The initial public offering of A shares raised 420 billion yuan, a maximum of 10 years, and the expansion of the market has accelerated under the registration system


Original title: A-share IPO raised 420 billion yuan, a maximum of 10 years

Entering decemberA crotchThis year’s IPO officially entered the sprint stage.Promotion of the registration system has greatly encouragedSMEsRequest for listing, initial public offering of A shares in the first 11 months of this yearmoneyThe amount exceeded 420,000 million yuan, a record in the last 10 years;Financing scaleIt has exceeded a billion.

According to reporters using dataStatisticsAs of the beginning of this year, there are 349 A shares based on the initial listing date.the companyThe IPO (initial public offering) ranks second after all of 2017, an increase of almost 72% from all of last year; a total of 430.272.4 billion yuan of funds raised, a new record since 2010, an increase of 70% over the whole of last year.Share21 IPO companies (according to the listing date), the initial funds raised reached 28.683 million yuan. Based on this new rate, the total amount of A-share fundraising this year is expected to exceed 450 billion yuan, the third-highest IPO fundraising in history.

In terms of specific listings, this yearTo start a businessIPO BoardcompanyThere are 96 companies, with a total initial fundraising of 82.587 million yuan, the largest IPO fundraising in the past year, an increase of 174.18% over the entire year of last year.Science and Technology Innovation BoardIs it the financing of the company’s IPO?Main forceJun. Since the beginning of this year, companies holding IPOs in the Science and Technology Innovation Board have raised a total of 204.7413.1 billion yuan, which is slightly more than the sum of IPOs in the Main Board. and ChiNext.

This was also reflected in the industrial distribution of IPO companies during the year. Since the beginning of this year, according to the secondary industry classification of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, sincecomputer, Communications and other electronic equipment, andThe Internetand relatedService, Software andinformation technologyA total of 87 IPO companies in the service industry and other science and technology fields raised a total of 133.33 billion yuan.

With the arrival of December, the IPO review pace has accelerated even more from previous years, with 20 companies this week.Go to the meetingto acceptAccording to the review, the estimated fundraising scale is 15.387 million yuan. Among them, there are 8 companies planning to meet at the GEM, with a total of 4.93 billion yuan planned to raise funds, which is the largest number of companies to be reviewed; the number of companies planned to join the science and technology council is 6.949 million yuan. The largest segment of the proposed fundraising scale. On Thursday 14 companies will participate in the “big test.”

Many companies are lining up to go public. Data shows that at the end of last month,Pre-disclosureAnd the number of IPO companies in the normal queue state reached 578; Among them, there were 433 tail companies under the registration system and 145 under the approval system. Among the companies accepted by ChiNext, 294 companies have not yet attended the meeting; Among the companies accepted by the Science and Technology Innovation Board, 138 companies have not yet attended the meeting.

In addition, this year’s A-share refinancing rules have also undergone multiple rounds of optimization.According to reporters’ statistics, in terms of A-share refinancing, the A-share refinancing scale this year has reached 10 .06.612 billion yuan (includingAdditional issueAssignmentConvertible bondsEtc.), an increase of almost 4% from 968,374,800 million yuan last year. Among them, the additional issuance scale of A-share companies this year is 7.421.103 billion yuan, an increase of 8.52% over the entire year of last year.

(Source: Shenzhen Commercial Daily)

(Responsible editor: DF524)

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