Zhou Xiaohui: Kissinger and Other Defense Department Advisers Exempt Trump and Cleaned Up the Swamp | Washington Marsh | Removal of the Secretary of Defense


[La Gran Época, 27 de noviembre de 2020]According to a report published on the U.S. Foreign Policy website on November 25, the Pentagon issued a statement the same day it removed 11 well-known advisers to the U.S. Defense Policy Committee, including former Secretary of State Kissin. . Ge and Albright, Obama’s Secretary of Naval Operations, Retired Admiral Rugerhead, Former Pentagon Operations Director Rudy De Leon, Former Senior Member of the US House of Representatives Intelligence Committee Jane Harman, Former Majority Leader of the United States House of Representatives, Eric Cantor, Under Secretary of the Treasury McCormick during the Bush administration, Franklin Miller, a former senior Defense Department official, and Deputy Attorney General Jamie during the Clinton administration.

While Acting Defense Secretary Miller graciously thanked them for their contributions, based on the background of the exempted consultants, it is clear that this was Trump’s removal of Washington from the Department of Defense after removing former Defense Secretary Esper and other senior officials. defense officials. Another move through the swamp.

According to the data, the Defense Policy Board (DPB) is the Federal Advisory Committee of the US Department of Defense. Its members usually include former military generals, secretaries of state, congressmen and other high-level diplomats and policy experts. Exterior. Therefore, they are considered top military officials. The purpose of the expert group is to “provide comprehensive and independent advice and opinions on important matters of national defense policy to the Secretary of Defense, the Deputy Secretary of Defense, and the Deputy Secretary for Defense Policy to safeguard the public interest. focuses on the core of the Department of Defense strategic planning Long-term and persistent issues, and will be responsible for the investigation and analysis of long-term or short-term issues by the Secretary of Defense, the Assistant Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of Defense. Defending “.

In recent years, the National Defense Policy Committee was primarily a way for the Pentagon to consult non-military experts. However, it had a major impact on US foreign policy during the presidency of George W. Bush. For example, its former president Richard Perle had an impact on the Iraq war decision, while Jack Key Jack Keane played a role in increasing the Iraqi fighting force in 2007.

To be sure, in terms of policies toward the CCP, the fired advisers, represented by Secretary of State Kissinger during the Nixon era, primarily “embrace the CCP,” in line with Trump’s adjusted national security strategy after taking office. . The tough policy of the “main adversary” is at odds. Although it is not certain how much influence they have in shaping US foreign policy toward the CCP, during the period from Clinton to Obama’s presidency in the United States, the CCP allowed the CCP to take control of the military and economic aspects. , and that the CCP stole advanced technology from the US It is an indisputable fact that the position penetrates the United States. The role of Kissinger and others in it cannot be underestimated.

As the only foreign politician received by the four generations of Chinese Communist Party leaders, Kissinger has visited China more than 70 times since 1971, of which 50 were official visits and 20 private visits, but most of them were commercial in nature. , To serve many customers doing business with China. The consulting company he named in his honor in 1982 helped 90% of his European and American clients expand their business in China and helped companies connect with government officials and national leaders in China. Therefore, Kissinger, who pursues the principle of utilitarianism, was ironic as “Multinational Corridors”.

Kissinger can be appreciated by the leaders of the Chinese Communist Party, able to operate smoothly and freely in the mainland Chinese market, because he has provided practical assistance to the Chinese Communist Party, such as facilitating Nixon’s visit to China and the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States, thus saving the Chinese Communist Party in trouble; After reform and opening, he helped the CCP introduce foreign capital and technology; lobbied for the CCP government in the US, including the secret contribution to the US government after the June 4, 1989 massacre, pressuring the US government to drop sanctions; Kissinger and others also called “USA Under the guise of” Association of Relations “, a huge pressure group for the CCP was formed in Washington, defending the CCP in trade, human rights, etc., to influence resolutions relevant Congress.

In 2011, Kissinger’s book “On China” (On China) was a euphemism for the CCP’s totalitarian rule and the mass deaths caused by the Mao era, and even the communist army’s treatment of students in Tiananmen Square. The June 4 Massacre with citizens also defended the Chinese communist government and completely avoided the harsh human rights situation in China today, only emphasizing the stability and development of China, the prosperity of China and the rise of a great power. .

Look at Secretary of State Albright during the Clinton era. The Albright Group founded by him and Stonebridge International, founded by Clinton’s Homeland Security Assistant Samuel Berg, jointly formed Albright. Stonebridge Group, with Albright as Chairman, the company’s business scope primarily includes helping clients formulate and implement business strategies for the Chinese market, which is similar in nature to the consulting firm established by Kissinger. And if there is no official merger with the Chinese Communist Party, can the group successfully conduct business in mainland China? Albright’s various visits to China to meet with senior CCP officials don’t seem easy.

Such Kissinger, Albright, and other high-ranking American officials who have mingled with the CCP exist in large numbers, either in the National Defense Policy Committee or in other government departments, showing the CCP’s deep penetration into politics. American. After Trump came to power, they still hoped to influence Trump’s policies against the CCP with the same arguments, but Kissinger and others realized that they could not intervene in the Trump administration’s decision-making circle. the relationship between the United States and China. Drastic changes are taking place. Therefore, Kissinger and other “pro-communist factions” have prescribed prescriptions to the CCP, which consist of “getting over the old system” and “changing their own policies, such as lowering tariffs, lowering non-tariff barriers, or creating a level playing field. , supervision Be more transparent and implement openness to the outside world. “

However, they were disappointed after all, because the Beijing regime not only did not accept their recipes, but it repeatedly mocked the United States in the process of trade negotiations, repeatedly demonstrated its evil to the outside world, and even deliberately spread the virus. to the United States, intervening in the American elections and allowing more people Americans saw the true face of the CCP. And Kissinger, who once made huge benefits from the CCP, had to continue to use it for the CCP within the limits of his ability, such as openly supporting Biden, which Beijing supports, and disparaging Trump. Albright slammed Trump in 2018 for defying international rules, violating US justice, tolerating police violence, and discrediting federal law enforcement agencies. This is also the CCP’s argument.

In Trump’s first term, he got rid of certain constraints, took a firm hold, won the hearts of many people, and will win re-election. He has already acknowledged that the CCP’s cooperation with the entrenched US government has disrupted elections and buried American democracy. The first task is to eliminate the CCP, while internally it initiates lawsuits against electoral fraud, it will rectify the bureaucratic operations in Washington and will completely change the political ecology of Washington, that is, “drain the swamp.” Trump’s recent firing of several top administration officials is concrete action.

Now, it is the turn of advisers to the US National Defense Policy Committee who have deep experience in the US government or are mixed with the Communist Party of China. One of Trump’s actions was to “declare war” against the deep-rooted US government and the CCP, showing his uncompromising attitude. The second is to clean up the Department of Defense and its related agencies to ensure members implement Trump’s orders, while preventing these fired consultants from obtaining military secrets and preventing interference with future Trump actions. Regarding Trump’s determination and actions, does Beijing Zhongnanhai already feel the end is near?

Responsible Editor: Putshan #
