FAA approves Boeing 737 MAX to fly again | Boeing 737 | Boeing_Sina Technology


Original title: FAA approves the Boeing 737 MAX Go-Go

After being on the ground for 20 months, the Boeing 737 MAX finally ushered in hope for a return. On the 18th local time, the Boeing 737 MAX was officially approved by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for a launch, but software updates and training changes were required.

The Boeing 737 MAX airliner suffered two major air crashes in October 2018 and March 2019, and was subsequently grounded globally. The cause of the crash is related to the design flaw of the automatic anti-lock control system of this model.

In order for the Boeing 737 MAX to fly again, Boeing must repair the system defects and obtain approval from the Federal Aviation Administration.

Stan Deere, president and CEO of Boeing Commercial Aircraft Group, said: “The FAA Directive is an important node. We will continue to work with regulators and customers around the world to achieve the resumption of aircraft operations on a global scale.”

It is worth noting that, at present, there is no specific timetable for the return of the Boeing 737 MAX to the Chinese market. Earlier, at a media event, Richard Wynne, general manager of Boeing Civil Aircraft Group Marketing China, spoke about the 737 MAX return plan, saying: “It is packed with the operational efficiencies, capabilities and performance of the family of products 737 MAX. Confidence, I hope this model can be approved to fly in China as soon as possible. “Boeing has been working closely with the civil aviation regulatory authorities around the world and actively cooperating with the technical issues and requirements of the authorities. However, there is no specific timetable for the flight and the final decision of the civil aviation authorities of several countries.

An insider for a domestic airline said that at present, there is no specific timetable for the return of the Boeing 737 MAX by the Chinese airline. Whether and when it will return to the Boeing 737 MAX depends mainly on the relevant decisions of the Civil Aviation Administration of China. Additionally, the airline must also negotiate with Boeing about the specific circumstances of the flight.

Earlier, the Civil Aviation Administration of China mentioned that China has three principles for the Boeing 737 MAX8 to come and go: one is that aircraft design changes must be approved for airworthiness; the other is that the pilot must be fully and effectively trained; and the third is the conclusion of the investigation of two accidents. It must be clear and the improvement measures are effective.

Boeing said the 737 MAX was approved to reload passengers more than a year later than originally expected. Boeing paid more than $ 20 billion for this. During this time, a large number of orders were lost, which has become the history of the company. The most expensive mistake. “

Boeing’s Q3 2020 report shows that the company’s performance continues to be significantly affected by the new corona pneumonia epidemic and the 737 MAX grounding. In the third quarter, revenue was $ 14.1 billion and total order backlog was $ 393 billion, including more than 4,300 commercial aircraft.

According to aircraft delivery data released by Boeing, in the first three quarters, Boeing’s commercial aircraft delivered a total of 98 aircraft, compared with 301 in the same period in 2019, a 67.4% year-on-year decrease.

In terms of different types of aircraft, the delivery volume of the previously best-selling 737 series aircraft fell back to second place. In the first nine months of this year, 12 aircraft were delivered, which is about a quarter of the 787 series aircraft.

Beijing Business Daily Full Report
