What does it mean that 1/3 of the global economy will form an integrated market? | RCEP_Sina Finance_Sina.com


Original title: What does it mean that one third of the world economy will form an integrated market? Source: Official Economic Daily WeChat account

The RCEP was successfully signed after 8 years of negotiations, bringing light and hope to the faltering world economy, and also letting some foreign media speak undefeated about the “China shutdown theory”. China is not only a participant and beneficiary of the opening, but also an active promoter. China’s efforts to expand openness are obvious to all. From the fruitful results achieved in the joint construction of the “Belt and Road” to the continuous improvement of the business environment, from the increasingly short negative list of foreign investment to the constant growth of the scale of foreign investment, everything shows that China’s door to opening will be closed and more open in the future.

Since the new corona pneumonia epidemic is still spreading globally, the world economy is in a severe recession, unilateralism and protectionism are intensifying, the “Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement” (RCEP) was signed successfully after 8 years of negotiations, giving a faltering world economy By bringing light and hope, it also made the “Chinese closed theory” of some foreign media counterproductive.

This year is the last year of the “XIII Five-Year Plan”, and China’s socialist modernization will also usher in a new “XIV Five-Year Plan” journey. Standing at the historical intersection, the central government comprehensively studied and judged the development situation at home and abroad, made plans for China’s economic and social development strategy and path in the next five years and beyond. , and clearly proposed the establishment of a domestic cycle as the main body and a national and international dual cycle that mutually promote New pattern of development. By emphasizing the “domestic circulation as the main body”, does this mean that China will abandon foreign markets and gradually close?

“How can a gradually closing country sign a high-level free trade agreement?” Zhang Yuyan, director of the Institute of World Economics and Politics at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, asked a rhetorical question at a briefing. held by the Information Office of the State Council a few days ago. He refuted the “Chinese closed theory”. In fact, the successful signing of RCEP is precisely the evidence that China has continued to promote higher levels of openness over the years.

The RCEP has attracted a lot of attention not only because it is the free trade agreement with the largest population, the most diverse membership structure, and the greatest potential for development in the world. It is a historic achievement of East Asian regional cooperation. More importantly, it represents the victory of multilateralism and free trade is sure to add new impetus to regional development and prosperity and contribute new forces to the recovery and growth of the world economy.

Such judgments are based. Let’s take a look at these two sets of figures: the total population, economic volume and total volume of trade of the 15 RCEP member countries represent around 30% of the world total, which means that around a third of the economies of the world will become one. From the perspective of tariff levels, the final products of the duty-free trade in goods will exceed 90%. In the future, it is not ruled out that more tax items are gradually included in the zero duty category. This will be an important factor for most companies to expand into new markets. Substantial positive. In addition, RCEP involves more than 10 fields, such as small and medium-sized enterprises, investment, economic and technical cooperation, trade in goods and services, and it will surely bring more side effects in the future implementation process.

More than 40 years of reform and opening-up have not only enabled the rapid development of China’s economy, but have also made the notion that “openness brings progress and closure must be left behind.” China is not only a participant and beneficiary of the opening, but also an active promoter. It should be noted that, including the RCEP, China has currently signed 19 free trade agreements with foreign countries and 26 free trade partners. In particular, China has established a new free trade relationship between China and Japan through RCEP. This is the first time that China has signed a free trade agreement with the world’s top ten economies. This measure will increase trade coverage between China and its free trade partners from the current 27% to 35%.

As experts have said, the RCEP firm has “taken a big step” in opening up China. In fact, China’s efforts to expand openness are obvious to all. From the fruitful results achieved in the “Belt and Road Initiative” to the continuous improvement of the business environment, from the ever-shorter negative list of foreign investment to the steady growth of the scale of foreign investment, everything shows that China The door will not only not close, but will open more in the future.

It should be noted that in the new stage of development, the RCEP will also play a positive role in accelerating the formation of a new development pattern with the national and international cycles as the main body and the mutual promotion of the national and international dual cycles. On the one hand, RCEP will promote related industries to participate more fully in market competition, enhance the ability to allocate resources in domestic and international markets, consolidate China’s position in the regional industrial chain supply chain, and help to build a higher level of new open economic system. . On the other hand, the RCEP integrated market formation will unleash enormous market potential and provide strong support to further promote regional economic and trade exchanges and accelerate the formation of new advantages in international competition and cooperation.

“In an age when the world has doubts about open economic relationships, RCEP reminds the world that free trade is the best way to achieve greater prosperity.” This is the assessment of RCEP by the British publisher “Financial Times”. It should be said that this assessment represents the views of a large number of Westerners. The RCEP will demonstrate once again that multilateralism and free trade are the right way and way, and they continue to represent the right direction for the world economy and humanity.

Gu yang

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