A-stock performance beat expectations of the top 50, three reasons for the performance release burst_stock channel_stock star


(Original caption: The performance of A shares exceeded expectations of the top 50, and three main reasons led to a spectacular performance)

Benefiting from factors such as product price increases, the boom in the industry, and the company’s businesses outpacing the industry, the return on performance than expected has become one of the driving forces for individual stocks to keep increasing. According to the research report on the performance of securities companies and excluding the new stocks listed this year, Securities Times and Databao posted a total of 219 stocks that beat expectations in the first three quarters or the third quarter, and combined with the The agency’s forecast on individual stock net earnings growth indicators, published ‘The performance exceeded expectations by 50%. Strong. “These companies are mainly concentrated in the electronics, chemical, pharmaceutical and biological, automotive and other industries.

A company whose performance exceeds expectations

The stock price worked well

There are many large companies with a market value of more than 100 billion in stocks that have exceeded expectations. For example, in the first three quarters of this year, GoerTek Inc.’s operating income increased 43.9% year-over-year and net profit increased 104.71% year-over-year. The net profit growth rate was significantly higher than the revenue growth and exceeded the previous The upper limit of the return forecast range and announced the annual return forecast for this year, which is expected to increase between 115% and 125% year-on-year. Other large-cap companies whose performance exceeded expectations include Zhifei Bio, Oriental Fortune and Zijin Mining.

From a continuity perspective, equity companies view 12 stocks, including Zhende Medical, Biyin Lefen, Ruipu Biotech, Dongfulong, Xiaoxiong Electric and Xinyisheng, as continuing to exceed expectations. From the perspective of exceeding expectations, the institutions consider that 13 companies, including Guizhou Tire, Meiya Pico, Kehua Hengsheng, Tongfu Microelectronics and Shandong Weida, exceed expectations.

The performance beyond expectations has caused a simultaneous rise in the share prices of listed companies. The data shows that the share prices of the 219 outperforming companies rose on average 72.41% during the year, while the Shanghai Stock Index rose only 5.72% during the same period. 58 companies have doubled their share price during the year, and most of them are pharmaceutical and biological industry companies, such as healthcare leader Zhende Medical, vaccine leader Zhifei Bio, and cryogenic storage market leader biomedical from China, Haier Bio.

In addition to pharmaceutical and biological companies, the electrical equipment industry such as Sungrow Power Supply, JA Technology and Kehua Hengsheng; the mechanical equipment industry such as Cobos, Dongfulong, Yexing Technology, Shandong Weida and Hengli Hydraulics Please wait.

As performance growth beat expectations, share prices for the mentioned companies have also hit record highs. Databao statistics show that more than half of company closing prices have reached the highest prices in history this year. Sungrow, Cobos, Zhonggong Education, Farah Electronics and By-Health The closing price of 23 shares continued to hit a new high last week.

Reasons for performance to exceed expectations

DataBall resolved the reasons why the performance of the aforementioned company exceeded expectations and found that it was primarily related to factors such as high industry prosperity, product prices, and the company’s business performance above the industry. .

Most companies that performed well above expectations benefited from the industry boom, such as Aier Ophthalmology, which benefited from stiff demand and the high boom in ophthalmology, and Hengli Hydraulics, which benefited from the industry’s high growth. of construction machinery represented by excavators.

Because the performance of product price increases exceeded expectations, most of the chemical and resource companies, such as Zijin Mining, Hunan Haili and Xingfa Group.

In the first three quarters of Zijin Mining’s main products, the average sales price of mineral gold and mineral copper increased 24.87% and 0.26%, respectively, compared to the same period last year. The volume and price of the company’s gold and copper plates also increased, which is the main reason for the company’s strong growth during the reporting period. Hunan Haili is the largest manufacturer of technical carbamate pesticide products in China. Prices for the company’s six main products have continued to rise over the past four years. Product prices in the third quarter rose more than expected, pushing the company’s performance beyond expectations.

The business is better than the industry average, which can also bring unexpected growth to the company’s performance. For example, Yestar Technology achieved a net profit of 463 million yuan attributable to its parent in the third quarter, an increase of 63.3% year-on-year, beating market expectations. The main reason is that the demand in the US market has increased. Some competitors are unable to operate normally due to the epidemic. Small and medium-sized companies in the sector have continued to stop and liquidate. The main commercial orders of the company have continued to increase month by month. In the third quarter, Xinhua Insurance’s premium income was better than the industry average and investment income beat expectations, while its performance is considered slightly better than expected.

Agency forecasts in the last 2 years

High Net Profit Growth Stocks

Among the 219 companies listed above that performed above expectations, Databao has given ratings based on more than 5 institutions and the institutions consistently forecast net profit growth rates of more than 30% in 2020 and 2021, and statistics from the “Top 50 Performance Exceeds Expectations”.

The organization unanimously predicts that the highest net profit growth rate is Tongfu Microelectronics, which predicts that the net profit growth rate will reach 2068% this year and the net profit growth rate in 2021 will reach 62. %. In the first three quarters of this year, the company’s revenue increased 22.55% year-on-year and its net profit attributable to its parent increased 1057.95% year-on-year. The main reason for the increase in performance was the significant increase in domestic customer orders. AMD, a major international customer, leveraged its manufacturing process to further expand its market share, and order demand grew strongly. .

Hanrui Cobalt, Watson Bio, Changying Precision and Yujiahui predict that the growth rate of net profit will be more than 3 times. Long-term, Hanrui Cobalt, Chifeng Gold, Yujiahui, Tongfu Microelectronics, and Jiuzhou Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. forecast net profit growth rates of more than 50% in 2021.

Hanrui Cobalt, Han’s Laser, Xingfa Group and Huayang International share prices performed poorly during the year, with rises and falls of 22.78%, 1.01%, 10.49% and 22.56%, respectively. The valuations of Dongzhu Eco, Mingyang Intelligent, Fiyta, Yizumi, Zijin Mining and Xingfa Group are relatively low, and the most recent P / E ratios are less than 32 times.

(Source: Securities Times)
