Actively Explore Effective Ways To Help Talent Build A “Can’t Take Down” “Expert Group” | agricultural and secondary products | poverty alleviation | poverty alleviation_Sina


Original title: Actively explore effective ways to help talents build a “pool of experts” that cannot be taken away

To ensure that poverty alleviation goals and tasks are completed properly and on time, it is necessary to assemble a team of poverty alleviation cadres who understand poverty alleviation, can help and have a hard work style. . You need to create a team of high-quality, capable, technical professionals and further cultivate a group of A Skillful Leader to Get Rich. Based on the demand for talent in the assisted areas, since 2018, Beijing’s Fengtai District has sent a total of 11 party and government cadres to Linxi and Zhalaite Banner County, Inner Mongolia, and 155 professionals and technicians. in the fields of education, medicine and health, and agricultural technology. 10 people-times of temporary tables and 258 people-times of professional and technical personnel in assisted areas; organization of party and government cadres and professional and technical personnel in assisted areas to carry out various special trainings for 106 times, with a total of 8,415 person-time, insisting on stimulating the endogenous motivation of cadres and people in poor areas, and actively Explore the good experience and good practices of talent support and create a “pool of experts” that cannot be removed.

Make good use of “off-the-job boxes” and build bridges to help alleviate poverty. Fengtai District considers the poverty alleviation first line to be an important position for cadre training and training and an important starting point to build a high-quality cadre team, encouraging the majority of cadres to participate actively in the cause of poverty alleviation and achieve great achievements on the front line of poverty alleviation. At the same time, actively promote the two-way transfer of cadres and the flow of talents between the two places, promote the exchange of ideas, the interaction of ideas, mutual learning of technology and mutual learning of styles, in order to play the bridge plaid paper. Liu Jian, a former Party Committee member and Minister of the Armed Forces Department of Nanyuan Township, Fengtai District, has been actively promoting communication between the two parties since April 2018, when he was appointed as a member of the Standing Committee of the Committee of the Flag and deputy head of the Zhalaite Flag. Taking advantage of the capital and market advantages of Fengtai, Zhalaite Banner’s characteristic industrial advantages, innovatively proposed a “1 + 2 + N” agricultural and secondary products sales model in Beijing to help consumption and mitigation of the poverty, so that Beijing residents can eat Zalaite Banner rice and more agricultural and livestock products can be sold in Beijing. In recent years, the Fengtai district has insisted on organizing special training on poverty alleviation and advocacy work in conjunction with aid-receiving regions, which has been widely praised by officials from both places. In order to overcome the adverse effects of the epidemic, cadres from the assisted areas were remotely linked to participate in training through the online conference system, and a workbook was compiled and distributed to support the relief of poverty to apprentices, helping cadres in both places to focus their efforts to win the fight against poverty.

Cultivate “career talents” and enhance your ability to help alleviate poverty. Today, the shortage of professional and technical personnel in poor areas remains very significant. Fengtai district will include professional and technical personnel in the overall assistance plan, based on the actual needs of the receiving area, select experts, academics, business backbone and other professional and technical personnel to go to the front line and carry out actively supporting and sharing in the fields of education, health, agriculture and animal husbandry, and big data. Working, organizing special conferences, distributing technical materials and answering questions on the ground, continuously improve the basic skills of the poor in the development of production, work and business, and enhance the self-development capacity of poor areas and people poor. At the same time, selected party and government cadres and professional and technical personnel from impoverished areas were received in batches to study and exchange in Beijing. The Fengtai District Health Commission selected medical experts to improve the level of diagnosis and treatment of local medical personnel, and cultivated “a medical team that cannot be carried” for the grasslands. The Fengtai District Education Commission organized the training of key teachers in the assisted areas, so that the two people who lived thousands of kilometers apart Local schools “hand in hand” develop together. These practical measures highlight the problem orientation and play an important role in cultivating professional talents in the receiving areas and enhancing their skills and abilities.

Develop “local talents”, get rich and start a business to get rid of poverty. According to the basic concept of “get rich first, help the rich, achieve common prosperity” and the work approach of “government-led multi-party participation, industry leadership and precise training”, the Fengtai district and the assisted areas adopted scientific and effective working mechanisms and sound policies. Support, train local “native talents” to become leaders in poor villages who can successfully start their own businesses and make their businesses rich, integrate scattered and determined poor households into enterprise industrial projects capable leaders and great people, and share the entire industry The income chain has taken a new path by relying on the enrichment leader to lead poor households to continually increase their income, stabilize poverty alleviation and prevent the return of poverty. Local talents have the natural advantage of being closer to the people in their places of origin, and are likely to become the “leading geese” who guide people in their places of origin to get rid of poverty and get rich. . For example, with the active support of the relevant departments, Zhao Lijie, a new farmer in Shuangxing Village, Xinchengzi City, Linxi County, led villagers to grow various organic grains and operated professional farmer cooperatives, forming a large-scale, intensive and mechanized production, which enhanced the economic benefits of agricultural production. , Radiation has lifted more than 200 poor households out of poverty and 1,640 rural households have increased their income.

Maintain the “return to the city of origin to start a new force” to benefit the city of origin and alleviate poverty. Talent attraction must begin by cultivating the hometown concept, which is the endogenous motivation for the return of talents. In the process of helping Linxi County, Fengtai District, based on the rich local resources of high-quality agricultural and secondary products, set up special counters in Beijing and held promotional meetings for publicity and promotion. Yuegezhuang Village and Zhengchangzhuang Village, Lugouqiao Township, Fengtai District, together with the Linxi County Government, invested 200 million yuan to build a modern, computerized, multi-functional and comprehensive agricultural and secondary product distribution, cold storage, processing and online and offline transactions. Linxi Yuegezhuang Agricultural and By-Products Trade Center solves local agricultural and by-product sales problems and provides opportunities for local people to find employment and entrepreneurship. Many young people return to their places of origin and sell agricultural and secondary products online and offline to increase their income. In the next step, the two sides will also increase their industrial poverty alleviation efforts, let the industry take root in the countryside, and make the countryside a platform for entrepreneurial talent and a stage for dreams.

(Author: Keyan Rong, Du Yuwei, respectively Taiwan Unity Department Normal University, Beijing Fengtai District Office of Poverty Alleviation)
