Cases in Europe exceed tens of millions of countries to initiate a second “lockdown” _ 东方


Original title: European cases exceeded 10 million and more countries launched a second “blockade”

The second wave of new corona epidemics in Europe has become increasingly intense, with confirmed cases exceeding 10 million, and new cases in many countries have repeatedly reached new highs, and the government has had to implement a second “blocking”. However, support for the government’s epidemic prevention policies by the people in some countries has declined and the situation for epidemic prevention and control is not optimistic.

  New cases in various countries reach a new record

According to the latest data published by the World Health Organization on the night of the 29th, there were more than 239,000 new confirmed cases of new crowns and 2,482 deaths in Europe in the last 24 hours, making the cumulative number of new confirmed crowns in the region it exceeded 10 million for the first time, reaching more than 10,229 million. , There are more than 276,000 deaths for the new crown.

According to data published by the health authorities of European countries on the 29th, the new cases of new crowns in some European countries reached the highest record since the outbreak.

In Belgium there were 21,048 new confirmed cases in the last 24 hours, a record. The number of hospitalized patients with new crowns reached 5,924, which also surpassed the peak of the first round of the epidemic in April this year. In the last 24 hours, Poland has confirmed 20156 cases nationwide, surpassing 20,000 for the first time, and the cumulative number of confirmed cases has exceeded 300,000.

In addition, Romania, Sweden, Austria, Portugal, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Lithuania, Croatia, Serbia and other countries in the 29 recently confirmed cases reached the highest value since the outbreak.

The number of new cases in France, the United Kingdom, Germany and other countries remains high. There were 26,831 new cases and 1,651 intensive care patients in Italy that day. Since the 28th, the number of confirmed patients in Italy has once again exceeded the number of patients recovered during the same period, for the first time since the beginning of May this year.

According to data from the Bulgarian Ministry of Health, as of the 29th, the countryShare2,087 doctors were infected with the new coronavirus. In just one day from 28 to 29, 67 medical staff were infected.

  Increasingly secondary “locks”

Faced with the rapid increase in the number of cases, European governments continue to toughen their anti-epidemic policies, and many countries have initiated or are about to implement the second “blockade” measures.

France announced that it would again “close the city” across the country from the 30th, at least until December 1. During the “closed city” period, all non-essential travel by people is banned, private and public gatherings are banned, universities will be closed, and online teaching will be provided. In addition, the government advocatescompanyImplement teleworking as much as possible and encourage remote ordering,DeliveryDoor to door and take outSales

Germany will close restaurants, bars, theaters, playgrounds, gyms, beauty salons and other catering, cultural and sports facilities from November 2 to the end of November. The government requires that people minimize contact with people other than family members, and gatherings in public places should not exceed 2 households or 10 people.

In addition, Belgium has implemented uniform rules against the epidemic throughout the country since 0:00 on the 29th, including the closure.Catering, Encourage work from home, limit the number of people who shop in supermarkets, maintain social distance, wear masks, etc. Since 29, the two cities in northern Greece have beenshort termThe increase in domestic cases has officially entered a state of lockdown. Greek Prime Minister Mizotakis will announce a new month-long “action plan against the epidemic” on the 30th.

Ireland has re-implemented “city closures” measures at the national level as of the 22nd of this month. Irish HealthServiceExecutive boardExecutive DirectorPaul Reid said on the 29th that after a week of national efforts to “close the city”, the Irish epidemic has shown some mitigation trends, but this trend is neither stable nor unsustainable.

  Call people to unite and persevere

Strict epidemic prevention measures, especially the “lockdown” policy, will inevitably affectsocietyEconomic life has an impact, the epidemiclongThe normalization of globalization and prevention and control has also caused fatigue and laziness in some Europeans. Recent polls in many countries show that public support for the government’s epidemic prevention policy has dropped significantly and the willingness to comply with epidemic prevention regulations has been greatly reduced.

Recently, protests and rallies against the government’s epidemic prevention measures have appeared in cities in Germany, France and Austria, and voices against the “lockdown” policy have also appeared in economic circles. The new Czech Health Minister Jan Bratny said on the 29th that his main task now is to change people’s opinion about the new coronavirus and epidemic prevention measures. Officials from the Federal Department of Health and Fight against the Epidemic of Bosnia and Herzegovina criticized the public on the 29th for insufficient awareness of the seriousness of the epidemic and failure to comply with measures to prevent the epidemic.

German ChancellorMerckOn the 29th, Seoul called on people to support, cooperate and help each other, “This is the only way to survive this historical crisis,” he emphasized, “Freedom is not about everyone doing what they want, now freedom isresponsibility. Responsible with yourself, with your family, with your colleagues and with all of us. “(Xinhua News Agency, Vienna, October 30. Xinhua News Agency reporters: Yu Tao; participating reporters: Yuan Liang, Pan Geping, Zhang Baoping, Yang Xiaohong, Sun Yifei, He Miao, Chen Junxia, Jiang Xue, Zhang Jiawei, Jin Jing, Chen Xu, Lin Huifen, Guo Qun, Zhang Xiuzhi, Gao Lei, Wen Xinnian, Shi Zhongyu, Xu Yongchun, Yu Shuaishuai, Zhang Qi, Li Jie, Zhang Yirong, Zhang Yadong, Peng Lijun , Guo Mingfang)

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(Article source:Xinhuanet

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