Unite and cooperate to fight the epidemic and jointly maintain multilateralism


Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, Nov. 17 Xinhua News Agency Foreign Correspondents Report: The twelfth meeting of BRICS leaders was held on video on the 17th. President Xi Jinping made an important speech at the meeting. People from all walks of life abroad said that China has been actively participating in BRICS cooperation and making important contributions for a long time. President Xi Jinping’s speech has injected strong confidence and impetus in strengthening global cooperation against the epidemic, jointly safeguarding multilateralism and promoting global economic recovery.

Jim O’Neill, the creator of the “BRICS” concept and president of the Royal Institute for International Studies, said that President Xi Jinping’s important proposal that BRICS countries should firmly uphold international fairness and justice and hold the flag high. multilateralism, in the current international situation, “especially” Important “, countries should strengthen cooperation, accelerate research and development of vaccines and research on treatment methods, and achieve economic recovery based on the control of epidemic, and expect the BRIC countries to achieve strong economic growth in the post-epidemic era.

Associate Professor Timofeev of the Russian People’s Friendship University said China has been actively participating in international cooperation against the epidemic, sharing experiences in epidemic prevention and control with other countries, and providing material assistance to many countries. China’s valuable experience against the epidemic is worth learning. Russia is willing to work with China to promote the construction of a more just and equitable international system, and hopes that the BRICS countries will set longer-term goals in the fields of multilateral cooperation and humanitarianism.

Ronnie Lins, an economist and director of the Brazil China Research Center, praised President Xi Jinping’s speech to persevere in unity and cooperation and work together to overcome the challenges of the epidemic. He said that the current new corona epidemic is still rampant and the BRICS countries have achieved remarkable results in public health cooperation. They have taken active action in the exchange of information on epidemics, medicine-related trade, and vaccine research and development. He looks forward to the further promotion of the BRICS countries in the post-epidemic era. Economic globalization, to promote communication and cooperation between countries, to achieve mutual benefit and make greater contributions.

Di Berger, a professor and sinologist at Nehru University in India, believes that President Xi Jinping’s proposal on how to deal with the new corona epidemic and promote global economic recovery is prospective. In his speech, the initiatives proposed in the speech to promote the construction of the BRICS vaccine research and development center, promote the international community to eliminate poverty as the main goal and accelerate the construction of the BRICS alliance for the new industrial revolution, They are very important, especially when the new corona epidemic is affecting developing countries. These areas will also be the focus of strengthening cooperation among BRICS countries at a time when bad work causes adverse effects.

Gianni Rossowu, dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business at Golden Mountain University in South Africa, said this meeting is of great importance when the new corona epidemic has not subsided and countries face varying degrees of economic difficulties. Looking around the world, the epidemic has brought serious challenges to all countries. One country alone cannot fight the epidemic and must cooperate to fight it. The BRICS countries are expected to further strengthen cooperation in the joint prevention and control of the epidemic, the development and production of vaccines, and the promotion of economic recovery.

Cristina Bière, a researcher at the French Schiller Institute and editor-in-chief of the newspaper “New Unity”, spoke specifically about President Xi Jinping’s important statement on persistence in openness and innovation and promoting global economic recovery, and believed that only by promoting innovation and industrialization can the BRICS countries be more effective. Respond to various challenges. He said that China is an active participant in the BRICS cooperation mechanism and has made important contributions to the global fight against the epidemic. President Xi Jinping’s speech injects strong confidence into today’s world under the influence of the epidemic.

Official Egyptian “Pyramid” columnist Kamal Jabala strongly agrees with President Xi Jinping’s important proposal to promote the international community to eliminate poverty as the main goal, and believes that the poverty alleviation efforts of China in recent years have attracted global attention and have set an example for many countries in the world. He has also made outstanding contributions to the realization of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Xu Zhenyi, president of the Singapore Nanyang Society, praised President Xi Jinping’s emphasis on adhering to multilateralism and maintaining world peace and stability. He believes that China has joined the “New Coronary Pneumonia Vaccine Implementation Plan” and at the same time persists in opening up to the outside world, reflecting China’s continued support for multilateralism.

Costantinos, a professor at Addis Ababa University in Ethiopia, said that the Chinese side that he emphasized in President Xi Jinping’s speech will share vaccines with countries, especially with other developing countries, on the platform of the “Vaccine Implementation Plan against new coronary pneumonia “. It is very important for African countries where the conditions are not yet complete. The epidemic has had a great impact in Africa. Since the outbreak, China has provided African countries with great support from anti-epidemic experience to anti-epidemic materials, and has fully fulfilled its commitment to unite and cooperate to fight the epidemic. (Reporters involved: Li Xiaoyu, Jin Jing, Hu Xiaoming, Li Binian, Chen Weihua, Zhao Yan, Wang Shoubao, Jing Jing, Tang Ji, Zhang Xiao)
