Ten departments to promote the popularization of cloud tourism and accelerate the construction of smart tourist attractions | Opinion_Sina Finance_Sina.com


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Original title: Ten departments promote the popularization of tourism in the cloud

Ten ministries, including the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the Ministry of Commerce, jointly issued the “Opinions on the deepening of” Internet + tourism “and the promotion of high-quality development of the tourism industry” (hereinafter, the “Opinions “), covering eight aspects, including tourism information infrastructure and tourism public service models. On the one hand, a deep integration plan for “Internet + Tourism” was proposed.

The “Opinions” propose that by 2022, the “Internet + Tourism” development mechanism will be more complete, the total number of tourism reception and consumption throughout the country will return to the pre-epidemic level, and the capabilities of supervision and big data service of the tourist market. By the year 2025, the information technology represented by the Internet will become an important driving force for the development of tourism. Level 4A and above national tourist attractions, and provincial level and above tourist centers have basically made intelligent transformation and upgrading.

Regarding support for new forms of tourism, the “Rulings” proposed that to accelerate the construction of smart tourist attractions, state-owned tourist attractions should provide online reservation services before the end of 2021; improve the tourism information infrastructure and accelerate the promotion of national tourism demonstration zones and national 5A levels. The level of coverage of the 5G network in key tourist areas such as tourist attractions and national resorts.

The “Opinions” suggest that it is necessary to support tourism innovation and entrepreneurship, guide the development of new business formats such as cloud tourism, cloud performance, cloud entertainment, cloud live streaming and cloud display, and cultivate a new model of “network + consumer experience”. At the same time, the Beidou navigation system, portable devices, electronic billboards, remote sensing satellites and other technologies and equipment will be used in self-service tourism and special tourism.

“Deep integration of the Internet and the traditional tourism industry will greatly improve the efficiency of information interaction between various departments, reduce communication and operation costs, and create a smart tourism industry to achieve management intelligence, stage service and marketing. ” Suning Financial Research Fu Yifu, director of the Academy’s Consumer Finance Research Center, said that with the continued maturity of various policy-supported digital technologies, cloud tourism will continue to grow and become an important force to promote the growth of the tourism industry and the entire consumer market.

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Editor in Charge: Deng Jian
