Understanding the Global Epidemic in One Article: A Total of 47.76 Million Confirmed Cases Worldwide Are Entering the “Deadliest Stage” of the US Epidemic | India | United States | Iran_Sina Military_Sina.com


Original title: An article to understand the global epidemic: A total of 47.76 million confirmed cases of the global epidemic in the United States are entering the “deadliest stage”


Associated Press

Associated Press

  Overseas Network, November 4 Real-time statistics from the Worldometer website show that at around 6:30 AM on Nov. 4 Beijing time, a total of 47,763,209 confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia worldwide, a total of 1,218,315 deaths, and more than 10,000 confirmed cases in 112 countries.

The global epidemic continues to spread. In the Americas, the epidemic has plunged 8 million people into poverty in the United States. The state of São Paulo, Brazil, held a ceremony in memory of the deceased of the new crown; the epidemic in Europe is serious, with more than 70% of the French supporting the closure until the end of the year, and the Italian parliament approves the new bill to prevent the epidemic; Asia, India The capital was hit by both the epidemic and air pollution, and Iran has entered a state of all-out war against the epidemic.

  Americas: The US epidemic is entering the “deadliest stage” in the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil mourns the death of COVID-19

  United States

According to Worldometer real-time statistics, at approximately 6:30 AM on November 4 Beijing time, a total of 9,637,870 confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia in the United States and a total of 237,891 deaths. Compared to the 6:30 a.m. data the day before, there were 88,859 new confirmed cases and 998 new deaths in the United States.

As the United States responds to the world’s worst new corona epidemic, more than 8 million people have fallen into poverty. The epidemic has caused tens of millions of people to lose their jobs and economic growth has been drastically reduced. With the effect of the trillion-dollar stimulus measures fading in the early stages of the epidemic, America’s middle class is certainly in jeopardy.

In the second local time, the “New York Times” reported that the White House Coordinator of the New Coronavirus Response Task Force, Burks, said: The United States is entering the “most worrying and deadly” phase of the epidemic. . In a private memo to White House officials, Burks issued a stark warning that the US epidemic is entering a new “deadly stage” and that more active response measures are needed.


As of November 3, local time, Brazil had 11,843 new confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia in a single day, with a total of 5,566,049 confirmed cases; 224 new deaths and a total of 160,496 deaths.

The state of Sao Paulo is the most severe state of the new corona epidemic in Brazil. The state government held a ceremony on the 2nd to commemorate the deaths from COVID-19 in the state. On the same day, in the center of the city of Sao Paulo, capital of the state of Sao Paulo, more than 30 ambulances honked their horns for a minute to honor the death of the new corona disease. The state government also covered many sculptures in São Paulo with banners with the words “wear masks” to warn people not to relax their vigilance.

  Europe: More than 70% of the French support the blockade until the end of the Italian Congress approves the new anti-epidemic bill


According to data published by the French public health department on November 3, local time, at 2:00 p.m. on the same day, the cumulative number of confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia in France reached 1,502,763, with 36,330 new cases added in 24 hours. A total of 38,289 deaths were reported and 854 new cases were added in 24 hours. Data shows that in the last seven days, the rate of positive tests for the new coronavirus in France was 20.62%.

France initiated the second round of the national blockade on October 30 and lasted until at least December 1. However, many health experts believe that a four-week lockdown is not enough to reverse the situation. According to the latest survey conducted by the French research company Ifop for the corporate consulting firm No Com, more than 70% of the French accept the extension of the blockade to the Christmas and New Year holidays.


According to the latest data published on Russia’s third official website for the prevention of the novel coronavirus epidemic, Russia has added 18,648 new confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia, a total of 1,673,686 confirmed cases, 355 new cases of new coronary pneumonia and a total of 28,828 deaths.

According to Russian Sputnik News, Vyacheslav Timchenko, chairman of the Committee on Agenda Affairs of the Council of the Russian Federation (the upper house of parliament), said that 86 members of the Council of the Federation expressed their desire to be vaccinated against the new virus. of the crown. Timchenko once told the media that the Federal Council has begun to solicit opinions from members of Congress who want to receive the new crown vaccine, but based on the results, he does not rule out organized vaccination of members.


According to the latest data from the Robert Koch Institute, the German disease control agency, at 0:00 local time on November 3, Germany had a total of 560,379 confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia, an increase of 15,352 from the previous day. ; a total of 10,661 deaths, compared to the previous one. 131 new cases were added daily; about 371,500 cases were cured.

Due to the deterioration of the new corona pneumonia epidemic, the federal and state governments of Germany reached an agreement on October 28 local time to implement stricter national restrictions again starting November 2 local time. Restaurants, bars, theaters, playgrounds, gyms, beauty salons and other cultural and sports catering facilities throughout Germany will be closed for one month.


According to the latest statistics published by the Italian Ministry of Health on November 3, local time, there were 28,244 new confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia in the country in the last 24 hours, with a total of 759,829 confirmed cases; 353 new deaths and a total of 39,412 deaths.

In the second local time, Italian Prime Minister Conte explained to the House of Representatives a detailed interpretation of the draft resolution of the government cabinet on the new bill against the epidemic and presented it to the House of Representatives for its deliberation and vote . The new anti-epidemic law was passed by the House of Representatives in the afternoon and Conte is expected to sign and enact the latest anti-epidemic law 4 days ago.

  United Kingdom

According to statistics from the UK Department of Health and Social Security, as of November 3 local time, there were 20,018 new confirmed cases of new crowns in the UK in 24 hours and a total of 1,073,882 confirmed cases; 397 new deaths, a total of 47,250 deaths within 28 days of diagnosis.

A recent survey in the UK shows that the epidemic has caused more Britons to pay attention to environmental travel. Commissioned by the London Northeast Railway Company, the British Public Opinion Research Company surveyed adults in 2008 on the environmental considerations of future travel and came to the above conclusion. The British “Daily Mail” reported that the survey showed that before the government implemented quarantine measures due to the epidemic, only 20% of Britons thought about whether their lifestyle was green and sustainable. Now 58% of Brits are trying to make their own lifestyle greener.

  Asia: Indian capital suffers double whammy from epidemic air pollution, Iran enters state of all-out war against epidemic


According to the latest data released by the Indian Ministry of Health on day 3, the number of confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia in India increased to 8,267,623. In the last 24 hours, India has confirmed 38,310 new cases, 490 new deaths and a total of 123,097 deaths.

At present, New Delhi, the capital of India, is suffering two severe blows: the increase of the epidemic of the new crown and the worsening of air pollution. New Delhi is not only one of the few cities in India where the epidemic situation is still seriously deteriorating, but the air quality in the city has also deteriorated due to pollution caused by the cultivation of fire from farmers and cold weather.


According to the news from the Iranian Ministry of Health on November 3, in the last 24 hours there have been 8,932 new confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia and 422 new deaths in Iran. Iran has a total of 637,712 confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia and 36,160 deaths.

To curb the spread of the epidemic, the Health Commission of Tehran, the Iranian capital, plans to implement a two-week lockdown on Tehran. The new corona pneumonia epidemic in Iran has shown signs of resurgence since September, with an increase in new confirmed and hospitalized cases, and the medical system is severely overloaded. The Health Ministry spokesman previously stated that Iran has entered a full-scale state of war against the new corona pneumonia epidemic.

  Confirmed cases in other countries

Among Asian countries, except India, Japan and South Korea; Singapore has confirmed 58029 cases; Israel has confirmed 315,983 cases …

Among the countries of Oceania, Australia has confirmed 27,608 cases; New Zealand has confirmed 1968 cases …

Among the countries of America, with the exception of the United States and Brazil, Peru has confirmed 906,545 cases and Argentina has confirmed 1,183,131 cases … (Overseas Net Li Meng Hou Xingchuan)

(Source: Worldmeter data, Indian Ministry of Health official website, Xinhua news agency, People’s Daily, CCTV, etc.)
