverty alleviation funds this year reached 146.1 billion yuan; from January to October, preferential fiscal policies for poverty alleviation promoted tax cuts of more than 95 billion yuan; the level of supervision of funds for poverty alleviation has been vastly improved; Asset income poverty alleviation enhances the “bloodbath” function of tax funds … … All of these have played an important role in the fight against poverty.

Accurate and solid financial investment

Vice Minister of Finance Cheng Lihua presented at the press conference that, in recent years, the finance department has done everything possible to support the fight against poverty.

Investment continued to increase. From 2016 to 2020, the central government’s special poverty alleviation funds will increase by 20 billion yuan every year for five consecutive years, reaching 146.1 billion yuan in 2020. This year, a one-time agreement of 30 billion yuan of comprehensive financial subsidy funds to support poverty alleviation deficiencies in the areas listed in the war monitoring. By allocating transfer payments to industries like agriculture and education, they will favor poor areas and poor people. Through the interprovincial adjustment policy to link the increase and decrease of urban and rural construction land, 189.6 billion yuan was used to support poverty alleviation and rural revitalization. Through discounts on loan interest and risk compensation, financial institutions are targeting more than 600 billion yuan in microfinance to alleviate poverty.

Inversion accuracy is significantly improved. Focus on supporting the resolution of outstanding “worry-free two-three-guarantee” issues and increase support for key areas. From 2018 to 2020, a total of more than 280 billion yuan will be allocated to support the “three regions and three states” and other deeply impoverished areas.

The policy system has been continuously improved. Continuously improve the relevance and effectiveness of fiscal support policies. Promote the integration of agriculture-related funds in poverty-affected counties, explore the development of asset-income poverty alleviation models, and utilize government procurement policies to support consumption poverty alleviation.

The security of funds is further strengthened. Implement performance management of the entire fundraising process for poverty alleviation projects, promote public announcement of poverty alleviation funds, and explore the establishment of a dynamic monitoring mechanism for poverty alleviation funds.

In terms of carrying out asset income poverty alleviation, Wu Qixiu, director of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs in the Ministry of Finance, said that asset income poverty alleviation has improved the efficiency of the use of funds, strengthened the role of industrial radiation and developed and strengthened the collective economy of poor villages. “The ‘hematopoiesis’ function of financial investment has been significantly improved, and the sense of profit of the poor has been significantly improved,” said Wu Qixiu.

Regarding the strengthening of the supervision of funds for poverty alleviation, with the continuous improvement of the management system of the financial fund for poverty alleviation, the problem of violations of fiscal funds for poverty alleviation it has been significantly reduced and the security and standardization of the use of funds for poverty alleviation has been significantly improved.

Detailed implementation of tax incentives

Regarding the tax reduction and exemption data, from January to October this year, the tax department implemented various preferential tax policies to support poverty alleviation and achieved tax cuts of more than 95 billion yuan, a 38% year-on-year increase, effectively promoting poverty alleviation in poverty-stricken areas. Looking at the data from the value added tax bills, the sales revenue of 832 impoverished counties from January to October this year increased 13.3% year-on-year, fully reflecting that, in the special context of the new epidemic crown pneumonia, economic recovery and development of impoverished areas have achieved good results.

According to Wang Daoshu, chief economist at the State Tax Administration, preferential tax policies to support poverty alleviation include six aspects:

—— Support the construction of infrastructure in areas affected by poverty, grant tax breaks for the construction and operation of water conservation projects on agricultural lands and security of rural drinking water, and optimize the environment for economic and social development in areas affected by poverty.

—— Promote the development of agriculture-related industries and implement a series of fiscal support policies such as the reduction and exemption of value added tax and corporate income tax for the “company + farmer” business model, and the reduction and exemption of corporate income tax for agricultural, forestry, livestock and fishing projects.

—— Stimulate the vitality of entrepreneurship and employment in poverty-stricken areas, implement inclusive tax cuts and exemptions for small and micro enterprises, increase preferential tax policies for entrepreneurship and employment of key groups, and include the population affected by poverty with registration cards established within the scope of preferential fiscal policies.

——Foster the development of inclusive finance and encourage financial institutions, insurance, guarantees, and small loans through various methods such as tax exemption, income deduction, pre-tax reserve deduction, calculation simple tax, etc., with special attention to farmers and small and micro enterprises. The company increased financial support for poverty alleviation and development.

-Promote accelerated development of “old, young, borderline and poor” regions, implement regional preferential tax policies in western regions, ethnic regions and difficult areas in Xinjiang, and grant income taxes, deed taxes, use taxes of urban land, stamp taxes and other reductions and exemptions for relocation and poverty alleviation.

—— Encouraging social forces to increase donations for poverty alleviation, implement policies such as granting deductions for business donation expenses for poverty alleviation before business income tax and exemption from value-added tax on donations of goods for poverty alleviation, and broadly guide social forces to actively participate in poverty alleviation.

Maintain overall political stability

However, in the implementation process, the distribution of subsidies in some localities is not yet sufficiently standardized, and there are problems such as interception and embezzlement. To this end, the Ministry of Finance and seven other ministries recently issued the “Guiding Opinions on Further Strengthening the Management of the” All-in-One Card “for Huimin and Hui Nong Financial Subsidy Funds,” adjusted and optimized the Huimin and Hui Nong financial subsidy policy system, and established and improved a long-term monitoring mechanism.

“By 2023, all financial subsidies for the benefit of individuals and farmers that are paid directly to households will be issued in principle through the ‘all-in-one card’. The supervisory pattern of the central government, the province that assumes overall responsibility and cities and counties will basically take shape., To achieve ‘a list management system, a platform management distribution,’ “said Gao Jinxing, director of the Ministry of Finance’s Office of Monitoring and Evaluation.

Getting out of poverty is not the end, but the starting point for a new life and a new struggle. In the next stage, what other fiscal and tax policies will support poverty prevention and rural revitalization?

“In the transition period of poverty alleviation, the general policy of fiscal support remained stable. On this basis, we will rationally organize the scale of financial investment and optimize the spending structure according to the need to consolidate and expand results of poverty alleviation and rural revitalization and financial situation. Work provides financial protection, “said Cheng Lihua.

After the poverty-stricken counties remove their hats, relevant assistance policies, including taxes, will shift from tackling tough battles to normalization. “In the next step, the tax department will focus on establishing a long-term mechanism to consolidate the results of poverty alleviation and will continue to do a good job of publicizing policies and targeting poor counties, villages poor and poor people who have risen out of poverty, and tax incentives should be enjoyed. “Wang Dao Said the tree.

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Editor-in-Chief: Jiang Xiaotong
