2020 Chengdu-Chongqing Double City Economic Circle Brand Conference Officially Launched


Original Title: 2020 Chengyu Double City Economic Circle Brand Conference Officially Launched

GatherBrandStrength to sing Chengyu “A Tale of Two Cities”

New-style meal replacement brand Wang Baobao, Bosie, leading the trend for genderless clothing, a blockbuster turkey with a sterilized knife and chopstick holder, and smart cleaning gadgets … The first wave of this year’s Tmall Double 11 sales period, 357 new brandsAgreement1 article from the main subcategory. Taking advantage of the new consumer trend, the rise of these brands has also injected new vitality into economic development in the post-epidemic era.

The prosperity of the brand leads to the prosperity of the economy, along withmarketAs the economy takes off, the brand has become the core of the market and building a brand is building the future. In the context of the construction of the two-city economic circle in the Chengdu-Chongqing region and the new development pattern of “dual cycles”, how can Sichuan-Chongqing brands gain momentum to enhance economic development?

On December 10, the 2020 Chengyu Double City Economic Circle Brand Conference organized by Cover News will be held in Chengdu. With the theme “Chengyu Power Brand Model”, the conference will use the form of “list publication + Summit Forum “to brainstorm, ask questions and explore new ideas together through the award-winning VLOG application contest and overseas selection promotion. From the starting point, ChengyuBrand buildingHow to move on.

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Publication of the list of authorized reports

  Big dataIncreaseBrand update

At the 2020 China Brand Building Summit Forum held a few days ago, Liu Pingping, chairman of the China Brand Building Promotion Association, said that the cluster needs to be continuously improved.Brand value, Regional brand equity, play the leading role of the brand in high-quality economic development, optimize the “dual cycle” pattern, realize the power of the brand as soon as possible and enterBrand economywas.

As the fourth largest in China after the Yangtze River Delta, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay AreaGrowth poleWhat is the status quo of brand building in the Chengdu-Chongqing Twin Cities Economic Circle? This time weborrowTo help big data, come to a complete “understanding”.

Cover Research Institute will cooperate with iResearch to report on Chengdu-Chongqing Shuangcheng Economic CirclecompanyBrands are evaluated by index, some prominent brands are actively evaluated, and the Chengdu-Chongqing Twin Cities Economic Circle is evaluated comprehensivelyBrand IndexTop 100 list.

The report and ranking will be done by iResearch through desk research, expert interviews,Investigation, Data calculation models and monitoring of own data, etc., combined with the generation of recommendation indexes of coverage news media. On December 10, at the Chengdu-Chongqing Twin Cities Economic Circle Brand Building Summit Forum, it was published and interpreted with authority.

The site will also announce the listing in Sichuan and Chongqing.the companyThe Brand Index helps investors fully understand the state of publicly traded companies and use the data to drive brand growth.

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First wisdomproductList

Finding a new impetus for regional economic development

The established brands, the new heritage, the new brands, show vigor and collectively maintain enthusiasm for consumption. Brand development must change over time and gain momentum. In the post-epidemic era, we will focus on smart brands that change lives.

After the outbreak of new crown pneumonia,The InternetBig data, cloud computing and other cutting-edge technologies are accelerating “flying into the homes of ordinary people.” From personal clothing, personal care to home, medical products, automotive electronics, etc., our lives are getting smarter. Changes in consumption patterns and lifestyles have broughtdealMajor tweaks and changes to the model, business ecology, and business operating system have also brought new development opportunities.

The 2020 Chengdu-Chongqing Shuangcheng Economic Circle Brand Conference will be the first to establish the list of smart products in the Chongqing Shuangcheng Economic Circle, focusing on those brands that fill the “blank space” and seeking new momentum for the regional economic development.

In addition, the Chengdu-Chongqing Shuangcheng Economic Circle National Tidal Innovation List will also be published with great weight to gather wisdom and strength for brand building in the post-epidemic era.

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Award-winning VLOG call

“Plant grass” for local brand online

As technology advances and concepts are updated,Brand marketingHas entered the “plant grass” for all things, everyone can “plant grass”Content marketingNew era.

Which brand best represents the hometown? Which brand can best evoke your good memories? Cover News will launch the award-winning “One City, One Product” VLOG Application Contest, inviting you to “plant grass” for your hometown brand.

In fact, at the 2018 and 2019 brand conferences, Cover News launched the “One City, One Product” brand pick, inviting the county magistrate to endorse the “own” brand.

This year, we embraced the VLOG expression that is popular with young people today and invited over a thousand photographers to focusCity brandDevelopment, through the cover news, Douyin, jointly collected and integrated VLOG videos of characteristic brands in the Chongqing Shuangcheng Economic Circle, to promote the vivid communication of “One city, one product.”

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Looking for official Sichuan Pintui

You can also become a “cargo” influencer

To discover the charm of Sichuan brands, I speak on behalf of my hometown brand. From now on, Cover News will search the entire network for Sichuan Pintui officials to speak on behalf of the Sichuan brand.

In addition to Sichuan companies, culture stars and Internet celebrities who bring products, we also look forward to fans who love their hometown and Sichuan. We look forward to discovering those Sichuan brands with warmth, stories, and potential through the perspective of Pintui officials. As long as you have the material, the cover art can make you a “carrier” influencer.

At the same time, we will also launch Sichuan-Chongqing Brand Quest, inviting netizens to visit Smart Manufacturingfactory, Workshops and parks, and ask them to show and tell from the first perspective. You can expect “high-quality evaluation” from netizens after the on-site visit to improve your understanding of the Chuanzihao brand.

West China Metropolis Daily cover news reporter Wu Bingqing

(Source: West China Metropolis Daily)

(Responsible editor: DF522)

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