Chinese and foreign academics talk about integrating Yangtze River Delta officials in this way_current Affairs_news_singdao global network


Original Title: Chinese and Foreign Scholars Take the Pulse of Yangtze River Delta Integration Officials: Full Participation of Market Forces Required

Sing Tao Global News:China News Service, Nov 28 (Reporter Chen Jing) Zhang Zhongwei, deputy director of the Executive Committee of the Yangtze River Delta Green Ecological Integration Development Demonstration Zone and deputy director of the Shanghai Development and Reform Commission, told the reporters on the 28th that the integration of the Yangtze River Delta will free up space, The power of institutions and knowledge, and stimulate market forces.

He noted that market activity in the Yangtze River Delta is high and that the business opportunities that companies pursue are contained in an integrated strategy. Zhang Zhongwei introduced that the integration of the Yangtze River Delta involves several key areas. Port conglomerates, airport conglomerates, high-speed rail networks, new infrastructure, and inter-basin ecological governance require that market forces fully participate and promote the implementation of strategies.

Zhang Zhongwei said that promoting regional integration in three provinces and one city will broaden the depth of the strategy, increase the room for maneuver and break down administrative barriers. Space is also productivity, and the integration strategy will be implemented at different spatial scales, including large cities, metropolitan areas, urban agglomerations, and the entire Yangtze River Delta.

Zhang Zhongwei said that building a mechanism like the Yangtze River Delta Business Alliance and the Demonstration Zone Developers Alliance is to fully connect the market and society with the strategy. The new interregional integrated governance mechanism explored in the demonstration area can also be used in the Yangtze River Delta and other adjacent regions throughout the country. For example, the opening of trunk roads between domains will increase the efficiency of travel and integration between domains and a network will improve the efficiency of work. The market plays a lubricating and promotional role, allowing items to flow on a larger scale.

The journalist learned on the 28th that the 2020 Yangtze River Delta University Think Tank Summit brought together experts and academics from the Yangtze River Delta Integration Demonstration Zone, the Delta University Think Tank Alliance of the Yangtze River, the Shanghai University Think Tank and the Yangtze River Delta Demonstration Zone Developers Alliance. Focusing on the integrated construction and development of the Yangtze River Delta, Osaka University Honorary Professor Hatta Huang Xianhai, Vice President of Zhejiang University, Zhang Xueliang, Executive Dean of the Yangtze River Delta and the Research Institute of the Yangtze River Economic Belt Development of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, Fudan Development Research Institute / Department of Atmospheric and Ocean Sciences / Tang Xu, Professor at the Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and former Director of the Department of Meteorological and Environmental Services United Nations World Meteorological Organization Disaster Mitigation, delivered keynote speeches successively.

In an interview, Jiao Yang, secretary of the Fudan University Party Committee, hopes to strengthen exchanges and cooperation between member units with an integrated approach, promote the improvement of the level of government consulting and services with high-quality objectives and create stronger intelligence for the integrated construction of the Yangtze River Delta in the new stage of development. motor.

In September last year, the Yangtze River Delta University Think Tank Alliance was formally established, jointly initiated by Fudan University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Zhejiang University, Nanjing University, and University of Science and Technology. East China Technology. Over the past year or so, the alliance has promoted the formation of leading, collaborative and specialized demonstration think tank groups through the establishment and enhancement of joint research, joint training, open exchange and other mechanisms, and has achieved a significant progress.

Jiao Yang said that the university think tank alliance itself is an innovative product of the integration of the Yangtze River Delta. The alliance building should closely follow “integration” and “high quality”, strengthen exchanges and cooperation, and promote the improvement of the level of political consulting and services. The triangular integration construction creates a stronger intellectual engine.

Jiao Yang believes that the Yangtze River Delta University Think Tank Alliance should be brave to open roads and build bridges, and explore the way in the “no man’s land” of the Yangtze River Delta integrated system design where there is no experience to follow; must dare to demonstrate and lead, and summarize and condense the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta Can copy and promote the experience of the system.

In Jiao Yang’s view, the Yangtze River Delta University Think Tank Alliance should jointly build a platform to form a pattern of interaction between think tanks and government, business, and academia; it should share resources, accelerate the collection, extraction, analysis and use of big data in the Yangtze River Delta, and promote data information. Cross-regional and cross-regional think tanks are interoperable and shared; open up capacity expansion and actively attract more university think tanks to join the alliance family. Jiao Yang said that the Yangtze River Delta University Think Tank Alliance should also promote talent gathering, improve the alliance’s incentive mechanism, and introduce high-level innovative talent; should promote the flow of talents, deepen cooperation between schools and enterprises, and cultivate, discover and promote the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta. Reserve professional research talents.

The Yangtze River Delta University Think Tank Summit is reported to be a branded event of the Yangtze River Delta University Think Tank Alliance and is held regularly every year. (End up)
