Biden Statement on Vaccine Progress from Pfizer US Media: In Stark Contrast to Trump | Trump | Pfizer | Biden_Sina


Original Caption: Biden Voiced His Views On Pfizer Vaccine Progress, US Media: In Stark Contrast To Trump

  [文/观察者网 张晨静]The situation of the new corona epidemic in the United States is extremely serious, in the last 10 days 1 million new cases have been confirmed and the cumulative number of confirmed cases has exceeded the 10 million mark. This time around, Pfizer, a local vaccine seed player in the United States, suddenly reported some good news, announcing that its new crown vaccine can prevent 90% of infections. The news sent the stock market up sharply. The three major US stock indices collectively opened and hit a market record. , There was differentiation at the end of the decline.

At the close, the Dow Jones rose 2.95% to 29,157.97 points; the S&P 500 index rose 1.17% to 3,550.50 points; the Nasdaq fell 1.53% to 11,713.78 points.

Current President Trump has sent a “message of congratulations” as soon as possible. The new President Biden, who was announced by many American media officials, also made a statement on November 9 local time, praising Pfizer for its progress in vaccine research and development, but also reminded the American people to be cautious because of mass vaccination. I will still have to wait several months. “Capitol Hill” believes the two statements are in stark contrast, highlighting Trump’s vision of vaccine development as a political tool.

Biden commented on the progress of the Pfizer vaccine

According to reports from CNN and “Capitol Hill,” on November 9 local time, Biden praised Pfizer’s progress in a statement. “In this battle, we have just received positive news and announced that significant progress has been made in research and development,” “I congratulate all the developers who helped make this breakthrough and brought us hope.”

But he also added that this process must be “science-based and completely transparent.” “Soon, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) will go through a strict review and approval process for this. This process must be based on science.” It is completely transparent, so the American people can fully believe that any approved vaccine is safe and effective. “

At the same time, Biden also recalled that even if the vaccine developed by Pfizer is approved in late November this year, some Americans may get it later this year, but it will still take months for widespread vaccination.

He also recalled that the news does not mean that there is a cure, urging everyone to be patient and keep telling people to wear masks. “There are still more than 1,000 deaths from COVID-19 in the United States each day, and this number continues to rise. If we cannot advance the use of masks and other immediate actions, the epidemic will continue to worsen. This is the reality now and in the future. the next few months. Today The declaration promises that next year there will be an opportunity to change this status quo, but the tasks we currently face remain unchanged. “

Biden said that before next year, Americans will have to rely on wearing masks, maintaining social distancing, tracing close contacts, washing hands and other measures to ensure their own safety. “Today’s news is good news, but it will not change this fact.”

On November 9 local time, Pfizer announced that based on data from a large-scale trial, the company’s new coronavirus vaccine candidate is more than 90% effective in preventing the novel coronavirus. Upon hearing the news, Trump immediately sent a “congratulatory message” on Twitter, saying that “the stock market is skyrocketing and the vaccine will be available soon. The report is 90% effective. Good news!” On the 10th, Trump tweeted again: “If Biden were president, there would be no vaccine for the next four years.”

“Capitol Hill” believes the two statements are in stark contrast, highlighting Trump’s vision of vaccine development as a political tool. The US media “Business Insider” believes that Biden’s tone is calmer than Trump’s, and that Biden’s reminder is consistent with statements made by health officials in recent months. Fauci, a leading American infectious disease scientist and “captain of the epidemic,” also warned last month that the American public will not receive the vaccine until mid-2021.

After learning that the vaccine is progressing, Fauci also declared on the program on the 9th that the news that the vaccine is clearly effective is “extraordinary” and warned the American public not to relax their vigilance. “This is good because we know there is a light at the end of the tunnel. But it does not mean that we are abandoning the important public health measures that we continue to do every day.”

Trump allies are trying to attribute Pfizer’s progress to Trump. Vice President Pence tweeted that Pfizer could develop a vaccine with a 90% effectiveness rate in clinical trials, “thanks to the public-private partnership project established by President Trump.”

However, the report noted that Pfizer is not part of the Trump Administration’s Warp Speed ​​vaccine development plan, which aims to promote mass production and rapid listing of various vaccines. The company has not received federal funding to develop vaccines. Reuters also said that Pfizer’s vaccine development is not part of the White House Warp Speed ​​plan, but the US government initially placed an order with Pfizer in July, pre-ordering 100 million doses worth a $ 1.95 billion and can buy up to 500 million additional doses. .

Vaccines must be refrigerated to minus 70 degrees

It is worth mentioning that the new corona vaccine developed by Pfizer has high storage and transportation requirements, even for the most advanced hospitals in the United States, this is an obstacle. Reuters reported that this genetically modified mRNA vaccine must be refrigerated to minus 70 degrees Celsius.

Amesh Adalja, principal investigator at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Safety, said that “the cold chain will be one of the most challenging aspects of the vaccination process,” “because even in large cities there is no facility to store vaccines. at such ultra-low temperatures. ”The Mayo Medical Center, one of the most prestigious hospitals in the United States, also stated that they currently do not have such storage capacity.

Natalie E. Dean, an expert in biostatistics at the University of Florida, said that despite the exciting news about the vaccine, there is still an uphill task ahead, requiring the use of limited doses of vaccines in the highest-risk populations. Recognizing that vaccines require ultra-low temperature storage (refrigeration below minus 70 degrees), which directly limits mass vaccination.

Pfizer spokesperson Kim Bencker said they are working closely with US and state government officials to study how to distribute vaccines from their global distribution centers in the US, Germany and Belgium.

On the same day that Pfizer announced the good news, Biden also met with the 12-member New Coronavirus Task Force. The “Financial Times” reported that the task force will be comprised of former FDA Commissioner David Kessler (David Kessler), former health director Vivek Murthy (Vivek Murthy) and Yale University professor Marcela Nunez-Smith ( Marcella Nunez-Smith) served as co-chair. It also includes Rick Bright, former director of the US Agency for Advanced Biomedical Research and Development (BARDA), who was viewed by the US media as a government “whistleblower” of the epidemic. She had previously questioned hydroxychloroquine and opposed the US Politics prevails over science and she was removed from office.

After hearing the group’s report, Biden delivered a speech in Wilmington, Delaware, saying, “I am humbled by the people’s trust in me and Harris. We are ready to address the needs of the American people. Today, this work has started “. Biden stated that he must first do everything he can to control the epidemic, so that it can safely and sustainably reopen and resume normal life.

As of 5:25 a.m. on November 10 Beijing time, the cumulative number of confirmed new corona cases in the United States exceeded 10.04 million, reaching 10,044,002, and the cumulative number of deaths was 237,860. In the past 24 hours, there have been 99,216 new confirmed cases and 372 new deaths in the United States.

