Hookup + | Draw up a plan for the development of the BRICS Xi Jinping proposes five “persistence”


Today, the epidemic situation of the century is intertwined with the turn of the century and the international pattern is profoundly evolving. At such an important moment, the leaders of the BRICS countries held a meeting to discuss the anti-epidemic cooperation plan and draw up a blueprint for the development of the BRICS, which is of special importance.

“We are all in the same boat. When the wind is strong and the waves are urgent, we must keep the right direction, master the rhythm, unite and cooperate, ride the wind and waves, travel steadily and far, and sail towards a better tomorrow. “

On November 17, President Xi Jinping delivered an important speech at the twelfth meeting of BRICS leaders. In his speech, President Xi made an in-depth analysis of the current global situation and presented a five-point proposal on BRICS cooperation, suggesting that BRICS countries consider the well-being of their people, defend the concept of a community with a shared future. for humanity and use practical actions to make due contributions to building a better world. CCTV Network’s “Liancast +” especially ranks the main points of speech for readers.

Global situation

● The epidemic has caused great threats to the lives and health of people in all countries. The global public health system faces severe tests. Human society is experiencing the most serious infectious disease pandemic in a century.

● International trade and investment have been drastically reduced, the movement of people and goods has been severely blocked, and unstable and uncertain factors have emerged one after another The world economy is experiencing its worst recession since the Great Depression of the 1930s .

● Unilateralism, protectionism and harassment have intensified and deficits in governance, trust, development and peace are increasing.

Five Point Initiative

Defend multilateralism and maintain world peace and stability

● Faced with multilateral and unilateral, just and hegemonic disputes, the BRICS countries must firmly defend international fairness and justice, keep the flag of multilateralism high, defend the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, defend the international system with the UN at its center and upholding the foundations of international law. International order.

● Countries must transcend ideology and respect the social systems, economic models and development paths of others that they choose according to their own national conditions.

● Advocate for a common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable concept of security, resolve disputes through consultations and negotiations, oppose interference in internal affairs, oppose unilateral sanctions and “long-arm jurisdiction”, and jointly create an environment of peaceful and stable development.

Persist in unity and cooperation, and work together to overcome the challenges of the epidemic.

● We must defend people first and life first, mobilize all resources and do everything possible to protect people’s lives and health.

● It is necessary to strengthen joint prevention and control at the international level, share information on epidemics, exchange experiences against the epidemic and stop the spread of the virus.

● Support the World Health Organization to play a key leadership role.

● We are ready to actively consider providing vaccines to BRICS countries that need them.

● In order to promote the construction of the BRICS vaccine research and development center, China has established a vaccine research and development center in China and is willing to promote joint research, development and testing of vaccines in the five countries, factory establishment cooperation, authorized production and mutual recognition of standards by a combination of online and offline methods.

● I suggest that the five countries hold traditional medicine seminars to explore the role of traditional medicine in the prevention and treatment of new coronary pneumonia and to add a powerful weapon to the prevention and control of the global epidemic.

Persist in openness and innovation to promote global economic recovery

● Under the premise of guaranteeing security, we must actively promote economic recovery and carry out the orderly development of economic and social activities in the normalization of the prevention and control of epidemics.

● It is necessary to strengthen the coordination of macroeconomic policy, promote the implementation of the “Initiative to facilitate the cross-border flow of people and goods”, ensure the safety and smooth flow of the industrial chain and the supply chain, and help the countries to resume work and production and restore the economy.

● We must unswervingly build an open world economy, maintain the multilateral trading system with the World Trade Organization at its center, and oppose the abuse of protectionism in the name of national security.

● Make good use of the new business models and models generated by the epidemic, strengthen cooperation in technological innovation, create an open, equitable and non-discriminatory business environment, and jointly achieve higher quality and more resilient development.

Adhere to the priority of people’s livelihoods and promote global sustainable development

● We must face the challenge of the epidemic, promote that the international community place the implementation of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development at the center of international development cooperation, eliminate poverty as a main objective and allocate more resources for poverty reduction, education, health and infrastructure construction. And other fields lean.

● Support the United Nations to play a coordinating and coordinating role to promote the construction of a more equitable and balanced global development partnership, so that development results can better benefit developing countries and better meet needs of vulnerable groups.

Adhere to green and low carbon, promote harmonious coexistence between man and nature.

● We must implement the Paris Agreement to tackle climate change, respect the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities, and provide more assistance to developing countries, especially small island countries.

● China is ready to assume international responsibilities commensurate with its own level of development and continue to make great efforts to combat climate change.


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