Cold chain food traceability platform is activated without traceability data, no sales can be


Source Title: Cold Chain Food Traceability Platform Activates No Traceability Data, No Sales

Since November 1, the Beijing Cold Chain Food Traceability Platform (hereinafter “Beijing Cold Chain”) has been officially used. Imported frozen meat and aquatic products must upload traceability data and implement electronic traceability code assignment and labeling. Available for sale.

It is understood that the “Beijing Cold Chain” implements the management of the “first stop code”, that is, the imported food production and operation unit of the cold chain that purchases frozen meat and imported aquatic products from outside Beijing and transports them to Beijing is the first stop. Upload related product types, specifications, lots, origin, inspection and quarantine and other traceability data in the “chain”, and use “Beijing Cold Chain” to assign electronic traceability codes to related products by lot. If there is a traceability code that meets GS1 coding and traceability standards on the product packaging, no additional code is required. Realize “one meter to the end”. In all aspects of the sale and circulation of imported chilled and frozen meat and aquatic products in Beijing, imported cold chain food production and operation units in Beijing can easily upload product receipt and delivery data by scanning the code. .

On October 29, Chen Yankai, deputy director of the Beijing Municipal Market Supervision Office, stated that at 5:00 p.m. on October 28, the retrospective platform had registered 1,599 varieties and 2,412 batches of refrigerated aquatic and meat products and imported frozen foods, involving 44 countries and 26 provinces of the country. A total of 7.75 million kilograms of imported chilled and frozen meat and aquatic products entered Beijing.

The reporter learned from the Beijing market supervision department that the district market supervision offices have carried out on-site inspections and guidance on the use of imported cold chain food traceability platforms at the initial stage.

The Dongcheng District Market Supervision Office issued the “Notice on the Application of the” Beijing Cold Chain “”, reminding all relevant business entities in the jurisdiction that, as of November 1, all links (including food production, circulation, markets and catering) will operate with import All refrigerated and frozen livestock and aquatic products must be included in the “Beijing Cold Chain” platform. Currently, products in stock and products for sale that do not have retrospective conditions will be temporarily suspended from operation and operations will resume after completing and completing the procedures.

The Chaoyang District Market Supervision Office recently issued the “Notice on Promoting the Use of the” Beijing Cold Chain Traceability Platform. “The notice clearly stated that all operating companies are responsible for incorporating aquatic products. and refrigerated and frozen livestock farmers imported to “Beijing Cold Chain” with various business models, such as self-operation, joint operation and introduction of in-store factories. Under-packaged refrigerated and frozen livestock and poultry aquatic products Imported will be included in the “Beijing Cold Chain”, where the origin is identified as imported on the label.

Chen Lin, reporter for Beijing News
