International Current Review | Review: Fighting the American Epidemic Aggravates the Political and Economic Chaos in the United States


International Current Review | Review: Fighting the American Epidemic Aggravates the Political and Economic Chaos in the United States

Xinhua News Agency Author: 2020-11-27

Make the recovery of the US economy difficult.

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, Nov. 26 (Reporter Huang He) As the only federal quarantine unit in the United States, the University of Nebraska Medical Center in the United States has been completely reduced to the “New Crown Building” in the last two weeks, with 10 floors used to treat new cases of crowns. . This is just a microcosm of the dire situation of the epidemic in the United States.

As of the evening of the 25th Eastern Time, the cumulative number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in the United States exceeded 12.75 million and the cumulative number of deaths exceeded 260,000. The United States, with its strong economic strength and leading medical standards, has now become the country with the most confirmed cases and the most deaths in the world. The American anti-epidemic is like a mirror, showing a cluster of chaos, and there are more chronic and chronic diseases that have been hidden in American politics, economy and social life under the chaos.

Since the outbreak of the epidemic, powerful politicians have pursued a political priority strategy and have continued to miss out on the opportunity to combat the epidemic. When the epidemic spread and worsened, in order to cover up their own mistakes in responding to the epidemic, they cheated internally and “abandoned” externally. Opinions of public health officials and medical experts have been repeatedly suppressed, and even American infectious disease expert Anthony Fauci has been unable to appear in the media due to repeated clarifications of the truth to the public.

In the year of the general election, the epidemic became a tool of partisan struggle. The two sides accused each other of politicizing the epidemic. To win votes, despite warnings from health experts, successive large-scale election campaigns have increased the risk of spreading the virus. The new round of the economic stimulus plan is also difficult to produce due to differences between the two parties, which has slowed the pace of economic recovery in the United States and exacerbated the deterioration of people’s livelihoods.

On October 5, San Francisco City Council staff worked at the outdoor voting center. To prevent the new corona epidemic, San Francisco has established an outdoor voting center outside City Hall. (Photo of Li Jianguo issued by Xinhua News Agency)

At the beginning of the outbreak, the US authorities artificially minimized the impact of the epidemic to stabilize the stock market. This myopic approach to maintaining political performance rather than caring for the safety of the people accelerated the spread of the epidemic in the United States and ultimately caused serious economic damage. High unemployment, slow tourism and retail services, and weak consumption have hampered the recovery of the US economy.

In the event that the epidemic has not been effectively controlled, to prevent the economic recession from affecting political performance, politicians have forcibly restarted the economy despite opposition from experts, resulting in an increase substantial number of cases and a rapid rebound in the epidemic. Many companies were forced to close due to the increase in cases. In July of this year, more than 150 medical experts in the United States jointly signed an open letter calling on decision-makers in the United States federal and state governments to put their lives first, they will stop restarting the economy and reorganize the fight against the epidemic.

During the epidemic, the use of federal financial aid funds was also controversial due to lack of fairness and transparency. In the first half of the year, the United States Congress launched the “Wage Guarantee Program,” which aims to provide financial assistance to small businesses to pay their employees and avoid bankruptcies and layoffs. However, people soon discovered that much of this “life-saving money” was going into the pockets of big business. Another project called “Care Action”, its funds are mainly to help public universities and non-profit schools with financial difficulties. As a result, some “elite” schools have also received a large amount of funding.

The epidemic has brought death and economic pressure, and has ruthlessly exposed the lies of American human rights. Issues such as racial discrimination, class antagonism, and polarization between rich and poor have become prominent under the epidemic. According to data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the diagnosis rate, hospitalization rate, and death rate for African Americans are 2.6 times, 4.7 times, and 2.1 times that of whites, respectively. , and the related data for Latinos are 2.8, 4.6 and 4.6 times that of whites, respectively. 1.1 times. The reason is that ethnic minorities “are mostly occupied in low-level jobs with inadequate medical protection, worse living conditions and incomplete health insurance.”

It is also worrying that the epidemic is widening the gap between rich and poor in American society. A report released by the American Policy Research Institute in June showed that the combined wealth of American billionaires reached $ 3.5 trillion, an increase of $ 565 billion from March data. On the other hand, high medical expenses in the United States, repeated setbacks in the reform of the medical system and economic income, and the allocation of severely unequal medical resources have left the United States defenseless against the epidemic. This has further aggravated polarization and class antagonism in American society.

With the advent of cold weather, the epidemic situation in the United States has become increasingly dire. The possibility of taking effective scientific and response measures is not only related to the prevention and control of the epidemic and the safety of the American people, but also to the economic recovery and social development of the United States. It has become an unavoidable question. .

Publisher: Zhiyang
