Council of State: Implement control of use to prevent the “non-granulation” of cultivated lands-Finance News


Original title: Council of State: Implementation of the control of use to prevent the “desgranización” of the cultivated lands

Source: Beijing Commercial Daily

Beijing Business Daily (Reporter Tao Feng, Internal Reporter Liu Diya) On November 17, the General Office of the State Council issued the “Opinions on the Prevention of Shelling of Cultivated Land and Stabilization of Grain Production” (in hereinafter, the “Opinions”), which called for a decisive prevention of cultivated lands The trend towards “no hail” requires a clear priority for the use of arable land, special protection and control of the use of the arable land and strict control of the conversion of arable land into forest land, orchards and other types of agricultural land.

The “Rulings” indicated that permanent basic farmland is defined as high quality arable land according to the law, and should be used for the development of grain production, especially to ensure the sowing area of ​​the three main Rice, wheat and maize grains The cultivated land in general should be used mainly for cereals and cotton, oil, sugar, vegetables, etc.Agricultural productsAnd forage production. On the basis of prioritizing the production of cereals and edible agricultural products, arable land should be used properly for the production of inedible agricultural products, and inedible agricultural products with evident surplus in the market should be oriented to avoid disorderly development .

“Avoiding the ‘no grain’ of cultivated land is essentially preventing social capital from going to the countryside to change the use of cultivated land in the name of ‘rural industry’,” said Sun Wenhua, dean of the Shanghai branch of the Nanjing Agricultural University Planning Institute, to a reporter for the Beijing Business Daily.

It is understood that in recent years there has been a trend to cultivate “grain-free” land in some areas of China. For example, some places simply interpret the adjustment of the agricultural structure as a reduction in food production. Some business entities violate regulations and plant trees and dig ponds on permanent basic farmland. Large-scale capital transfer to cultivated land for non-cereal crops.

To this end, the “Opinions” also proposed to strengthen the supervision of the functional areas of food production. All regions should implement functional areas of grain production in parcels, guide the planting of target crops, and secure the area of ​​grain planting. It is not allowed to adjust the grain production function area without authorization and you must not build planting and breeding facilities in the grain production function area in violation of regulations.

At the same time, stabilize the grain planting area in non-main production areas. The grain production and marketing balance area and the main sales area will formulate specific implementation plans and implement them in accordance with the regional layout of important agricultural products and the requirements of the production and supply plan by varieties, in order to reverse the downward trend of the grain sowing area. The production-sale balance area should focus on building a lot of ration fields with high and stable yields to ensure basic grain self-sufficiency. The main sales area should clarify the final result of the grain planting area, stabilize and increase the grain self-sufficiency rate.

In addition, the “Rulings” also require the encouragement and orientation of industrial and commercial capital to rural areas to dedicate themselves to the improvement of improved varieties, processing and circulation of grains, and specialized socialized services for grain production. It is strictly forbidden to illegally occupy permanent basic agricultural lands for planting trees and digging ponds, strictly regulate agricultural production and operation activities on permanent basic agricultural lands, and prohibit the occupation of permanent basic agricultural lands for the forestry and fruit industry, the digging of ponds. for fish farming, illegal soil extraction and other activities that damage the cultivated layer, and prohibit idleness and permanent desolation. Basic agricultural land.

Professor Kong Xiangbin of the Faculty of Earth Science and Technology of the China Agricultural University noted that the low economic profit from growing cereals is the fundamental reason for the “no hail” of arable land. Diversification of arable land resources is characterized by the “no hail” resource base of arable land and specialization of agricultural production. The formation of the pattern has also accelerated the tendency to “no granulation” of cultivated land. In addition, factors such as industrial and commercial capital going to the countryside for profit, and the unilateral understanding of individual local governments of relevant policies have also played a supporting role.

This year, hit by the new corona pneumonia epidemic, the economic and production order of countries around the world is extremely unstable, and food safety issues once caused concern. Sun Wenhua told a reporter from the Beijing Business Daily: “Since the epidemic situation in other countries has not been smoothly controlled, our country should take the lead in grain production and firmly hold the rice bowl in its hands. . On the one hand, you must actively guide the enthusiasm of grain producers in production, and on the other. On the one hand, it is also necessary to secure the red line of arable land to prepare for emergencies ”.

In September this year, the “Notice of the General Office of the State Council to resolutely stop the non-agriculture of cultivated land” clearly established six prohibited practices of non-agriculture of cultivated land, namely, it is strictly prohibited to illegally occupy cultivated land for greening and afforestation, and it is strictly forbidden to build green passages beyond the norm. It is strictly forbidden to occupy cultivated lands in violation of the regulations for the excavation of lakes, the occupation of permanent basic agricultural lands to expand natural protection lands, the occupation of cultivated lands in violation of the regulations for non-agricultural construction and the use of land in violation of laws and regulations is strictly prohibited.

In July, Vice Premier Hu Chunhua of the State Council emphasized in the video conference on the mobilization and deployment of the evaluation work of the national food security governor’s accountability system that it is necessary to comprehensively strengthen the protection and control of use of cultivated lands, effectively curb the chaos of “non-agriculturalization” of cultivated lands and prevent excessive “non-hail” “Especially” non-food “, resolutely preserve the” iron rice bowl “of the Chinese nation .

Before this, China has always attached great importance to ensuring food safety. As early as 2013, China set the goal of “ensuring food security and adhering to the 1.8 billion mu of arable land red line.” The Land Administration Law of the People’s Republic of China also clearly states that “the state protects arable land and strictly controls the conversion of arable land into non-arable land.” “It is forbidden to occupy arable land to build ovens, build tombs or build houses, dig sand, quarries or mine on arable land without authorization. , Land loan, etc. It is forbidden to occupy permanent basic agricultural land to develop the forestry and fruit industry and to dig ponds to raise fish. “

It is worth mentioning that, in order to improve the support policy for cereal production and strengthen incentives and limitations, the “Rulings” also propose to apply the incentive policies of the main cereal producing counties, improve the compensation mechanism of benefits for major cereal producing areas and focus on protecting and mobilizing local governments. Governments at all levels emphasize the enthusiasm of agriculture and cereals, and farmers are engaged in agriculture and the cultivation of cereals. Priority will be given to reinvestment in agricultural land construction, bond repayment, interest discounts, etc., from the adjustment earnings of high-quality agricultural land construction in the province. Increase policy support for functional areas of cereal production, direct relevant agricultural funds towards functional areas of cereal production, prioritize support for planting target crops in functional areas of cereal production, and accelerate development establishment of functional zones of cereal production at a high level of “one kilogram in one season, one ton in two seasons” Cereal field.

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Editor in charge: Qi Qiqi
