Zhong Yuan: Difficulties in internal and external affairs can not be resolved, the CCP plenary session is desperate | Xi Jinping | Fifth plenary session | Fourteenth Five Year Plan


[La Gran Época, 30 de octubre de 2020]The Fifth Closed Plenary Session of the XIX Central Committee of the Communist Party of China has ended. There are no personnel changes, succession plans, or review of a number of internal and external misconduct, and of course not. Solutions to internal and external dilemmas. The Fifth Plenary Session of the CCP continued to use the slogan-style 14th Five-Year Plan to avoid the crisis of the CCP regime. The CCP Central Plenary Session and the entire CCP regime have been desperate.

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In the nearly half-hour CCTV video, Xi Jinping was speaking. 198 members of the Central Committee, 166 alternate members of the Central Committee and the assistants had been pretending to sketch, and the close-ups of the members of the Politburo Standing Committee were expressionless. It’s hard to imagine that the four-day closed-door meeting was mainly preached by Xi Jinping, while others had been listening to the training and raising their hands. This group of people claimed to represent China and the Chinese people during the four-day meeting, but they did not dare to admit the numerous crises, did not dare to evaluate their merits and could not discuss an effective national policy. The Chinese communist regime should end.

The assessment of the international situation is the same as five years ago

The medium and long-term planning of a country must be based on accurate judgments of internal and external situations. The meeting also stated that it had carried out an in-depth analysis of the “deep and complex changes facing the development environment” and considered that “the current and future period is still in a period of important strategic opportunities, but there are new developments and shifting opportunities and challenges. Today’s world is undergoing a century of development. “There have been major changes”, “the international balance of forces has been profoundly adjusted and peace and development remain the themes of the time”, “The international environment has become increasingly complex and instability and uncertainty have increased significantly.”

Five years ago, at the fifth plenary session of the XVIII Central Committee, the CCP formulated the Thirteenth Five-Year Plan. At that time, the description of the international situation was that “the development environment is more complicated” and “From an international perspective, the issue of the era of peace and development has not changed and the world is multipolar.” Globalization , economic globalization, cultural diversification and the deep development of social computerization, “” the international balance of power gradually tends to balance, “” the complexity of international relations is unprecedented, “” uncertainty factors in the external environment have significantly increased “and” risk challenges have increased. However, he believes that he is still in a period of important strategic opportunities that can go a long way.

Comparing the assessment of the international situation five years ago, the job of the secretaries is relatively simple, basically copying, adjusting the text and order appropriately, and then applying it after five years.

The slight difference is that “globalization and multipolarization” have disappeared. The CCP leaders also know that globalization is moving away from China, so they have joined the so-called “great invisible changes in a century,” but did not describe what kind of big changes they are. In the end, he said that “it is still in a period of important strategic opportunities” and did not describe the opportunities.

Five years ago, the top CCP leaders did not realize the possible tremendous changes on the international scene, and they could only be seen as a lack of knowledge; Now, the CCP faces the situation of international isolation in front of its eyes, but it takes the trouble and refuses to admit it. Period of opportunity “.

The senior CCP officials, knowing that they are all crises and that there are no opportunities, do not dare to explain the main reason, naturally, they fear that the legitimacy of the CCP regime will surface again. The dissociation of the United States government is increasingly rapid, the counterattack becomes stronger and stronger, constantly distinguishing the Chinese communist regime from the Chinese people, also withdrawing its ambassador to China, suspending diplomatic communication with the Chinese Communist Party, and not recognizing the Chinese communist regime is only a matter of time. Other countries experiencing the second epidemic are following up, and the day is approaching when the Chinese communist regime must be held accountable.

The assessment of the internal situation also5It seems like similar years ago

The communiqué of the Fifth Plenary Session of the XIX Central Committee of the Communist Party of China stated that “the economy has improved for a long time, the material base is solid, human resources are abundant, the market space is vast, the resilience of development it is strong, the overall social situation is stable, and continuous development has many advantages and conditions. “

Five years ago, the thirteenth Five-Year Plan declared that “the fundamentals of a good long-term economy have not changed and the prospects for development remain broad”, “the improvement in consumption is accelerating, the market space is wide, the base The material is solid, the industrial system is complete, the supply of capital is abundant, and the labor force is abundant. Capital is abundant, the cumulative effect of innovation is emerging, and comprehensive benefits remain significant. “” New growth engines are brewing and new growth points, growth poles and growth belts continue to grow. “

The domestic economic development situation assessed by the CPC plenary session remains the same as five years ago, except that most optimistic assessments have been removed, especially the “accelerated improvement in consumption” and “new growth points” . The cruel reality is that today, five years later, the consumption of the majority of the people in China has been forced to reduce and a lot of unemployment. Therefore, this time, “the general situation of society is stable, and there are many advantages and conditions for continuous development.”

All this is ironic, the current social situation is extremely unstable and it is impossible to see what advantages and conditions China has for economic development after globalization. Today, the content of the CCP’s assessment of the internal situation has quietly increased and decreased, actually reflecting the rapid deterioration of the internal situation driven by the external situation. You can only keep using “long-term improvement” to fool people.

Seemingly similar internal evaluations have essentially highlighted the real crisis facing the Chinese communist regime.

Five years ago, the Thirteenth Five-Year Plan outlined many “extensive, unbalanced, uncoordinated, and unsustainable problems …” in development, with more than 30 specific problems listed in all. Five years later, all these problems were erased and it was only said that “the problem of inadequate imbalance is still pending”, “the capacity for innovation does not meet the requirements of high-quality development, the agricultural base is not stable, and the gap between urban and rural regional development and income distribution is relatively large. ” Ecological and environmental protection has a long way to go, the security of people’s livelihoods has shortcomings, and social governance still has weaknesses. “

There are too many problems to solve at all. The Plenary Session of the Communist Party of China simply did not mention it, especially the key issue of unemployment, which was not mentioned. However, with more and more problems, the meeting had no choice but to say: “Maintain strategic determination, do your own business well”, “establish a bottom line” and “open a new game amid the changes” .

You can see that the top leaders of the Chinese Communist Party know that the problem cannot be solved, and what they really care about is preserving political power and maintaining the power of the individual.

In the current situation of the Chinese economy, the most reasonable approach should be to formulate a short and medium-term recovery plan, especially to retain the supply chain as much as possible, increase the development of the private economy, completely abandon the planned economy and solving the unemployment problem as soon as possible, instead of setting long-term goals. .

However, it is impossible for the CCP to admit the recession or abandon the planned economy. It is also impossible to admit that it is isolated, and it is impossible to admit that the existence of the CCP regime is the root cause of the internal and external crises. Therefore, the CPC plenum sidestepped the economic recovery plan and vigorously presented it. The illusory goal of 2035 remains an impossible goal of the 14th Five-Year Plan.

Five years ago, the overarching goal of the XIII Five-Year Plan was “to build a moderately prosperous society in all respects”, which has obviously not been achieved so far and will not be mentioned at all after five years. The seven goals from five years ago have not really been achieved, including “maintaining medium and high speed economic growth”, “remarkable results in innovation-driven development”, “significantly improved development coordination”, “overall improvement of standard of living and the quality of people “and The quality of citizens and the level of social civilization have improved significantly”, “the overall quality of the ecological environment has improved” and “all aspects of the system have become more mature and more established. “

In the fourteenth five-year plan, these goals are actually the primary goals, but a lot of vocabulary has been expanded, paragraphs have been expanded, and language has been changed. The new content includes, “The ability to respond to public emergencies has been significantly improved”, “The level of defense against natural disasters has been significantly improved” and “Important steps have been taken in modernizing the national defense and the military” .

The newly added content is obviously aimed at the Wuhan pneumonia epidemic, this year’s catastrophic floods and various other disasters, as well as the military siege caused by the CCP’s military expansion and, of course, the concealment of the epidemic by of the CCP can be heavily held accountable.

The CCP, of course, will declare that the thirteenth five-year plan is nearing completion, but most Chinese do not feel the same way.

It is worth mentioning that Taiwan was mentioned at the end of the Communist Party of China communiqué, saying that it “promotes the peaceful development of cross-strait relations.” This is not compatible with Xi Jinping’s high-profile commemoration of the Korean War, nor with the CCP’s frequent military harassment in the Taiwan Straits. However, senior CCP officials are aware of the gap in actual military power and they can only remain verbal and defensive.

Whether or not the CCP plenary session is held, and what it will be, most Chinese may feel that it has nothing to do with them and that it is more important to ask for their own lives. People did not pay much attention to the content of the meeting, and perhaps more concerned about the details of the CCP’s internal struggle.

If the full show-style of the CCP has infighting, in fact, it has little to do directly with the people. The CCP plenary session proved once again that the CCP regime has always used lies to cover up its incompetence and evil. No matter who is in power, as long as the CCP exists, China will have no way out. This is what should concern the Chinese people the most.

Editor in charge: Gao Yi #
