National Exam 2021 Starts Today: Planned To Recruit 25,700 And More Than 1.57 Million People Who Have Registered For The Trial | Civil Service | National Exam | Mask_Sina


Original title: The 2021 National Exam begins today: 25,700 people are scheduled to be recruited and more than 1.57 million people have registered for the trial.

Chinanews Client, Beijing, Nov 29 The written examination of 2021 civil servants employed by the central agency and its directly affiliated institutions will officially begin on the 29th. The national exam plan enrolled 25,700 people, and a total of 1,576 million people passed the employer qualification exam during the registration stage, with the average proficiency ratio reaching 61: 1.

Data Map: An Examination Center for Civil Servants in Taiyuan, Shanxi.  Candidates prepare to enter the examination room Photo by China News Agency reporter Wu JunjieData Map: An Examination Center for Civil Servants in Taiyuan, Shanxi. Candidates prepare to enter the examination room Photo by China News Agency reporter Wu Junjie

The 2021 National Exam begins today, 1.576 million people have registered for the exam

A total of 79 departments and 23 directly affiliated agencies will participate in the 2021 exams of the central government and its directly affiliated institutions, and it plans to recruit 25,700 people.

Judging by the recruitment scale, over the past three years, the recruitment scale for national exams has fluctuated significantly. The enrollment scale in 2019 was 14,500 and the enrollment scale in 2020 has increased dramatically to 24,000. The enrollment scale for this national exam has increased slightly compared to the previous year.

According to previous news published on the website of the National Public Administration Office, a total of 1,576 million people passed the employer qualification review during the registration stage of the National Public Administration Office. The ratio of the number of people who passed the rating review to the number of hiring plans was approximately 61: 1.

However, as in previous years, there are many highly competitive positions in the 2021 national exam registration. For example, in the registration stage, as of the registration channel closing, the level of competition for the position of “Dongguan Survey Team Business Division I “of the Guangdong Survey Team of the National Bureau of Statistics exceeded” three thousand elections. “

Data Map: Taiyuan, Shanxi.  Candidates taking the civil service exam check the layout of the exam rooms.Photo by Wei LiangData Map: Taiyuan, Shanxi. Candidates taking the civil service exam check the layout of the exam rooms.Photo by Wei Liang

Hiring policy continues to lean toward the grassroots

Looking at the recruitment policy of this national entrance exam, the feature of “incline base and recent graduates” has attracted public attention. This recruitment has organized 15,000 plans for the recruitment of recent college and university graduates, and the municipal (prefectural) level and lower directly affiliated institutions recruit mainly recent college and university graduates.

In addition, more than 8,300 plans have been supplemented for directly affiliated institutions at the county (district) level and below in western and remote areas, and measures have been taken such as lowering academic requirements, relaxing professional conditions, and not restricting years of work and experience to lower the entry threshold.

More than 2,300 plans to recruit college students, village officials and other base service project personnel, and retired soldiers from college graduates who have served in the military for more than 5 years (inclusive) are specially configured to encourage and guide the outstanding talent flow to grassroots.

The professor of the Central Party School (National School of Administration), Zhu Lijia, analyzed that in the hiring of public officials the characteristic of leaning towards the base has always been obvious. The state is also introducing comprehensive measures to allow some base positions, especially those in the west and difficult and remote areas. Difficulties recruiting and retaining people.

“From the current situation of civil servants, with the development of the economy and society, the grassroots public services and public management need more high and high-level talents. Therefore, it is necessary that more young university students bring new knowledge and new ideas to the grassroots. Do a worthy job, “said Zhu Lijia.

Data map: The picture shows that on November 24, 2019, the national exam candidates enter the Nanjing Forestry University testing center to take the exam.  China's news agency published the source of Su Yang's photo: CNSphotoData map: The picture shows that on November 24, 2019, the national exam candidates enter the Nanjing Forestry University testing center to take the exam. China’s news agency published the source of Su Yang’s photo: CNSphoto

The selection focuses on precision and science to improve the quality of the selection.

From the perspective of the exam itself, according to the previous introduction of the National Civil Service Office, this exam will promote classified exams, and the written exam of public issues will continue to be assigned to the positions of central agencies and directly affiliated institutions at the municipal level. (prefectural) and lower. Test questions.

The interview pays more attention to reflecting the job content, nature and characteristics of recruitment agencies and recruitment positions, so that the content of the exam reflects the basic skills that civil servants should possess and the requirements of the different job categories and different levels of agencies.

In addition, to actively eliminate point-based hiring, some central-level hiring agencies will implement differentiated inspections, comprehensive exam results, physical exam and inspection results, etc., and determine the candidates to be hired according to the suitability principle. of staff and positions.

In the opinion of some experts, this move aims to make the selection process more precise and scientific and further improve the quality of the selection.

“In recent years, whether for national or provincial examinations, the tendency to qualify and categorize the selection is relatively obvious. The purpose is to conduct more specific tests of the candidates’ abilities according to the different job requirements of different positions and different levels, and strive to recruit talents. It can be more in line with the principle of adequate personnel and personnel, “said Li Manqing, Huatu’s education public examination expert.

On November 21, affected by the new corona pneumonia epidemic, Tianjin Binhai New District carried out a large-scale nucleic acid test and screening for all residents of its jurisdiction. The picture shows medical workers busy at the nucleic acid test sampling site.Photo by China News Agency reporter Zhang Daozheng

Sanitary code, temperature measurement, masks … the examination room has no dead ends for the prevention of epidemics

As a special national examination marking the beginning of the new corona pneumonia epidemic, this year, the deployment of epidemic prevention in examination rooms in various places is also more stringent. Before the examination, many provinces have issued clear reminders.

For example, in Tianjin, where there have been many local cases recently, detailed requirements are set for candidates who have a history of living in high-risk areas. At the same time, Tianjin also requires all candidates to wear masks during the exam.

The Shandong testing area also requires candidates to bring their own disposable medical surgical masks when testing. Except for removing masks when necessary when undergoing identity verification, they must wear masks throughout the test center and during testing. When candidates enter the testing center, they must take a temperature measurement and check the electronic health access code of Shandong Province.

The Hainan testing area requires that candidates who have had a fever (body temperature greater than 37.3 ℃), cough, shortness of breath and other symptoms within 14 days prior to testing must present a certificate of negative results from nucleic acid test once within 7 days. If you have a fever when you enter the room to measure the temperature or during the exam, those who do not meet the requirements after the comprehensive evaluation will fail the exam or will not be allowed to take the exam with other healthy candidates. (End up)
