At least 56 policies were issued in six months to promote the smooth start of construction of the Hainan Free Trade Port | Hainan_Sina


Original title: At least 56 policies were issued in six months to promote the smooth start of construction of the Hainan Free Trade Port

Our reporter Chang Xiaoyu

On December 1, the “Master Plan for the Construction of the Hainan Free Trade Port” (hereinafter the “Master Plan”) was published just half a year ago.

According to incomplete statistics from a Securities Daily reporter, in the past six months, from the central government to the local government in Hainan, at least 56 relevant policies and measures have been introduced, including corporate income tax, “tariff zero “, duty-free shopping in outlying islands, free and easy access to staff, introduction of talents, Building an island of international educational innovation, free and convenient cross-border capital flow, transportation, property protection Intellectual, business environment and many other aspects have vigorously promoted the construction of the Hainan Free Trade Port (hereinafter referred to as “Hainan Free Trade Port”).

In addition, since the introduction of the “Master Plan”, Hainan has successively launched 2 batches of 14 innovation cases of the Hainan Free Trade Port system. Among them, the eighth batch of institutional innovation cases published on September 3 included the “one-stop shop” for international investment, the “multiple review and integration” for approval of land and space use, the “multiple certification “for yachts and other ship certificates, and foreign investment in free trade accounts. Facilitate capital investment supervision, reform radio approval system to unlock the value of spectrum resources, real-world drug and medical device clinical data registration and application, social management information, intelligence, intelligence and innovative invocation of prosecutors in 8 cases; November 8 The ninth batch of systems innovation cases published in Japan includes the integration of work for foreigners, joint review and inspection of residence permits, transfer of social security relationships “single application, full-process agency” , “air-ground networks” to promote the reform of low-altitude airspace management and ship registration “all Reengineering of the” five-in-one “park development process, urgent clinical need for imported drugs and equipment, management of collaborative traceability between multiple parties, etc. 6 elements.

“In general, the relevant policies and measures to promote the construction of the Hainan Free Trade Port are mainly focused in three directions,” Dong Zhongyun, chief economist at AVIC Securities, said in an interview with a reporter for Securities Daily. First, investment freedom and convenience. The Hainan Free Trade Port implements “no ban or entry”. The government mainly implements supervision during and after the event. This clarifies the relationship between the government and the market and helps the market play a decisive role in allocating resources. At the same time, through a series of systems such as the opening of the service industry, the implementation of national treatment for foreign investment and the implementation of the management of negative lists, it will facilitate the entry and exit of national and foreign capital from the Hainan Free Trade Port, which will help attract global capital.

Second, “zero tariffs” for trade in goods. The Hainan Free Trade Port adopted the “one negative and three positive” list for importing equipment for own use by companies, transportation for import operations, imported raw and auxiliary materials for production for own use or for production and processing activities. in a dual purpose mode, and consumption by residents of the island. For imported goods apply the “zero tariff” policy. On November 11, the Ministry of Finance, the General Administration of Customs and the State Administration of Taxation jointly issued the “Notice on” Zero Fee Policy for Raw and Auxiliary Materials of Hainan Free Trade Port “, and published the first list of “zero fee” commodities from Hainan Free Trade Port. On November 30, the General Administration of Customs formulated and issued the “Measures for Customs Supervision of Raw and Complementary Materials” Zero Tariff “Imported by the Hainan Free Trade Port (for trial implementation)”. Related issues clarified. More detailed policies are expected for all relevant links in the future. On the one hand, relevant policies can reduce the cost of enterprises purchasing raw materials, production and operation equipment, research and development teams, etc., increase corporate profitability, encourage more enterprises to establish production links, research and development and others in the Hainan Free Trade Port, promote the development of local industries in Hainan and achieve the supply side. Optimize and update. On the other hand, it can lower the cost of living for local residents, stimulate local consumption and boost demand. The combination of supply and demand will jointly promote Hainan’s economic development.

Third, reductions and exemptions from income tax for natural and legal persons. For example, for Encouraged Industrial Enterprises registered in the Hainan Free Trade Port and in operation, the corporate income tax is reduced by 15%, and for Skilled High-end and Low-skilled personnel working in the Hainan free trade port, the actual burden of personal income tax exceeds 15% part. These policies will attract and encourage companies in related industries to establish themselves and promote the adjustment of the local industrial structure. At the same time, industrial development is inseparable from the supply of relevant talents. Tax reduction and exemption to attract top talent will provide a talent bonus essential to Hainan’s economic development. .

Xiao Benhua, Vice Dean of the Free Trade Zone Research Institute at Shanghai Lixin University of Accounting and Finance, said in an interview with a Securities Daily reporter: “Relevant policies to promote the construction of the Hainan Free Trade Port are the first to focus on promoting the integration and innovation of industrial park development systems September On day 1, the General Office of the Provincial Government of Hainan issued the “Innovation and Reform Plan for System Integration and Innovation of the Hainan Free Trade Port Boao Lecheng International Medical Tourism Pioneer Zone. “The main content can be summarized into 4 freedoms and comforts, 2 medical model innovations and 2 comprehensive implementation areas. Minimal approval reform and a set of system process supervision. This is the first plan to reform innovation for the integration of park systems Industrial Free Trade Port of Hainan, with strong innovation and high integration. The second is truly achieving international benchmarking and making key policy breakthroughs. For example. , Yangpu consolidated port area and other special areas will lead the implementation of the rules of origin, that is, if there are imported items among the raw materials used in production, if the added value in the special area exceeds 30%, the products produced will not need to be delivered to the Chinese mainland market. Rates, this policy has a strong international competitiveness “.

Talking about the next step in promoting the construction of the Hainan Free Trade Port, how should we make more efforts? Dong Zhongyun suggested that, first of all, we must firmly seize the period of strategic opportunity for China to build a new top-level open economy and comprehensively improve the level of openness, make good use of relevant policies and rules. relevant policy guidelines are implemented as soon as possible. Second, by focusing on innovation-driven and high-quality development, more efforts should be made to innovate systems at both ends of optimizing supply and expanding demand, and attract various kinds of high-quality resources. quality. Finally, by managing the relationship between the government and the market, further streamlining the administration and delegating power, simplifying various administrative approvals, strengthening the construction of a service-oriented government, and continuing to optimize the business environment in Hainan.
