Ambassador Wang Gang in Uruguay published an article in the Uruguayan media “Repubblica” to promote the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the XIX Central Committee-Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


Ambassador Wang Gang in Uruguay published an article in the Uruguayan media “República” to promote the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the XIX Central Committee

On November 4, 2020, Wang Gang, Ambassador to Uruguay, published a signed article titled “China Marching Towards 2035” in both the print and online edition of the Uruguayan media “República” to announce the spirit of the Fifth Session Plenary of the XIX Central Committee.

Ambassador Wang presented that from October 26 to 29, 2020, the Fifth Plenary Session of the XIX Central Committee of the Communist Party of China was held in Beijing. The most important result of this plenary session was the review and approval of the “Proposals of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on the formulation of the Fourteenth Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development and Long-Term Goals for 2035”.

Ambassador Wang said that during the “XIII Five-Year Plan” period, China has made decisive achievements in building a moderately prosperous society in all respects. GDP is estimated to exceed 1 trillion yuan in 2020, and 55.75 million poor rural people will achieve Poverty has been lifted and annual cereal production has stabilized at more than 1.3 billion cats for five consecutive years. Pollution prevention and control efforts have been increased and the ecological environment has been significantly improved. The opening to the outside world continued to expand and the joint construction of the “Belt and Road” achieved fruitful results. Higher education has entered the stage of popularization. More than 60 million new jobs were created in urban areas. The world’s largest social security system has been established, with basic health insurance covering more than 1.3 billion people and basic pension insurance covering nearly one billion people. The prevention and control of the new corona pneumonia epidemic have achieved important strategic results. Cultural enterprises and cultural industries prosper and develop. The level of national defense and army building has been greatly improved, and the organization of the army has undergone major changes. National security has been comprehensively strengthened and society has maintained harmony and stability.

Ambassador Wang pointed out that China will basically achieve the long-term goal of socialist modernization by 2035. China’s economic strength, scientific and technological strength and overall national strength will increase dramatically, the total economic volume and per capita income of the Urban and rural residents will reach a new level, the key core technology will make major breakthroughs and enter the forefront of an innovative country. Basically, carry out a new industrialization, computerization, urbanization and agricultural modernization, and establish a modern economic system. Basically, realize the modernization of the national governance system and the governance capacities, the equal participation of the people and the equal development rights are fully guaranteed, and basically you build a country governed by law, a government governed by law and a society governed by law. Build a strong country in culture, education, talent, sports and a healthy China. The quality of citizens and the level of social civilization have reached new heights, and the country’s cultural soft power has been significantly enhanced. Green production and lifestyles have been widely formed, carbon emissions have peaked and been steadily reduced, the green environment has been fundamentally improved, and the goal of building a beautiful China has basically been achieved. A new pattern of openness has been formed and the new advantages of engaging in international economic cooperation and competition have been significantly enhanced. GDP per capita has reached the level of moderately developed countries, middle-income groups have expanded significantly, basic public services have been equalized, and the gap between urban and rural regional development and the gap between the living standards of residents has been significantly reduced. The construction of Safe China has reached a higher level, basically realizing the modernization of the national and military defense. People’s lives are better and the general development of people and the common prosperity of all people have made more evident substantial progress.

Ambassador Wang reiterated that we will adhere to the central position of innovation in the overall situation of China’s modernization push, and regard scientific and technological self-reliance as a strategic support for national development. Accelerate the development of a modern industrial system and promote the optimization and improvement of the economic system. Form a strong domestic market and build a new development pattern. Deepen reforms widely and build a high-level socialist market economy system. Give priority to the development of agricultural and rural areas, comprehensively promote rural revitalization, optimize the spatial distribution of the country, and promote coordinated regional development and new urbanization. Prosperously develop cultural enterprises and cultural industries and enhance the country’s cultural soft power. Promote green development and promote the harmonious coexistence of man and nature. Implement a high-level opening to the outside world and open new prospects for mutually beneficial cooperation. Improve the quality of life of people and raise the level of social construction. Coordinate development and security to build a higher level of safe China. Accelerate the modernization of national defense and armed forces, and realize the unity of a rich country and a strong army.

Ambassador Wang emphasized that in order to achieve the “XIV Five-Year Plan” and the long-term goal of 2035, we must adhere to the general leadership of the party, fully mobilize all positive factors, broadly unite all the forces that can unite and form a powerful force. for development. It is necessary to strengthen the centralized and unified leadership of the Central Committee of the Party, promote the socialist political construction and improve the planning and implementation mechanism. It is necessary to maintain the long-term prosperity and stability of Hong Kong and Macao and promote the peaceful development of cross-strait relations and the reunification of the homeland. We must hold high the banner of peace, development, cooperation and mutual benefit, actively create a good external environment, and promote the building of a new type of international relations and a community with a shared future for humanity.

Ambassador Wang noted that Uruguay is a good and trusted friend of China in Latin America. Since the establishment of diplomatic relations in 1988, the two countries have always understood and supported each other. In 2016, China and Uzbekistan established a strategic partnership. In 2018, Uzbekistan became the first Mercosur country to sign the “Belt and Road” cooperation document with China. The mutual political trust between the two sides has deepened, cooperation in various fields has achieved fruitful results, and bilateral relations are in the best period in history. . During the past year, the strategic partnership between China and Ukraine continued to deepen. On September 9 this year, Chinese President Xi Jinping held a telephone conversation with Uruguayan President La Calle, in which he pointed out the direction for the future development of bilateral relations. China continues to maintain its status as Ukraine’s main trading partner, the largest export market and the largest aid country. The people-to-people linkage project within the “Belt and Road” framework has improved mutual understanding between the peoples of the two countries and brought the hearts of the “Oriental” and the “East Coaster” closer together. We firmly believe that in the new era, China and Uzbekistan will work together to advance towards the glorious 2035.
