2020 Anhui “Straw Expo” “attracts 26.5 billion yuan” _ 东方 Fortune Net


Original title: 2020 Anhui “Straw Expo” “attracts 26.5 billion yuan”

2020 Comprehensive utilization of straw and livestock and poultry farming waste in AnhuiindustryThe Expo (hereinafter the “Expo”) was held in Hefei on the 13th. Implementation of this ExpoSign up120 projects,Total inversionThe amount is 26.5 billion yuan.

Among them, there are 75 projects with a contract value of more than 50 million yuan and 47 projects with a contract value of more than 100 million yuan. The conference intensively signed 105 projects with a total contract value of 18.7 billion yuan.

According to Lu Shiren, director of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of Anhui Province, in 2019, the comprehensive utilization rate of straw in Anhui Province was 91.7% and the comprehensive utilization rate of livestock manure and poultry was 91.8%. The support rate of manure treatment facilities and equipment for large-scale farms is 97.8% Comprehensive straw utilization scale in Anhui provincecompany1,860, with a total production value of 21,612 million yuan.The standardized collection and storage points in the main grain-producing areas of Anhui province have basically achieved full coverage, and the raising of livestock and poultry in Anhui has been abandoned.SuppliesUse of originIndustrial chainThe total production value reaches 10 billion yuan.

The theme of this exhibition is “use of resources,IndustrializationThe development “is sponsored by the Anhui Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the Provincial Department of Ecological Environment, the Provincial Development and Reform Commission and the Hefei Municipal People’s Government.

The Expo offline exhibition is organized in the main exhibition hall, covering an area of ​​23,000 square meters. Among them, the comprehensive exhibition area is 1,100 square meters; the exhibition area of ​​the city is 5200 square meters; the remainder is used as an exhibition area for business equipment technology. More than 300 exhibitors on site.

At the same time, the exhibition will be displayed online.To enlarge the expoBrandInfluence, On the basis of the whole virtual reality panorama recorded in the last exhibition, this exhibition will build a digital pavilion, through the online cloud exhibition hall, live broadcast hall, videomeetingMediaGuided push and other forms have carried out the online display, promotion, linkage and signature of various entities. There are more than 300 exhibitors online and the total number of offline and online exhibitors has reached more than 600.

Former Deputy Director of the Central Office for Policy Research,economistZheng Xinli said of courseCompetitiveResources, straw has the advantages of large quantity, wide distribution and variety. According to relevant survey data, the theoretical amount of straw resources in the entire country in 2015 was 1.040 million tons, the harvestable resources were approximately 900 million tons, and the utilization was approximately 720 million tons.

Zheng Xinli believes that although straw resources are abundant, comprehensive utilization is insufficient, and the random disposal and burning of straw is still serious, not only causing a number of environmental problems, but also wasting valuable biological resources. To stabilize the agricultural ecological balance, alleviate resource constraints, and reduce environmental pressure, China’s central and local governments are accelerating the comprehensive utilization of straw.

(Source: China News Network)

(Responsible editor: DF524)

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