Xiamen Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection: Going Deeper to the Front Line to Conduct Detailed Oversight and Discipline-Current Issues-Southeast Xiamen Canal Network


<span style="font-family: 宋体, SimSun;">Get on the front lines for detailed supervision and discipline_Xiamen Daily News[厦门日报]_Xiamen Net</span>

Delve into the front line for practical work and careful supervision and discipline

The Disciplinary Inspection and Supervision Team of the Municipal Commission for Inspection and Disciplinary Inspection of the Municipal Law Enforcement Directorate effectively carried out its functions, investigated the “three guarantees at the door” and promoted continuous improvement of urban management.

The Municipal Law Enforcement Office and the Disciplinary Inspection and Oversight Group stationed at the office jointly organized investigations into the governance of the “three guarantees at the door.” (Photo by reporter Wang Yuting)

Xiamen Daily News (Reporter Wang Yuting Xu Xiaoting Correspondent Guo Minmin Chen MengxuanFocus on specific issues, delve into frontline supervision and discipline, and seriously promote the implementation of urban management work – Recently, the Municipal Office of Urban Management, the Municipal Office of Law Enforcement and the Municipal Commission for Disciplinary Inspection of the Disciplinary Inspection and Supervision Team of the Municipal Law Enforcement Commission (hereinafter Group “) came to Jialian Street to investigate the” three guarantees in front of the door, “inspected business districts, stores along the street and other places, he inspected and supervised the implementation of the urban management law, focused on key and difficult issues and made specific suggestions, and discussed the establishment of a scientific and long-term effective management system.

【in the place】

Fix “little problems” to prevent them from re-emerging

In Hanqing Road, Jialian Street, stores are full of stores on both sides of the road, and the “three guarantees in front of the door” problem is more likely to be repeated. With the creation of a new round of civilization, the Siming District Office of Urban Management stepped up inspections and rectifications, effectively curbing the city’s appearance problems here. The day before yesterday afternoon, the Disciplinary Inspection and Supervision Team stationed in the office, the Municipal Office of Urban Management and the Municipal Office of Law Enforcement arrived at Hanqing Road to supervise and inspect the law enforcement work once again. and the implementation of the “three guarantees in front of the door” of the shops along the street.

The sidewalk is neat and clean. The shopkeepers are busy in the shop and there are no large items occupying the street at the gate … The reporter followed the inspector to Hanqing Road. The first impression was that it was neat and orderly. However, even though the implementation of the “three guarantees in front of the door” here is generally good, the agents of the law still inspected carefully and found some “small problems”: the green plants placed in the door of some businesses they took up part of the sidewalk space and some stores finished cleaning. Sanitation puts cleaning tools at the door. “You should pay more attention to these little details.” Law enforcement officers persuaded and corrected the problem on the spot. “For those who have not changed after repeated instructions, we will also investigate and deal with the problem rigorously to prevent it from resurfacing,” said Siming City Guan Jialian Squad police officer. Subsequently, the inspection team also arrived at the Mingfa business district. The reporter saw that most stores took the initiative to implement the “three guarantees in front of the door.” Some small stores stacked chairs for diners next to the door due to the small size of the store. , Law enforcement officers immediately called the store and moved the things.

“The problem of the ‘three guarantees in front of the door’ is dynamic and easy to resort to. There is also a need to improve the long-term management and control mechanism, such as strengthening the connection with the property and improving the information exchange mechanism; for those points that are prone to re-emergence, online lines should be adopted. The combination of the following inspection methods makes good use of the intelligent platform for dynamic control “, said the head of the control and disciplinary supervision group in the bureau.


Improve the management and control mechanism and fight for a long-term “governance war”

In the afternoon, after in-depth inspections of the Jialian Street business district and the shops along the street, the Disciplinary Inspection and Supervision Team, the Municipal Office of Urban Management and the Municipal Office of Law Enforcement also went to the Jialian Squad of the Siming District Urban Management Office and listened to the street and the introduction of the squad of “Three guarantees to the front” “The implementation of the work and the highlights of the results, and discuss how to improve and update deficiencies.

“With the help of the Urban Management Coordination Office of the Municipal Law Enforcement Office and the Center for Urban Management Affairs, in 2018, we specially developed the ‘front doors three guarantees’ monitoring platform.” According to the relevant person in charge of the Jialian Squad, Siming District Office of Urban Management, relying on the platform, “Models such as” store a stand “, signing of commitments and listing of responsibility cards have been implemented, effectively improving the effectiveness inspection and supervision.

It is worth mentioning that the Siming District Office of Urban Management has previously innovated the management mechanism “three guarantees in front of the door”, allowing stores to place commercial items outside the door within a certain line, and under the premise of ensure city order Merchants have more trading space and this unlocking and combining method has achieved remarkable results. The Office of Urban Management Coordination of the Municipal Office of Law Enforcement summarized and promoted the experience and practices of the Siming District, and standardized the work of unified layout of the stores in the city. So far, more than 1,900 brands have been standardized across the city.

The practice of urban management law enforcement departments to perform their functions and solve difficult problems has been confirmed by the disciplinary inspection and supervision team. “Through visits and inspections, we found that the awareness of the store owners to implement the primary responsibility of the ‘three guarantees in front of the door’ has been significantly improved, and the joint management pattern has basically taken shape. However, managing the three guarantees in front of the door should have a long-term effect. Other departments strengthen the ties, take the initiative to implement the connection of responsibilities and form an interactive effect in the inspection of the ‘three guarantees in front of the door,’ “said the discipline inspector.

Building on this idea, all parties in the forum will continue to explore practical and feasible improvement methods. For example, in road occupancy management, Siming Urban Management Territory Squadron can carefully summarize the temporal characteristics and distribution of road occupancy operations, and formulate specific rectification policies according to different time periods and regions. In places where there are frequent commercial operations on the roads, the “fixed point service + continuous inspections” model needs to be further optimized, and the members of the multi-level network of streets and communities, as well as surrounding properties, and teams of volunteers should come together to form a joint management pattern and promote special projects effectively. Manage the implementation of law enforcement.


Currently, the city has built more than 2,700 three-level street leader teams, and more than 72,000 managers along the street have joined the “three-pack in front of the door” information management, from the of which more than 99% are linked to the QR code “a store, a code”. . At the same time, the effectiveness of daily monitoring continues to improve. The number of inspections per capita, the number of problems encountered and the rate of processing of third-level street bosses continues to increase. Currently, the average number of inspections per capita per month is 17.5 and the attention of 5.2 problems.
