Tmall’s double 11 logistics orders exceeded 2.25 billion orders, roughly equal to the sum of China’s express delivery volume in 2010


Original title: Tmall double 11 logistics orders surpassed 2.25 billion orders, roughly equal to China’s total express delivery volume in 2010

At 11:00 PM, November 11, 2020 Tmall Double 11 Global Carnival SeasonReal-time logisticsOrder volume exceeded 2.25 billion orders, roughly equal to the sum of China’s express shipment volume in 2010 (dataStatisticsFrom November 1 to November 11).


“Today’s peak is tomorrow’s normal,” countless people involved in Double 11SMEsTogether we make this phrase a reality. Double 11 small logistics orders started from 260,000 to 2,250 million orders and have increased almost 9,000 times.

Behind the growth of express delivery isdealwithconsumptionStrong recovery, driven by strong domestic demand from ChinaDigital economyNew milestone. This year’s double 11 is the world’s largest consumer season after the epidemic, and traders have stronger expectations. The growing volume of logistics orders arrived on schedule, showing that China’s domestic demandmarketConfidence and strong momentum from global businesses targeting the Chinese market.

2.25 billion logistics orders are equivalent to more than two months of parcel volume across the European region, and more than three months of parcel volume in Japan, the world’s third-largest parcel country. These packets are connected and long enough to circle the Earth’s equator more than 16 times.

The small double 11 logistics order curve is high, which is the silhouette of the development of China’s digital economy. Behind the 2,250 million number, there are more than 16 million modelsProductCollect here is a discount of 250,000Brand, 5 million online and offline businesses, more than 100industryA consumer spree with the participation of 800 million consumers. Global companies that hit the brakes during the epidemic took advantage of Double 11 to accelerate their return of blood.

2.25 billion logistics orders are also coordinated by the global logistics industryNew coordinatesDuring Tmall Double 11, there were 3 million logistics personnel, 30 million square meters of logistics facilities, and more than 3000 logistics.the company, More than 200,000 logistics vehicles and more than 200,000 logistics stations respond efficiently. The delivery time for snap-in packages on November 1 is generally more than a day faster than last year. Europe and the Middle EastcustomsDouble 11Overtimeto import10 million packagesCustoms clearanceTime has sped up by more than 2 hours compared to last year.

2.25 billion logistics orders are a new starting point for China’s logistics industry digital upgrade. China Private Express was established in 1993. Since 2006, with the rise of e-commerce, its turnover has “taken off”. Since 2013, he has been working with Cainiao sinceTraditional logisticsBecome smart logistics.

In the past 7 years, China Express has fully completed package digitization. Each package has a “digital IDProcessIdentify, track and assign. Now, express delivery has started to move rapidly towards digitization and intelligence of the entire chain of logistics centers, logistics vehicles, logistics terminals and couriers. The application of new technologies such as unmanned warehouses, unmanned vehicles, and IoT sensorless pickup is becoming popular.

The industry believes that 2.25 billion packages are in charge of the new stage of the smart logistics backbone.They have experienced the epidemic, allsocietyEverybody realizeslogistics networkIt has become the “hydroelectric coal” for business operation and protecting people’s livelihoods. Just as high-speed rail accelerates the flow of people, the logistics network also accelerates the digital economy.Circulation. The entire industry is using digital technology to connect logistics elements to each other, accelerating the realization of “24 hours in the country, 72 hours in the world”.

Upstream NewsChongqing Wei Yue Business Daily Reporter

(Source: Upstream News · Chongqing Business Daily)

(Responsible editor: DF522)

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