Seventh national census begins Tencent welcomes the big test: how to serve a “company” of 7 million people? _ Eastern Fortune Network


Original title: The seventh national census begins, Tencent welcomes the big test: How to serve a “company” of 7 million people?

For Tencent, this time in the populationCensusThe technical solutions used in the project will also be Tencent’s standard paradigm in all future government projects.

On November 1, the seventh national census was officially released. More than 7 million census workers across the country will enter tens of thousands of households, completing the name of a large country with a population of more than 1.4 billion.

China is reported to conduct an average census every 10 years. The seventh national census will mainly investigate basic population and household information, including name, citizen identification number, sex, age, ethnicity, education level, industryOccupation, Migration, marriage, childbirth, death, housing, etc.

Compared to the past, the seventh census is very different, this time it will be completely electronic.

The reporter learned that in the first and second national census, all data was calculated with an abacus.Manual Summary; The third national census used computers for data processing for the first time; The Fifth National Census introduced photoelectric recognition technology for the first time, replacing manual keyboard entry with automatic computer recognition.

In the 7th census, the census method that enumerators used to collect with paper information sheets in the past was changed to using PADs or personal smartphone registration. After registration, data can be uploaded in real time, improving efficiency and reducing intermediate links. , Which helps to improve the quality of the data.In addition, the 7th census also addedThe InternetWays to report independently.

As for how to conduct electronic collection of more than 7 million pollsters, this question needs to be answered by Tencent. According to information previously released by the National Public Procurement Network, Tencent Cloud hasWinning bidThis census project will be jointlycompanyProvided by WeChatTechnical support

  The Tencent Advantage

On November 4, Tencent Government Cloudvice presidentWang Jingtianto acceptA reporter for the 21st Century Business Herald said in an interview that Tencent began to focus on March 5 of this year.teamPerform the development of the census application. “According to the plan, it should be done before September, but during the period when we caught up with the new corona epidemic, the whole task is very intense.”

In fact, before implementing this project, Tencent was confident, because if the 7 million census takers are considered onethe company,specializedServiceEnterprise WeChat is actually a ready-madeproductIt is only necessary to continue developing custom applications based on the WeChat business platform.

At the same time, WeChat, which has a daily activity of more than 1.2 billion, has covered most of the census subjects. If they want to declare on their own, they don’t need to download any app and open the WeChat applet.

Another more important point is that the amount of data collected by the census is very large, and it is national.Common peopleVery private data, placing high demands on the ability to collect, organize and process data, as well as the security and reliability of the entire system.

These problems, for a large number of usersproduct serviceFor the experienced Tencent Cloud, it seems that the problem is not big.Wang Jingtian told reporters that the two technical characteristics of Tencent’s front-end product capabilities and back-end service support capabilities were also obtained.StatisticsRecognized by the office.

  He underestimated the difficulty of the project.

However, during the development process, the Tencent team still encountered some unexpected difficulties. Wang Jingtian said that after the start of development, the team found that understanding the census business was still too simple. Previously, it was thought that identification number and other information could be entered, but in fact, the census requires individuals to match households.

“This is a complicated relationship because it keeps changing,” said Wang Jingtian. During the census,WarrantyAll census objects are static and will also flow. They may be in Beijing today and will arrive in Shanghai tomorrow. This requires the product to provide the data classification function.

At the same time, the information collected must be verified, which requires clarifying the logical relationship between the data. For example, the family relationship and the relationship between husband and wife in the household register. According to Wang Jingtian, based on the experience of previous manual surveys, a total of more than 700 business rules have been solved, and the Tencent team must write these rules in the program, so when the program was opened, the difficulty exceeded the expectations.

It is reported that because the updating and consultation of the population data are intertwined, that is, they must be entered and continuously reviewed and analyzed at the same time. Therefore, the Tencent team finally double-checked for the census application.databaseDesign, a database dedicated toProduction systemThe other is dedicated to query analysis.

According to the journalist’s understanding, the seventh census will also collect the identification numbers of the subjects of the census for the first time to achieve comparison and verification with the administrative records of the departments of public safety, health and health, and further increase the authenticity and data accuracy.

For corporate WeChat, although it has been serving companiesclientBut no company can really have 7 million employees. Therefore, to serve this huge “company”, the company’s WeChat has also mobilized R&D departments and made some custom adjustments.

Wang Qiong, senior director of enterprise WeChat industry, told reporters that, considering that many census takers do not have Internet, Enterprise WeChat has added “offline Internet access” function for weak network environments. The software can still run when there is no network signal, etc. The background data of the system will be loaded automatically when there is a network signal.

Currently, the entire censusjobsIt is being carried out in an orderly manner and the system developed by Tencent has also ushered in a real test. According to Wang Jingtian, the current load of the entire system is very high, around 100,000 QPS (interface requests) per second, but this has not yet reached the highest point set by Tencent, and is still far from the peak.

Wang Jingtian said that mobile device-based electronic census methods are not only a technological revolution in our national census work, but also lead the technological advancement of census methods in the world. Therefore, the success of this system is of historical importance for China and the world statistics industry.

For Tencent, the technical solutions used in the census project this time will also be Tencent’s standard paradigm in all future government projects. “The Census Project provides an excellent opportunity for Tencent to useCaseHe verified Tencent’s technical architecture, which will further strengthen Tencent’s confidence in government business development. “

(Source: 21st Century Business Herald)

(Responsible editor: DF537)

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