In the future it will not be listed without a disinfection certificate Imported food from the cold chain must be fully disinfected


Original title: No disinfection certificate will be included in future! Imported cold chain food must be fully disinfected

A few days ago, the reporter learned from the official website of the Council of State thatcustomsTogether withtrafficMinistry of Transport, Health Commission,marketThe General Supervision Administration and other departments have studied and formulated the “ImportCold chainComprehensive and preventive food disinfectionjobsProgram. “The plan aims to advance steadily in the prevention and control of the new corona pneumonia epidemic and, based on doing a good job in detecting imported food from the cold chain, take advantage of to maximize the effect of disinfection on the new corona virus and effectively prevent the new corona pneumonia epidemic from importing risks through imported food from the cold chain.Market monitoringThe department is responsible for getting it rightinspect on siteIn the task of requesting tickets and certificates, those who cannot provide disinfection certificates cannot be sold on the market.

The plan noted that inPortLink, importcompanyIn order to truthfully declare the relevant information on imported food from the cold chain, the customs department will strengthen the inspection of imported food from the cold chain in accordance with the risk monitoring plan formulated. If the test result is positive, it must be returned or destroyed in accordance with the regulations, If the test result is negative, the customs department organizes, guides and urges the inspection siteOperatingOr the importing company, on the inside wall of the cold chain imported food container,goodsOutsourcingInstall and implement disinfection.

In the transportation of the cold chain and inbound and outbound links, and during the transportation of imported food in the cold chain, the carrier shall not open the box, and transportation in the national transportation section.administrationThe department must supervise and guideCold chain logisticsCompanies strictly inspect customs clearance documents, implement measures such as disinfection of cargo and transportation equipment, such as transport vehicles and ships, and personal protection of front-line acceptWhen cold chain food is imported, the container number and lead seal number must be truthfully recorded and verified, and goods must be recorded inside and outside the warehouse. Relevant data and records must be kept for at least 2 years.

inCirculationLink, for imported food from the cold chain leaving the ports,societyRelevant before cold storage or business cold storage that overturns the car, warehousing and storageProduction and operationUnitInspect goodsIf the enclosed disinfection certificate is not disinfected, the inner wall of the container and the outer packaging of the batch of goods will be disinfected when the container is unloaded. Upon completion of disinfection, the disinfection unit will issue a certificate that the batch of products has been disinfected.Business UnitFor goods that need to be openedInclusionInstall and implement disinfection.

In the market link, the cold chain imported food sales market should strengthen the management, standardize the market sanitation environment, and do a good job of daily disinfection of the places of sale. It is necessary to strictly implement prevention and control requirements, strengthen the relevant certification inspection work to determine whether imported food from the cold chain is disinfected, and prevent imported food from the cold chain that has not been subjected to a comprehensive preventive disinfection treatment enter the market. Further improve traceability management, so that all imported cold chain food that enters the market can be traced back to origin and whereabouts.

(Source: Upstream News)

(Responsible editor: DF386)

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