Let Chinese medicine effectively play the role of half the sky to better serve people’s health


  Among the confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia nationwide, 74,187 people used Chinese medicine treatment, representing 91.5%, of which 61,449 people in Hubei province used Chinese medicine treatment, representing 90.6% Clinical efficacy observations show that the total effective rate of Chinese medicine has reached more than 90%

Let Chinese medicine effectively play the role of half the sky

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Chinese medicine has achieved excellent results in the fight against the new coronary pneumonia. The essential difference between Chinese medicine and Western medicine lies in the thinking and core behind Chinese medicine. In every dynasty and every fight against the epidemic, Chinese medicine has played a great role and given the world. With different thoughts and perspectives on treating the same disease in medicine, Chinese medicine has exercised its unique advantages.

“The leadership of the party is undoubtedly the fundamental reason why China has achieved important strategic results in the fight against the new epidemic of corona pneumonia. In this epidemic, Chinese doctors were able to deliver a satisfactory answer sheet, which also benefited from the decision of the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Implementation, this is a great test after the National Congress of Traditional Chinese Medicine has been successfully held. ” On the evening of November 11, at the “Anti-Epidemic Practices Summary Seminar on High-Quality Development of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Anti-Epidemic Practices” jointly organized by the People’s Political Consultative Conference newspaper and the Chinese Academy of Sciences Chinese physicians Huang Luqi, a member of the Standing Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, an academic of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and dean of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences of China, said with emotion.

“Two to 90%”, highlighting the role of Chinese medicine in the fight against the epidemic

On March 23, at the State Council joint control and prevention press conference, Yu Yanhong, a member of the Central Steering Group and Party Secretary of the Office of Traditional Chinese Medicine, released a series of data. Among the confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia in the country, 74,187 people used Chinese medicine, representing 91.5%, of which 61,449 people in Hubei province have used traditional Chinese medicine, representing 90, 6%. Observation of clinical efficacy shows that the total effective rate of Chinese medicine has reached more than 90%.

In Huang Luqi’s opinion, the “two 90%” fully demonstrates the real performance of Chinese medicine in the fight against new coronary pneumonia. The combination of Chinese and Western medicine and the combined use of Chinese and Western medicine are an important feature of the prevention and control of the epidemic. It is also a living practice of inheriting the essence of traditional Chinese medicine and maintaining integrity.

“Reviewing and summarizing the role played by Chinese medicine in the course of this epidemic, we believe that it is reflected in five aspects: one is to provide hierarchical interventions to patients according to different types of diseases such as colds, flu and new crowns; Common patients with new coronary pneumonia play the leading role of traditional Chinese medicine and have a synergistic effect of Chinese and Western medicine in critically ill and seriously ill patients; the third is to play a general regulatory role in rehabilitation patients and the overall improvement rate is 70%; the fourth is to play a unique role in prevention Advantages, the fifth is to meet people’s demand for traditional medicine, “said Huang Luqi.

The development of Chinese medicine must also keep pace with the times

“On March 23, the ‘Three Medicines and Three Prescriptions’ Announced at the State Council Joint Control and Prevention Press Conference are Best Practices for Traditional Chinese Medicine Heritage and Innovation.” Zhang Zhongde, Vice President of Guangdong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Vice President of Guangdong Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital said that Chinese medicine has achieved excellent results in this anti-epidemic process. In fact, it has historical roots. In every dynasty and every anti-epidemic, Chinese medicine has played a great role. Traditional Chinese medicine can not only treat the main symptoms of the novel coronary pneumonia virus, but also shows good results in treating complications.

According to Chen Luojia, former president of the Wangjing Hospital of the Chinese Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, to summarize and summarize the experience and achievements of Chinese medicine in the prevention and control of the new corona pneumonia epidemic, patients with coronary pneumonia mild, moderate and severe should be divided into Chinese medicine, It is very significant and extremely important to carry out a multicenter, double-blind, evidence-based clinical and basic research on the three treatment groups of Western Medicine and Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine integrated to explore the optimal diagnosis and treatment plan. At the same time, attention should be paid to people’s health and the government is recommended to increase investment in public health and medical health.

Leng Xiangyang, vice president of Jiu San Society of Jilin Province and vice president of Changchun University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, also believes that the state should increase investment in public health, especially in building an emergency response system. for Chinese medicine. Because building a TCM emergency system is a key link to whether TCM can play a role in preventing and controlling major epidemics.

Zhang Hongchun, director of the China-Japan Friendship Health Care Department, further stated that in addition to the prevention and control of chronic diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, hypertension and diabetes, traditional Chinese medicine also has certain advantages in public health practice for emergencies, especially emergencies. Very good place to use. To achieve high-quality development of Chinese medicine, Chinese medicine and Western medicine must respect each other.

Chinese medicine faces new challenges

As of December 30, 2018, there were 1,587 Chinese drug manufacturers in the country, representing 21% of the total number of pharmaceutical companies; The operating income of the national Chinese medicine was 4.49 trillion yuan, accounting for 18% of the total domestic drug sales. As of June 30, 2020, there are a total of 58,424 TCM approval document numbers nationwide, accounting for more than a third of all drug approval documents in China.

Experts at the meeting said that after the enactment of the “Traditional Chinese Medicine Law”, Chinese medicine has opened a great opportunity for development. But at the same time, the traditional advantages and characteristics of Chinese medicine also face new challenges.

“In particular, the characteristics and advantages of ‘simple and honest inspection’ of traditional Chinese medicine are gradually declining due to the country’s policies such as mass acquisition and rapid development and popularization of modern technology,” said Xu Fengqin, Vice President of the Xiyuan Hospital of the Chinese Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences. The price of Chinese medicinal materials continues to rise, the quality of many Chinese medicines changes from wild to planted, and the quality of Chinese medicine is uneven. Young people are unwilling to use decoctions or believe in Chinese medicine. High quality development.

Speaking of the state of development of the Chinese medicine industry, Song Ruilin, executive chairman of the China Pharmaceutical Innovation Promotion Association, said: “At present, the state of Chinese medicine throughout the pharmaceutical industry in China it is completely incompatible with the state of Chinese medicine. There are many influencing factors: the first is It is difficult to guarantee the quality of medicinal materials. Some excellent germplasm of authentic medicinal materials are disappearing or disintegrating, and some varieties are even on the brink of extinction. Second, it is difficult to pay historical debts. Most of the approved Chinese medicines have not undergone pre-clinical preclinical studies that meet modern scientific standards and norms. And clinical research; there are also problems such as the difficulty in evaluating the clinical effects and insufficient evidence on the effectiveness and safety of TCM, which has become a bottleneck that restricts the development of TCM. “

The high-quality development of the Chinese medicine industry requires not only to strengthen the integration of medical research and business use, but also to form industrialization. Li Jun, vice president of the Chinese Society for Ethnic Medicine and president of Xinjiang Yinduolanwei Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., believes: “Without the combination of production, education and research, it is impossible for TCM to innovate and develop; At present, domestic Chinese medicine enterprises are generally small-scale and the industrial chain is incomplete. If the industrial chain is not formed, the quality of drugs of pharmaceutical companies can be largely controlled by the quality of medicinal materials , which can directly compromise the high-quality development of the Chinese medicine industry. In addition, because the industrial chain is incomplete, the optimization of the industrial structure Due to many restrictions, it is difficult to achieve high-quality development. ” .

Better serve people’s health

In the 1950s, the ratio between Chinese and Western medicine was 9: 1, but now it’s the other way around, it’s 1: 9. According to big statistics from the Office of Oncology Prevention and Treatment of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Beijing, at present, Chinese medicinal herbs occupy less than 40% of tumors, and Chinese patented medicines together account for less than 12%. How to take advantage of the characteristics and advantages of traditional Chinese medicine to contribute properly to the construction of a healthy China?

Yang Yufei, a senior researcher at the Chinese Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences and a member of the Beijing Municipal Committee of the Jiu San Society Medical Committee, believes that the first step is to establish a health and medical security system with Chinese characteristics, to truly achieve the same emphasis on Chinese and Western medicine, so that Chinese medicine can effectively play half the sky. “We went to county-level base hospitals to investigate and found that the TCM departments of many hospitals were diverted. In rural areas, TCM service capabilities could not meet the health needs of women. masses. This requires greater support and protection of TCM at the national level. TCM team should also continue to grow. You need to broaden your mind to adapt to modern medicine in order to develop better and get out. “

Reporter: Ji Wei
