The delayed retirement plan has matured: mechanism for receiving pensions, how to change the retirement age


Original title: The deferred retirement plan has matured: mechanism for receiving pensions, how to change the retirement age

The delay in retirement is gradually approaching, and this time there should be no more “false shots.” A number of graduated deferred retirement policies, including flexible retirement, have matured and the time for their introduction is just around the corner. According to the schedule established by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, 2021 will be the best window to implement deferred retirement.

“Slow Steps, Flexible Implementation, and Improved Incentives” are the latest set of the central government’s latest tune on postponing retirement reform. Recently, the “Fifth Plenary Session of the Nineteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China One Hundred Questions on Learning and Guidance “published by the People’s House of Publications mentioned that delaying retirement will adhere to the combination of unified regulations and voluntary elections, and will make small and gradual adjustments to reduce social impact. Get more support.

Delayed retirement is currently the most concerned and discussed in our countryPublic politicsOne, but under the pressure of aging, delaying retirement has become a response to the impact of aging and population reliefworkstrengthsupplyScarcity and containmentPopulation dependency ratioThe inevitable choice for a rapid promotion.

In addition to gradually extending the retirement age, flexible retirement that emphasizes incentives has also entered the vision of decision makers. This also means that the mandatory retirement system that has been implemented in our country for more than 70 years or will be gradually withdrawn from the stage of history. In the future, the government only needs to set the age for receiving statutory pensions, and people can choose when to retire based on their own circumstances.

  Delayed retirement plan for dystocia

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of Chinanational economyThe “Proposals for the Fourteenth Five-Year Social Development Plan and Long-Term Goals for 2035” propose “to implement a gradual delay in the legal retirement age.”

In fact, already in the “XIII Five-Year Plan” issued by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security in July 2016, it was already proposed to formulate a gradual delay in the retirement age. Based on the schedule determined at the time, the specific plan to delay retirement will be officially released to the public in 2017 and is expected to be officially implemented in 2021.

Although the final plan did not arrive as agreed during the “Thirteenth Five-Year Plan” period, according to China Business News, the relevant departments formulated a relatively well-crafted plan at that time, that is, increasing the age by one year approximately every three years. . The basic principle of the plan is: take small steps slowly, gradually extend the retirement age, and establish a buffer mechanism before extending the retirement age to minimize the impact of the retirement policy adjustment.

In addition, this plan also proposes to introduce a flexible retirement policy in due time, not to implement one-size-fits-all and to focus on the use of financial means to form an incentive and containment mechanism to adjust the retirement age.

Tsinghua UniversityjobWith Yang Yansui, Director of the Social Security Research Centerto acceptIn an interview with CBN, it was stated that although the academic community has consensus and government departments have plans, it is very difficult to postpone the retirement policy. The main reason is that the relevant departments mistakenly believe that delayed retirement will have a negative impact on employment. The slogan of “Government to care for the elderly” has not been corrected in time, and aging education has not been carried out in time, and it is difficult to achieve consensus among the people.

In fact, as average life expectancy increases, delaying retirement has become a necessary policy option for people to adjust to the trend of increasing life expectancy and for the country to cope with the impact. longevity risks.

In 2019, the Chinese population aged 65 and over reached 176 million, representing 23.0% of the world’s population of the same age group, which is much higher than the world’s share of China’s total population ( 18.2%).

From an international comparison, it can be said that China is one of the countries with the lowest legal retirement age in the world. China’s retirement age (50 for female employees, 55 for women and 60 for men) was established 70 years ago. When the retirement age was set in the 1950s, the average life expectancy of the Chinese population was only over 40 years. At the beginning of the reform and opening up, the workinsuranceThe retirement system according to the law is 37 peoplejobs, Retired alone. By 2019, China’s life expectancy will reach 77.3 years.insuranceThe dependency ratio is 3: 1, but the retirement age has not changed.

Cai Fang, vice president of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, recently wrote an article stating that the gradual delay in retirement policy is difficult to move forward on schedule, and many workers even retire from employment before reaching the age of, Which exacerbatedworkforceThe shortage trend has increased pressure on pension payments and has also reduced the income level of older people. He listed the timetable and roadmap for delaying the legal retirement age in response to the aging population during the period of the “14th Five-Year Plan”.strategyOne of the urgent tasks of the Chinese government, its importance is right behind “optimizing the family planning system and achieving independent family birth.”

Dong Dengxin, director of the Institute of Financial Values ​​at Wuhan University of Science and Technology, told China Business News that raising the legal retirement age will have two effects: One is that pension payments can be postponed, which can alleviate the pressure on pensions, and the other is that job expansion will increase.Social SecuritybackgroundThrough this “one in and one out”, delaying retirement canto get betterPensioninsuranceThe fund’s balance of payments.

  Progressive and flexible retirement wins more consensus

In the last five years, the academic community has also presented some other plans, in general, progressive and flexible retirement has gained more consensus.

In June this year, the “Development of Chinareport2020: China’s Aging Policy and Development Trends (hereinafter “China Development Report 2020”) proposes to target middle-aged and elderly people.Labor participation rateIn the short term, the key task to be done is to implement the deferred retirement policy. It can be divided into two steps: the first step is to gradually increase the retirement age of female employees to 55 from 2020 to 2025.Retirement of public officialsAge is set to 60 years; The second step is to gradually implement a flexible retirement age system starting in 2025 and gradually increase the age for receiving full pensions to 65 in 5 to 10 years.

Yang Yansui said that delaying retirement should be different for men and women.workerIn fact, retirement at age 50 is too early and the delay should be a little faster. For example, a year is delayed one year, the first until 55 years; for men, half a year is delayed each year, first until age 62. Currently, this is a more appropriate pension. Years.

In Yang Yansui’s view, just as important as the gradual delay in the legal retirement age is the establishment of a mechanism of “early reduction and late increase”, which separates the retirement age from the retirement age, and the retirement time it is determined by the workers themselves. The state only needs to stipulate one The minimum age for receiving a pension is discounted for early retirement and for late retirement it is proportionally increased, allowing people to choose according to their own circumstances.

This is similar to the practice in many developed countries.Flexible retirement system. Dong Dengxin claimed that the mandatory retirement system implemented in China requires mandatory retirement when workers reach the legal retirement age. Employers have the right to terminate the work of workers. However, in countries where flexible retirement is applied, workers reach the legal retirement age. Health is willing to continue working, employers have no right to refuse. At the same time, for those who retire late, the state will also reward pensions.

Taking the United States as an example, different pension standards are given for three situations: early retirement, normal retirement, and delayed retirement. Dong Dengxin introduced that the retirement age of the United States politics is 66, and that men and women are unified. The earliest retirement age allowed in the United States is 62 and the highest is 70. If the worker retires at 62, his pension will be deducted by almost 30%, if he can work to retire at 70, you can increase it by 30% and receive it for life according to this standard.

Zhang Yinghua, an executive researcher at the World Social Security Research Center of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, also told China Business News that the biggest difficulty in implementing delayed retirement is insufficient incentives. If people think that delayed retirement is obviously a disadvantage, this reform will definitely not be implemented. Thus, it is necessary to provide sufficient incentives for those willing to postpone retirement, and maintain a certain degree of flexibility for those who are not willing to delay retirement, so that resistance to reform is reduced.

The “China Development Report 2020” also recommends the establishment of a flexible incentive mechanism for retirement. Linking the retirement age with the pension level, encouraging young people to consciously extend the period of employment and reducing retirement anticipated work.Market behaviorAccording to what is stipulated in Germany, the pension will be reduced by 3.6% for each year of early retirement, and for each year of delay, the pensionAdditional issue6%。

Cai Fang said that it is necessary to start with the design of pension payment methods and the strengthening of on-the-job training to increase the real labor participation rate of the elderly and introduce a calendar roadmap to delay the legal age. retirement. On the premise of increasing the real labor participation rate from these two aspects, the gradual delay in the legal retirement age is more humane, and the incentive compatibility of political intentions and personal desires is maximized.

(Source: China Business News)

(Editor in charge: DF372)

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