Closure of the 28th meeting of the Permanent Commission of the VIII Municipal People’s Assembly


Closing 28th meeting of the Permanent Commission of the Eighth Municipal People’s Assembly

Release date: 2020-10-30 08:31
Information source: Jiaxing Daily
Points of view:

Yesterday morning, the 28th meeting of the Permanent Commission of the VIII Municipal People’s Assembly held its second plenary session. Liu Dongsheng, director of the Municipal People’s Congress Standing Committee, Deputy Directors Wang Maqing, Zhang Yonghong, Zhao Jianming, Qi Hailong and Zhuo Weiming, General Secretary Tang Yunliang, and members of the Standing Committee attended the meeting. Vice Mayor Xing Haihua, Chairman of the Municipal Intermediate People’s Court Yao Haitao and Chief Prosecutor of the Municipal People’s Prosecutor Yang Jinsong attended the meeting as non-voting delegates. Zhu Jingqi, vice president of CPPCC, was invited to attend the meeting. During the meeting, there was also a special consultation meeting for the representatives of the Fifth Session of the Eighth Municipal People’s Assembly to propose works.

The meeting heard a report on the group’s deliberations. The members of the Standing Committee fully affirmed the work done by the government. At the same time, it focused on projects with government investment, research on specific issues of state assets of municipal institutions of education, culture, health and sports, mediation and resolution of contradictions and disputes, the reform of “at most one place” Suggestions on the implementation of Jiaxing Outdoor Advertising and Sign Installation Regulation.

During the group’s deliberations, Liu Dongsheng emphasized that the promotion of the supporting facilities of the Nanhu Revolutionary Memorial Hall and the surrounding landscape improvement project must have “three obediences”: time must obey the node, the offer must obey the demand and construction must obey quality to ensure that the party is completed a hundred years ago. Exhibition room. Focusing on the investigation of the specific problems of the state assets of educational, cultural, health and sports institutions at the city level, Liu Dongsheng pointed out that it is necessary to make good use of the research results and make the second half from the article. Government departments should pay great attention to the problems, adhere to the problem orientation, do a good evaluation job together with the “13th five-year plan” and prepare them together with the “14th five-year plan”; relevant departments should do a good job in rectifying and reforming problems and promoting work from “things” to “systems”. And then to the change of “governance”. The National People’s Congress should adhere to the performance orientation and promote the rectification and reform of related matters in accordance with the requirements of the “fixing method”, “money management” and “map fixing”. To mediate and resolve contradictions and disputes, “run at most one place” reform, we must understand the direction, goals and performance targets, and implement the new era “The Maple Bridge Experience” of “the little things do not leave the village, great things do not leave the city and contradictions are not delivered “to achieve” Three changes “:” multiple reception “to” acceptance in a single window “, from resolving contradictions to satisfying needs, to resolve contradictions to study, judge and predict, and solve contradictions with precision.

The meeting issued a resolution of the Permanent Commission of the Municipal People’s Assembly on strengthening the management of state assets of municipal education, culture, health and sports systems and institutions to promote the high-quality development of social enterprises, and voted on relevant municipal government investment projects and personnel matters.

Relevant persons in charge of the Municipal Supervisory Commission, relevant general undersecretaries of the municipal government, main heads of relevant municipal departments (units), general undersecretaries of the Permanent Commission of the Municipal People’s Assembly, heads of special commissions of the Municipal People’s Assembly, institutions of work and offices of the Permanent Commission of the Municipal People’s Assembly The heads of the permanent commissions of the people’s congresses of the counties (cities, districts) and the deputies to the people’s congresses of some cities attended the meeting as delegates without the right to vote.
