Keep Strengthening Supply Chain Design In China! Watch The B-side Of The China International Import Expo: Consumption Potential Will Be Unveiled Even More Under The “Double Cycle”



[¡Continúe fortaleciendo el diseño de la cadena de suministro en China! Mire el lado B de la Exposición Internacional de Importaciones de China: el potencial de consumo se liberará aún más bajo el “doble ciclo”]Under the impact of the global economy, China’s rapid recovery strongly attracts foreign companies. During the 3rd China National Import Expo, HSBC released a customized survey report for the CIIE for the world. This survey of nearly 1,100 companies in 11 foreign markets around the world shows that in the context of the impact of the new corona epidemic and the tense geopolitical situation on the world economy and business development, global companies are still focusing on China as the future. One of the key markets for business expansion. (China corridor)

  Under the impact of the global economy, China’s rapid recovery strongly attracts overseascompany

During the 3rd China National Import Expo, HSBC released a customized survey report for the CIIE for the world. This survey of almost 1,100 companies in 11 foreign markets around the world shows that in the context of the impact of the new corona epidemic and the tense geopolitical situation on the world economy and business development,Global companyStill focusing on China as one of the key markets for future business expansion.

  Expert coupleBrokerageChinese reporters said that despite increasingly severe economic deglobalization, China still maintains the CIIE, showing that China not only does not have trade protectionism, but injects more new opportunities into the world economy through the opening of the market. Under the “internal and external dual cycle” development pattern, through the development of import trade, China’s resource allocation can be optimized and the development momentum can be injected into the internal cycle of the service economy.

  73% of foreign companies consider China as their main market in the future

According to a report published by HSBC, last year, although many companies were forced to reduce their international business and focus on local development, they remained optimistic about China’s growth prospects. China’s rapid recovery from the new epidemic of the crown and the huge market potential, ChinamanufacturingThe infrastructure advantage is an important reason for foreign companies to continue to pay attention and strengthen their distribution in the Chinese market.

  Statistics show that among the 1,100 companies surveyed, three-quarters of the companies surveyed expect their sales in China to grow in the next two years, and one-fifth of the companies surveyed expect growth to exceed 20%. Another 73% of companies surveyed said that China is their top key market in the next one to two years.

“China’s rapid recovery from the new corona epidemic is the main reason why the companies interviewed maintain an optimistic outlook on the Chinese market. Effective control of the epidemic has made China the only country of the major economies of the world that is expected to achieve positive growth this year, and it is also a way to stabilize the world. “industryThe chain played a very positive role. “HSBCBank(China) limitedthe companySaid Wang Yunfeng, president and chief executive officer.

Wang Yunfeng also believes that under the new “dual cycle” pattern, China’s consumption potential will be further released. The strong resilience of the Chinese economy and dividends from large markets have made China a rare and valuable business “growth pole” for global companies in the slow global economic environment, and the active participation of global companies will further promote national and international dual cycle connectivity.

  Continue to grow stronger in Chinasupply chaindesign

  The survey shows that China isGlobal supply chainThe Lieutenant General continues to play a critical role. Not only are there no signs that global companies are planning to transfer their business from China, but many companies are also increasing the design of their supply chain in China.

Among them, three-quarters of the companies interviewed said they hope to further strengthen the design of their supply chain in China in the next two years, which also includes 70% of US companies. More than 40% of the companies surveyed plan to increase the proportion of their supply chains in China by 10% or more.

Companies interviewed said there are many reasons to increase the proportion of the supply chain in China, including: China’s digital opportunities, accelerating new product launches, continued growth in consumer demand, andSupply chain costReducing the supply chain and improving the stability of the supply chain.

According to the survey, foreign companies predict that the top fastest growing areas in China in the next two years are high-tech.productAnd services, consumer electronics and appliances, as well as medical equipment and health products. The growth potential of the service industry is particularly optimistic with respect to foreign companies. As the Chinese market matures and consumer tastes become more international and tight, it will attract more high-tech and high-tech enterprises to enter the Chinese market.

In recent years, global economic development has faced de-globalization and protectionism. In the HSBC report, the companies interviewed believe that the growing global trade frictions and the geopolitical situation are not the biggest challenges. The two biggest challenges are the need for Chinese knowledgedealCulture and the impact of the global epidemic of the new crown.

It is worth noting that the expectations of US companies for sales growth in China are slightly above the world average. Only 25% of US companies list increasing trade frictions as their biggest challenge in trading with China.

Hong Kong and ShanghaiBankWang Dongsheng, Vice President and Chief Executive Officer, said: “In the context of growing trade protectionism, we have developed extensive economic and trade exchanges with more countries, especially those with developed economies.interactive, Will absorb advanced technology and promoteIndustrial modernizationIt brings a powerful boost, and in the process it will also leadworkIncreased consumer income will stimulate domestic demand and promote the domestic cycle. “

  China International Import Expo: Achieve “Buy About 100” and “Compare with Customers”

Although the new corona epidemic is still spreading globally, the Expo held in Shanghai still attracted a large number of companies from around the world to participate. In his keynote address at CIIE, President Xi Jinping noted that “China’s holding of this global trade event as scheduled under the premise of ensuring the safety of epidemic prevention reflects China’s sincere desire to share market opportunities with the world and promote global economic recovery. “

Research Institute of the Ministry of Commerceinternational marketBai Ming, deputy director of the Institute, told the China brokerage reporter that from a direct point of view, on the CIIE platform, everyone can find business opportunities, improve the efficiency of resource allocation, and overcome information asymmetry. , so that both buyers and buyers can Achieve “compare with a hundred companies” and “compare with a hundred companies”.

  Bai Ming pointed out that from a national perspective, conducting the CIIE shows that China not only has no trade protectionism, but creates more new opportunities for the world economy through China’s opening up. This reflects the influence, competitiveness and competitiveness of China. Attractive. Through import trade, internal and external circulation can be better combined to inject impetus for economic development.

Pang Chaoran, a research associate at the Research Institute of the Ministry of Commerce, told a reporter for the China brokerage that “China’s insistence on maintaining the CIIE in difficult circumstances will help unite more countries to resist de-globalization and firmly safeguard the liberalization of economic globalization “. He believes that, In the future, the scale of the Chinese market will continue to grow and its potential will continue to be unleashed, and it will become an important force leading world production. Chinese enterprises will also gradually enter the high-level links of the value chain, integrate global resources, and serve the development of the domestic market.

Bai Ming told reporters: “It turns out that the global market is economic globalization dominated by Europe and the United States.International division of laborThe lower end of the ‘smile curve’ is relatively passive. Of course, this has also achieved our status as a major trading country, which is not easy. “

He noted that this is not sustainable in the long term. “In the future, a great country like China will move from a great trading country to a powerful trading country, so it must change the original extensive style.Industrial developmentModel, improve the technological level in emerging strategic industries and strengthenMain brandAnd autonomous knowledgepropertyAwareness to carry out the simultaneous update of consumption and industry. “

Aiming to reach the huge Chinese market of 1.4 billion people, how should foreign companies deal with opportunities and challenges? Bai Ming believes that foreign companies should actively seek cooperation with local Chinese companies, and be able to “build on”, maximize their strengths and avoid weaknesses, and complement each other to be better. Take advantage of the China market.

Pang Chaoran told reporters that foreign companies entering the Chinese market may consider combining their own advantages to effectively enter the domestic market.Industrial chainWeak links and central and western regions, servingnational economyHigh quality development. Also, one must grasp and understand the characteristics of domestic consumption and enjoy the development dividend of the domestic market.

(Source: Brokerage China)

(Responsible editor: DF526)

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